Cooperation network for equal health opportunities

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The cooperation group "Health Equal Opportunities" is a joint project of the Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA), the federal and state associations for health, health insurance companies and doctors' associations , the German Association of Cities , the Federal Employment Agency , welfare associations and many other partner organizations. It was founded in 2003 on the initiative of the BZgA.

Background and origin

Anyone who is disadvantaged in Germany due to difficult living conditions has twice the risk of falling ill and a life expectancy that is up to ten years lower than people in more favorable living conditions. Shift-dependent differences relate to the state of health, health behavior and the use of preventive and early diagnosis examinations.

Against the background of this situation, the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), together with several federal states , the state associations for health , the Federal Association for Prevention and Health Promotion, health insurance companies, doctors and welfare associations, started the nationwide To set up the cooperation network “Health Promotion for the Socially Disadvantaged”. The internet platform of the cooperation group has been on the internet at since 2003 . The cornerstone of the association is the declaration of cooperation that was signed in 2003. In November 2012, the association was renamed "Cooperation Association for Health Equal Opportunities".

Since summer 2019, the cooperation network has comprised 74 partner organizations. An advisory working group at the BZgA made up of recognized experts from science, health insurance companies, politics and practice accompanies the activities of the cooperation group. The office of the cooperation network is coordinated by Gesundheit Berlin-Brandenburg, Working Group for Health Promotion.


Strengthening the health of people in difficult social situations is the concern and topic of the partners in the cooperation network for equal health opportunities.

The main goals are

  • to increase the transparency of activities in the field of health promotion for socially disadvantaged target groups (e.g. through the nationwide practice database),
  • to support the quality development of the offers (e.g. through the Good Practice criteria and selected practical examples) and
  • to promote cooperation between the actors (e.g. through the coordination offices for equal health opportunities in the federal states).

The cooperative association sees health promotion as a cross-cutting issue and supports the development of health-promoting activities also in "non-health" fields of activity.


The internet platform "" was set up in order to provide an overview in the field of health promotion for the socially disadvantaged and to multiply knowledge. At its core, this contains a nationwide database for practical projects and health promotion offers for socially disadvantaged people with currently over 2,000 registered offers.

In order to support quality development in the practice of social situation-related health promotion, experts from the advisory working group have developed twelve “good practice criteria”. The cooperation network supports the use of these criteria by developing and providing instruments and materials under its umbrella, such as the work aids for prevention and health promotion in the neighborhood and the workshops for implementing the quality criteria in the local community. At the end of 2015, the good practice criteria were thoroughly revised as "profiles". There are now step ladders for implementation for all criteria. This gives practitioners an instrument for examining the quality of their own work.

In terms of content, the cooperation network is primarily involved in five areas of activity: child health, health promotion for the unemployed, health promotion for refugees, health promotion in the district and health promotion for older people. He organizes professional exchange through conferences and workshops and provides information materials.

In order to support practical projects and actors in urban districts with special development needs in the health-promoting design of their offers, the working aids “Become active for health” were developed within the framework of the cooperation network. The working aids present effective measures, give hints and tips for implementation as well as for helpful cooperation.

Coordination offices for equal health opportunities

At the same time as the internet platform, the state associations for health started to set up “Coordination Offices for Health Equal Opportunities” (KGC, until November 2012 “Regional Nodes”) in the federal states in order to strengthen the social situation and health issue locally. The coordination offices have been represented in all 16 federal states since 2007.

The KGC are the competence and mediation centers of the cooperation network at state level. In order to optimally connect with the existing structures, they are part of the state associations for health promotion (LVG), whose specialist know-how they can fall back on. In the federal states without a carrier, comparable institutions take on this function.

The KGC promote cooperation between the federal and state levels, improve the transfer of information between the health-promoting offers in their federal states and thus contribute to strengthening the topic as well as improving the quality of practice. In this context, the KGC integrate themselves into the respective health policy and specialist priorities in their federal states, which may a. reflected in health goals and state health conferences.

In autumn 2016, the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds commissioned the BZgA to further develop the work of the KGC qualitatively and quantitatively as part of the implementation of the Act to Strengthen Health Promotion and Prevention. With an increase in staff, the activities in the field of social disadvantage and vulnerable target groups in the respective country can be reliably coordinated and expanded.

Municipal partner process "Health for All"

Based on the question of how children and young people in difficult social situations can grow up healthier, the member organizations in the cooperation group have put together recommendations for action “Sustainably improve the health opportunities of socially disadvantaged children and young people!”. The recommendations are based on practical experience (including good practice examples) and bundle their starting points and strategies.

In order to support the implementation of the recommendations in the municipalities, the cooperation network initiates a joint exchange of experiences at the municipal level. Launched in 2011 under the name “Growing up healthily for everyone!”, The communal partner process until autumn 2015 focused primarily on health promotion in the area of ​​children and young people. In November 2015, it was officially decided to expand the partner process to all phases of life and rename it to “Health for All”.

