Grossgörschen 35
Großgörschen 35 was a self-help gallery of Berlin artists that existed from 1964 to 1968 in a former factory floor in Berlin-Schöneberg , named after the address Großgörschenstraße 35. It is considered one of the first so-called producer galleries and was a model.

Under the name Großgörschen 35 , sixteen painters came together in 1964 in Berlin-Schöneberg in an exhibition group:
These artists, who knew each other from their studies at what was then the Berlin University of the Arts , had, in contrast to an artist group such as B. Gruppe Zebra does not have a uniform artistic program that would be set out in a founding manifesto. However, they had a common goal: "Overcoming common market strategies ", as Franz-Rudolf Knubel put it in the 1989 catalog for the exhibition of the Berlinische Galerie Stations of Modernism , since they had no chance on the official art market of the time.
The artists rented an empty commercial space in Schöneberg (former carpentry in the backyard), converted it into an exhibition space and jointly provided the financing.
Similarities existed in their painting training with teachers such as Mac Zimmermann , Harry Kögler , Fred Thieler , Werner Volkert , Ludwig Gabriel Schrieber , Hann Trier , Max Kaus , Otto Coester , Ernst Fritsch . However, there were more “confrontations than similarities” , some painted informally, others still or again objectively. Especially the later, paying guest exhibitors show little of a connection with the first “Großgörschenern” (the Großgörschen gang).
The first year of the group is considered significant because, as quoted by Ursula Prinz , “they summarized and made known the most important young artists of the time who would later achieve different fame.” And further: “It was the beginning of a renewal of Art that has not only retained its place in modern art history to this day, but continues to have an effect. "
After a year, Hödicke, Lüpertz and Wintersberger left the group, while guests such as Edwin Dickman , Eberhard Franke and Bernd Koberling joined them. - Members paid monthly membership fees, while guests only paid the cost of their exhibitions once. The members decided on the admission of guest exhibitions.
Eva and Lothar C. Poll joined them in 1966, Lothar C. Poll became honorary managing director in 1966, and the group was entered in the register of associations. The progressive dissolution of the group led u. a. for the establishment of the Poll gallery in Berlin. It was not until years later that individual participants, including above all Sorge, Diehl, Petrick, Berges and Albert , who are also known as “ Critical Realism ”, came together to form the Aspect group. The art critic Heinz Ohff , one of the most important supporters of the time, wrote in the magazine Kunst , 1976: "From Großgörschen a special Berlin post-war art direction grows, the critical realism influenced by both Dada and realistic tradition."
Publications by Großgörschen 35
- Retrospective 1964/65 - One year Großgörschen 35. CG Fahle Verlag, Münster 1965. 35 sheets, some folded several times, can be folded out. Exhibition from September 24 to October 24, 1965. (The green catalog).
- Booklet accompanying the exhibition Eduard Franoszek: Pictures, Drawings, Prints , January 14 to February 5, 1966, ed. von Großgörschen 35, Berlin 1966. 8 sheets, with 7 illustrations, a short biography of Franoszek and a text quote from Dieter Hülsmanns .
- Booklet accompanying the exhibition Werner Berges: Painting and Graphics , March 4-27, 1966, ed. von Großgörschen 35, Berlin 1966. 4 sheets with 9 illustrations, a list of the exhibited works, a short biography and a photo of Berges.
- Exhibition catalog Hans-Jürgen Diehl, May 20 to June 15, 1966, ed. von Großgörschen 35, Berlin 1966. 14 sheets (1 sheet can be folded out), with 11 illustrations, a list of the exhibited works and a price list, a short biography and texts by Albert Schulze-Vellinghausen and Heinz Ohff .
- Großgörschen Drucke I , red linen case with a cover title, 32 × 33 cm, a folded double-page text and 12 signed, dated and numbered original graphics, edition: 50 copies, plus 25 copies I-XXV. Artists: Ulrich Baehr, Werner Berges, Hans Jürgen Burgaller, Hans Jürgen Diehl, Leiv Warren Donnan, Hans-Georg Dornhege, Eduard Franoszek, Franz-Rudolf Knubel, Reinhard Lange, Wolfgang Petrick, Peter Sorge, Arnulf Spengler. First publication of the Großgörschen prints, Berlin, September 1966.
- Flyer for the exhibition Wolfgang Petrick: Graphics, Painting , October 15 - November 6, 1966, ed. von Großgörschen 35, Berlin 1966. With 2 illustrations, a short biography, a photo by Petrick and a text by Heinz Ohff .
- Sezession Grossgörschen 35 Berlin , 6-part leaflet for the exhibition of hand drawings from March 11 to April 14, 1967 in the Galerie Junge Generation, Hamburg. With biographies and illustrations by Ulrich Baehr, Werner Berges, Hans-Jürgen Diehl, Wolfgang Petrick, Peter Sorge and a text by Heinz Ohff, Cloppenburg 1967.
- Retrospective Großgörschen 35. Großgörschen 35 Berlin and the Senator for Science and Art, Berlin 1968. ([56 sheets]). In the rooms of the Gallery of the 20th Century October 31 - November 24, 1968.
