Poll Art Foundation

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The Poll Art Foundation is located in Berlin .

Goal setting

The Poll Art Foundation was founded in Berlin in 1986. The aim of the foundation is to promote and research figurative art in the 20th century. It works to ensure that certain individual artistic positions of realism , regardless of current fashions or market developments, remain accessible to the public, are professionally supervised and receive scientific attention.


The foundation of the foundation's art collection, which has been a museum for several years after being confirmed by the competent state authority, is based on the artistic bequests, endowments and work groups from Herbert Kaufmann, Christel and Hermann Poll , Peter Sorge , Maina-Miriam Munsky and others. a. as well as works by European artists who also devoted themselves to figurative painting and sculpture in the second half of the 20th century. The foundation continues to strive for works that deal with current social phenomena as well as with the great realistic currents of the first half of the 20th century. A photographic collection is currently under construction, the core of which is the archive of the artist photographer Erhard Wehrmann , who died in 2004 .


Since 1997 the Art Foundation has shown regular exhibitions in the gallery it runs in the former Musikschule Mitte, not only from its holdings, but also current works by contemporary artists such as Oz Almog , Stefan Höller , Susanne Knaack or Esther Shalev-Gerz , and here with a focus Photography such as Göran Gnaudschun , Doug Hall , Thomas Leuner , Irina Liebmann or Gabriele and Helmut Nothhelfer . The foundation's own scientific projects complement the work of the foundation, which is supported by an advisory board made up of artists, museum directors, art critics and collectors.


The first Catholic nursing home in Berlin, which was founded in 1780, was located at Gipsstraße 3 . Today only the right side wing of the extension building remains as a single monument. After the construction of the St. Hedwig Hospital on Große Hamburger Straße, the retirement and nursing home at Gipsstraße 3 was no longer needed and went to the Jewish community, which set up the "First Israelite People's Kindergarten and Hort" here in 1891 and the building in 1913 -Ensemble supplemented by a class wing in cap design. After all Jewish day-care centers and children's homes were closed in National Socialist Germany in 1942 , Gipsstrasse 3 was converted into one of the notorious assembly camps for children. In autumn 1942 all the children from Gipsstrasse 3 were deported to Auschwitz . In June 1940 ownership of the property at Gipsstrasse 3 had to be transferred to the "Reich Association of Jews in Germany" and in June 1942 to the " National Socialist People's Welfare ". After the property was transferred to the people's property in 1950, the music school of the Mitte district was set up in 1948 at Gipsstrasse 3 , and it is one of the three oldest institutions of its kind in the eastern part of Berlin. In 1996 the property was restituted to the Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany, Inc. New York ( USA ), from which GbR Gipsstrasse 3 acquired it in 1997 and, based on the designs of the architect Jürgen Pleuser, became an art, publishing house. and had the studio house expanded. In 1998 the documenta work "KINO" by the Viennese artist Peter Friedl , which was shown in Kassel the previous year, was mounted as a permanent installation on the gas heating house in the courtyard. In the courtyard itself is an important example of sculpture from the GDR from the 1950s, the "interrogation in Algeria" by Genni Wiegmann-Mucchi (1895–1969).


  • 2003/04: Gall is sweet, my love! The exhibition project dealt with the photographically shaped image forms and perception patterns preferred by painters and graphic artists of the realism in the 1960s and 1970s, Poll Art Foundation in collaboration with the Eva Poll gallery
  • 2005: Securing evidence - between figuration and abstraction : Hermann Kirchberger, Becky Sandstede, Christel Poll
  • 2005: Erhard Wehrmann , documentamomente - photo portraits by documenta artists in Kassel and Berlin
  • 2007: When art criticism still had an impact ... Writing for Art - The Reading Book Heinz Ohff (2nd ed.)
  • 2009: Another perspective on the Berlin art salon
  • 2009: Ursula Kelm, Berlin Faces
  • 2011: Pictures of light and silence , work documentation Hermann Poll
  • 2012/13: After 175 years - The Göttingen Seven on Garrisonkirchplatz in Berlin-Mitte . Installation of the sculpture "The Seven Gestures of the Upright Walk" by Sabina Grzimek
  • 2013/14: Encounters in Arcadia. German painter on Ischia 1945-1955 , Spandau Citadel - Crown Prince Bastion
  • 2014: Großgörschen 35 . Departure for the art city Berlin 1964 . June 6th - August 10th. Haus am Kleistpark in cooperation with the Poll Art Foundation
  • 2016/2017: Insight into the collection. 30 years of the Poll Art Foundation (four-part exhibition series)

Board of Directors and Board of Trustees

The work of the art foundation is supported by an advisory board made up of artists, museum directors, art critics and collectors. The managing director is Lothar C. Poll . The advisory board consists of Eckhart Gillen , Arnold Heidemann, Ralf Kerbach , Heinz Nicklisch †, Heinz Ohff †, Eberhard Roters †, Karl Ruhrberg †, Jan Schüler , Peter Sorge † and Jürgen Waller .


  • Klaus Siebenhaar (Ed.): Culture Handbook Berlin. Bostelmann and Siebenhaar, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-934189-36-9 .

Publications (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 50 years of critical art. Retrieved December 11, 2019 .