The aim of the partner process is to harmonize communal offers and approaches across departments and to ensure that needs-based and coordinated offers can be guaranteed from the phase around birth to the end of life. In particular, it is a matter of designing and coordinating the support offers around biographical transitions in such a way that those affected do not experience them as a health hazard. Such integrated municipal overall concepts are intended to make a contribution to reducing the consequences of poverty.

In order to make the results and experiences from the partner process available to as many municipalities as possible, the partner process uses the inforo internet platform. inforo is a joint project of various municipal-oriented partners, which facilitates cross-departmental cooperation through various online offers and promotes specialist exchange. The partner process on inforo, for example, makes developed communal work materials available to all other interested professionals or invites you to online discussions.


The 80th Conference of Health Ministers decided in 2007 to strengthen the cooperation network. In the same year, the Expert Council for the Assessment of Developments in the Health Care System (SVR) devoted a separate chapter to the work of the cooperation network in its report "Cooperation and Responsibility". In it, the cooperation between the partners and, in particular, the networking work at state level by the regional nodes (today: Coordination Offices for Health Equal Opportunities) are recognized. The experts recommended that these structures should be strengthened and expanded.

In 2014, the ministers and senators for health of the federal states adopted the resolution “Supporting the municipal partner process 'Growing up healthily for all' and implementing health” at the 87th Health Ministers Conference.

In the “Prevention Guide - Fields of Action and Criteria of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds for the Implementation of Sections 20 and 20a SGB V” in the revised version of December 10, 2014, the cooperation association for equal health opportunities is described in detail as an essential source for community-oriented primary prevention and health promotion (p . 27f.). In principle, it is not possible for health insurances to finance permanent staff positions within the framework of prevention and health promotion - here the coordination offices for equal health opportunities are the only exception (p. 26).


See also


  • Federal Center for Health Education (Ed.): Criteria of good practice in health promotion among socially disadvantaged people. Approach - examples - further information. 5th, expanded and revised edition. Cologne 2011.
  • Gesundheit Berlin-Brandenburg (Hrsg.): Getting active for health - working aids for prevention and health promotion. 4th, revised edition. Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-939012-10-8 .
  • H. Kilian, F. Lehmann, A. Richter-Kornweitz, L. Kaba-Schönstein, A. Mielck: Strengthening health promotion in the living environment together - the cooperation network for equal health opportunities. In: Federal Health Gazette. 59, 2016, pp. 266-273.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Lampert, Lars E. Kroll: Poverty and health. (PDF). In: GBE compact. No. 5, 2010, pp. 1-2.
  2. ^ Robert Koch Institute (ed.): Poverty, social inequality and health. Expertise of the Robert Koch Institute on the 2nd poverty and wealth report of the federal government . (PDF) Contributions to federal health reporting. RKI, Berlin. 2005, p. 30.
  3. Frank Lehmann: Cooperation network for realizing health promotion among socially disadvantaged people in Germany. In: Klaus Hurrelmann, Matthias Richter (Ed.): Health inequality. Basics, problems, perspectives. 2nd Edition. Wiesbaden 2009, p. 450 ff.
  4. Stefan Bräunling, Holger Kilian: Promotion of equal health opportunities as the core of sustainable health promotion. In: Eberhard Göpel (ed.): Sustainable health promotion. Shaping health together. Volume 4, Frankfurt am Main 2010, pp. 202–203.
  5. Frank Lehmann, Monika Köster, Sven Brandes, Stefan Bräunling, Raimund Geene, Lotte Kaba-Schönstein, Holger Kilian, Susanne Linden, Mira Wehen, Natascha Reker: Criteria of good practice in promoting health among socially disadvantaged people. Approach - Examples - Further information. In: Concrete health promotion. Volume 5, 5th, expanded and revised edition. Cologne 2011.
  6. Barbara Leykamm: Health Promotion for the Socially Disadvantaged - Node for Regional Coordination. In: Raimund Geene, Judith Steinkühler (Ed.): Strategies and experiences. More health for everyone. The BKK initiative as a model for social situation-related health promotion. Volume 14. Bremerhaven 2005, pp. 165-167.
  7. ↑ Recommendations for action "Sustainably improve the health opportunities of socially disadvantaged children and adolescents!"
  8. ^ Conference of Health Ministers, resolutions of the 80th GMK (2007). Retrieved July 20, 2017 .
  9. a b Expert Council on the Assessment of Developments in the Health Care System: Cooperation and Responsibility. Requirements for goal-oriented health care. Report 2007 short version. P. 96.
  10. Resolution "Supporting the municipal partner process 'Growing up healthily for all' and implementing"
  11. ^ Conference of Health Ministers, resolutions of the 87th GMK (2014). Retrieved July 20, 2017 .
  12. "Prevention guidelines - fields of action and criteria of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds for the implementation of §§ 20 and 20a SGB V"
  13. a b Prevention Guide. Chapter 4 Setting approach according to Section 20, Paragraph 1 (new: 20a) SGB V. (PDF) (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on July 15, 2017 ; Retrieved July 20, 2017 .