Between June 16, 1964 and July 11, 1965, fourteen exhibitions were held in quick succession, beginning with KH Hödicke, which attracted a lot of attention beyond Berlin. Around 36 other exhibitions followed by the end of 1968.
- Karl Horst Hödicke: Painting and Graphics , June 16 - July 6. Solo exhibition, e.g. B. with the work: Windowpaines , for this German Youth Art Prize 1964, Mannheim
- Graphic , July 16 - August 20. Joint exhibition Lange, Petrick, Sorge, Spengler, Zeller
- Edwin Dickman, Eberhard Franke: Painting, Graphics , September 22nd - October 15th
- Hans-Jürgen Diehl: Painting, graphics , October 29th - November 22nd. Solo exhibition
- Ulrich Baehr: Painting , November 27th - December 14th. Solo exhibition
- Bernd Koberling: Painting , January 15th - February 7th. Solo exhibition
- Wolfgang Petrick: Painting, graphics , February 19 - March 14. Solo exhibition
- Markus Lüpertz: Dithyrambic painting , e.g. B. with the work: Panzerknacker AG (from the Donald Duck series started in 1963), March 19 - March 30. Solo exhibition
- Lambert Maria Wintersberger: painting, graphics , April 2nd - April 14th. Solo exhibition
- Peter Sorge, Leiv Warren Donnan: Painting, Graphics , April 15th - May 2nd
- Hans Jürgen Burggaller: Painting, graphics , May 7th - May 18th. Solo exhibition
- Arnulf Spengler: Painting, graphics May 21st - June 3rd. Solo exhibition
- Reinhard Lange: Painting, graphics , June 18 - July 11. Solo exhibition
- Retrospective 1964/65 - One year Großgörschen 35 , September 24th - October 24th. Group exhibition
- Franz Rudolf Knubel: painting, graphics . Solo exhibition
- Hans Georg Dornhege: painting, graphics . Solo exhibition
- Eduard Franoszek: Painting, graphics , January 14th - February 5th. Solo exhibition
- Werner Berges: Painting and Graphics , March 4th - March 27th. Solo exhibition
- Leiv Warren Donnan, Markus Lüpertz: Spring 66
- Ulrich Baehr, April 15 - May 8. Solo exhibition
- Hans-Jürgen Diehl, May 20, 1966 to June 15. Solo exhibition
- Michael Rühl: Time Pictures. Painting . June 16 - July 10. Solo exhibition
- Peter Sorge: painting, graphics . September 3 - September 18. Solo exhibition
- Hand drawings of the group
- Wolfgang Petrick: graphics, painting . October 15 - November 6. Solo exhibition
- Siegfried Kischko : Hand drawings , November 11th - November 27th. Solo exhibition
- Reinhard Lettau : Reading
- Leiv Warren Donnan: painting, graphics , December 2nd - December 22nd. Solo exhibition
- Oberbaumpresse : Reading by Peter Handke
- Arnulf Rainer : Graphics . Solo exhibition
- Reading: HC Artmann , Ernst Jandl , Friederike Mayröcker , Gerhard Rühm
- Hans Wilhelm Sotrop : Painting and hand drawings , February 10th - February 26th. Solo exhibition
- Erhart Wagner : painting, relief pictures, sculpture . Solo exhibition
- Hermann Albert: Painting , April 14th - April 30th. Solo exhibition
- Siegfried Neuenhausen : Relief pictures, graphics . Solo exhibition
- Wolf Kahlen : Hommage a McLuhan, space segments and remodeling , June 2 - June 30. Solo exhibition
- Homage to Axel Springer.
- Peter Tuma : Graphics . Solo exhibition
- Chart 67 . Group exhibition (Albert, Asmus, Barge, Berges, Peter Benkert , Burggaller, Damke, Donnan, Dornhege, Franoszek, Knopp, Kischko, Krüll, Kürschner, Lange, Nagel, Neuenhausen, Sorge, Spengler, Nikolaus Störtenbecker )
- Out of town
- Sezession Großgörschen 35 (Baehr, Berges, Diehl, Petrick, Sorge): Exhibition of hand drawings. March 11th - April 14th. Young Generation Gallery, Hamburg
- Hand drawings, Großgörschen 35. Ulrich Baehr u. a. May June. Gallery for friends of graphics, Frankfurt am Main
- Joachim Palm , January 12th - January 28th. Together with Schönholz
- Tilmann Lehnert : Reading
- Maina-Miriam Munsky : Painting , February 9th - 24th. Solo exhibition
- Gerhard Rühm: Reading
- Reinhard Lange: Leaves and Pictures , March 8th - March 24th. Solo exhibition
- Eduard Franoszek: painting, graphics . Solo exhibition
- Michael Jens Barge , May 10th - June 2nd. Solo exhibition
- Mienske Janssen : painting . Solo exhibition
- Heimrad Prem , Y. Fongi : Objects, pictures, graphics
- Group Zebra Hamburg: Asmus, Nagel, Störtenbecker, Ullrich, September - October. Traveling exhibition, guests
- Grossgörschen retrospective 35th October 31st - November 24th. Former rooms of the Galerie des XX. Century, Jebensstrasse No. 2
Follow-up exhibitions
- 1989: Großgörschen 35 celebrates its birthday. 1964-1989 . June 16 - June 24. Gallery Poll , Berlin
- 1990: Großgörschen 35 . January 14th - February 11th. Art Association, Lingen
- 2005: Großgörschen 35 and the consequences. 40 plus minus. A piece of West Berlin . Gallery Poll, Berlin
- 2014: Großgörschen 35th departure for the art city Berlin 1964 . June 6th - August 10th. Haus am Kleistpark in cooperation with the Poll Art Foundation
- Heinz Ohff : Galerie Großgörschen, Berlin, Jebenstrasse (November 1st - November 24th). In: The work of art. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart a. a., ISSN 0023-561X , 22, 1968/69, 5/6, p. 81.
