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In 1295 who decided pins of Zirkarie Saxony a triennial provincial chapter perform. Usually the meeting found St. Mary pin Magdeburg instead. Representatives sent z. As the cathedral chapter Brandenburg and Havelberg . Mother pen was Our Lady Magdeburg , the nave towards the east.

Zirkarie designates a visitation and administrative district in the Premonstratensian order . It is comparable to the order province in other orders . However, this applies to a certain extent, because the circaria does not have its own corporate character.


In the last decades of the 12th century, between the general chapter and the monasteries, and in addition to the filiation between mother and daughter monasteries, the circarias, which had been required since about the middle of the century, were introduced. These were visitation districts without their own corporate character. After the provinces of the religious orders of knights, the circaria were the earliest regional subdivisions in the religious order. The basis for this new organizational system was probably the order's internal double visitation system. At the head of each circari there were two (later only one) designated by the general chapter “ visitators ” or “circator capituli” who visited the monasteries of the district and derived their authority from the general chapter. With the circaria, the Premonstratensians created an administrative structure independent of the episcopal diocesan structures. Provincial chapters of their own soon formed within the circarias, which were initially suppressed by Prémontré , but then allowed in, in order to have a strong and relevant institution available in the beginning struggle for exemption . From the late Middle Ages onwards, the Order's Abbot General appointed a vicar in each circariate; This was responsible for the management of the Order Province and the calling and chairmanship of the provincial chapters, which were only sporadically carried out.

In Central Europe there have been various zircariums with around 300 pens since the 13th century, including: Burgundy, Bavaria, Bohemia, Friesland, Ilfeld am Harz, Lorraine, Swabia , Saxony, Wadgassen and Westphalia. With 48 houses in the Middle Ages, Westphalia was one of the largest circarias in the entire order. In the 17th century, the remnants of the Wadgassen and Ilfeld circariums were united with Westphalia. The Austrian monasteries belonged partly to the Bavarian and partly to the Bohemian Circarie. Own circariums existed in Scandinavia, Ireland, Hungary, Spain and the Orient. France, England, Poland, and the Netherlands were each divided into several zircaries. For a long time, the management of the Swabian circari was in the hands of the Abbot von Rot an der Rot . The circuses of Bavaria and Swabia were closely linked; According to the Annales Praemonstratensis (Nancy 1734) of Abbot Charles Louis Hugo von Prémontré, who died in 1739, a joint “Circaria Sueviae et Bavariae” is said to have existed in the 1730s.

With the new constitutions of 1970, instead of geographical circarias, circarias based on language groups were introduced: a French, a Dutch, an English and a German-speaking circarius. The old circles of Bohemia and Hungary remained.

Today's structure of the circaria

Bohemian Circaria

Brabant Circarie

It includes the Dutch-speaking abbeys in the Netherlands and Belgium, as well as their dependent houses.

  • Averbode Abbey , Belgium
    • Brasschaat, Belgium
    • Vejle , Denmark
  • Berne Abbey, Netherlands
    • De Essenburgh, Netherlands
    • Tilburg De Schans, Netherlands
  • Chicuayante, Chile
  • Grimbergen Abbey , Belgium
  • Abbey Park , Belgium
  • Postel Abbey, Belgium
  • Tongerlo Abbey , Belgium
  • Mariengaard Premonstratensian Convent, the Netherlands
  • Sint-Catharinadal Premonstratensian Monastery in Oosterhout, Netherlands
  • Immaculata Premonstratensian Convent in Veerle-Laakdal, Belgium

German-speaking circarius

English-speaking circari

French-speaking circari

Italian-speaking circari

Portuguese-speaking circari

Hungarian circuit

Outside of a circaria

Canonies with no affiliation

Premonstratensian monasteries under episcopal supervision


  • Norbert Backmund: The Development of the German Premonstratensian Circariums. In: Journal of Church History . Issue 95, 1984, pp. 215-222.
  • Norbert Backmund: The last years of the Bavarian Circarie. In: Analecta Praemonstratensia 50 . 1974, pp. 112-118.
  • Otto Beck: The Swabian Circarie of the Premonstratensians. In: Bad Schussenried. History of an Upper Swabian monastery town. 1983, pp. 9-28.
  • Irene Crusius , Helmut Flachenecker (ed.): Studies on the Premonstratensian Order (= publications of the Max Planck Institute for History . Volume 185), studies on Germania sacra . Volume 25, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2003, ISBN 3-525-35183-6 .
  • Burkhard Gehle: The Premonstratensians in Cologne and Dünnwald: An appreciation of their work in the context of legal development from the high Middle Ages to modern times . BR Grüner, Amsterdam 1978, ISBN 9060321065 , ISBN 9789060321065 .
  • Ingrid Kessler: Origin and Development of the Westphalian Circaria in the Middle Ages. In: Analecta Praemonstratensia 81 . 2005, pp. 35-63.
  • Hellmut Müller: Statutes of the Premonstratensian Order in the Saxon Circarie Magdeburg, June 6, 1424. In: Lapidarium Jerichowense: Monastery, brick building, city history. Volume 1. 2002, pp. 11-37.
  • Tore Nyberg: The Scandinavian Circaria of the Premonstratensian Canons. In: Gert Melville (ed.): Secundum regulam vivere. Festschrift for P. Norbert Backmund O.Praem . Windberg 1978, p. 265.
  • Real Theological Encyclopedia . Volume 27: Politics, Political Science - Journalism, Press . de Gruyter, Berlin 1997, ISBN 3110154358 , ISBN 9783110154351 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Christian Gahlbeck, Wolfgang Schößler: Brandenburg / Havel. Premonstratensian Cathedral Chapter of St. Peter and Paul . In: Heinz-Dieter Heimann , Klaus Neitmann , Winfried Schich and others (eds.): Brandenburgisches Klosterbuch. Handbook of the monasteries, pens and commander by the mid-16th century. Volume I . 2 volumes, Be.Bra Wissenschaft Verlag, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-937233-26-0 , 3rd constitutional order. 3.1 Position in the Order, pp. 235–236.
  2. ^ Clemens Bergstedt, Christian Popp: Havelberg. Premonstratensian Cathedral Chapter . In: Heinz-Dieter Heimann , Klaus Neitmann , Winfried Schich and others (eds.): Brandenburgisches Klosterbuch. Handbook of the monasteries, pens and commander by the mid-16th century. Volume I . 2 volumes, Be.Bra Wissenschaft Verlag, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-937233-26-0 , 3rd constitutional order. 3.1 Position in the Order, p. 576.
  3. a b c The Premonstratensians in the German Southwest, 2002. ( Memento from October 27, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 97 kB)
  4. Gehle, pp. 63-64.
  5. Gehle, p. 64.
  6. Theological Real Encyclopedia, p. 169.
  7. Otto Beck, pp. 9-28
  8. cf. Johannes A. Mol: Relationships between the Circaries of Friesland and Westphalia in the Middle Ages. In: Analecta Praemonstratensia, 81/2005, pp. 128–153 digitized version (PDF; 10.3 MB)
  9. ^ Ludger Horstkötter: The Premonstratensians in Westphalia. In: Magdalena Padberg (Ed.): Oelinghausen Monastery. Arnsberg 1986, p. 14
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