- Art must sit on the citizen's neck, like the lion on the horse: 8 models of self-organization: Großgörschen 35 Berlin, Zehn Neun, Werkstatt Hamburg group, tent school Hamburg, Edition Staeck, Reflection Press Albrecht D., Augenladen Bernhard Sandfort, 7th producer gallery. 7. Producer Gallery, Berlin 1975 ([62 pp.]).
- Heinz Ohff: From Großgörschen to the cross gallery: the Berlin self-help galleries. In: The work of art. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart a. a., ISSN 0023-561X , 38, 1985, 4/5, pp. 136-143.
- Großgörschen 35 has birthday: 1964–1989, Galerie Eva Poll Berlin. Galerie Poll, Berlin 1989. ([20 sheets]) ( POLLeditions ; Vol. 21).
- Peter Hans Göpfert: The fathers on the way up. Lingen: "Großgörschen 35". In: art - Das Kunstmagazin , No. 1, January 1990, pp. 102, 103.
- Lucie Schauer : End and turn. Art landscape Berlin from 1945 to today. Lindinger + Schmid Verlag, Regensburg 1999, ISBN 3-929970-39-2 , pp. 22, 23.
- Edwin Dickman & Eberhard Franke and forty and one year Großgörschen 35: Exhibition July 15 - October 1, 2005, Taube Gallery. Gallery Taube, Berlin 2005 ([8 sheets]). (This catalog contains the first numbered list of exhibitions.)
- Ekhard Haack & Lothar C. Poll (eds.): Writing for art. Reading book by Heinz Ohff . Polleditions, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-931759-00-1 , pp. 114–115 (for the exhibition Hommage à Axel Springer, 1967).
- Alfred Werner Maurer : Großgörschen 35, Berlin . Philologus, Nice 2012.
- Jan Schüler : Paint away the fear. About birth, death and the change in life . In: Maina-Miriam Munsky . Paint away the fear. Inventory of paintings and drawings 1964–1998. Verlag Kettler, Bönen 2013, ISBN 978-3-86206-292-8 , pp. 21–24 (with illustrations).
- Eckhart Gillen : The lessons of the cold. Maina-Miriam Munsky's contribution to the search for the reality of West Berlin . In: Maina-Miriam Munsky: Painting away fear. Inventory of paintings and drawings 1964–1998 . Verlag Kettler, Bönen 2013, ISBN 978-3-86206-292-8 , pp. 60-64.
- Birgit Sonna: The laboratory. Grossgörschen 35 . In: art - Das Kunstmagazin , June 2014, pp. 112–113.
- Eckhart J. Gillen (Ed.): Großgörschen 35. Departure for the art city Berlin 1964 . With texts by Barbara Esch Marowski, Lothar C. Poll, Eckhard J. Gillen. Haus am Kleistpark in cooperation with the Poll Art Foundation , Berlin 2014.
- Anna Pataczek: You should be a painter. Berlin gallery and painter legends . In: Der Tagesspiegel , June 6, 2014.
- Harald Jähner: With leather jacket and handkerchief. The house at Kleistpark is reminiscent of the legendary artist group Großgörschen 35 . In: Berliner Zeitung , June 6, 2014, p. 23.
- Katrin Bettina Müller: Suspicion of the affirmation. Grossgörschen 35 . In: Die Tageszeitung , June 23, 2014, p. 24.
- Johannes Wendland: Gallery in No Man's Land. Berlin after the Wall was built . In: Handelsblatt (published as an app), June 23, 2014.
- Constanze Suhr, Lüpertz´Boys. New realism . In: tip , No. 13/2014, p. 102.
- Matthias Reichelt: Großgörschen 35th departure for the art city Berlin 1964 . In: Kunstforum International , Vol. 228 August - September 2014, pp. 244–246.
- Hans-Joachim Müller: Where the "genius" Lüpertz annoyed friends and foes. An exhibition commemorates the lively artist group “Großgörschen 35” . In: Berliner Morgenpost , August 6, 2014, p. 16.
- Matthias Reichelt: Großgörschenboys . In: Junge Welt , No. 182, August 8, 2014.
- Hans-Joachim Müller: Where the "genius" Lüpertz annoyed friends and foes. A show by the group “Großgörschen 35” recalls the time after the wall was built, when Berlin became a city of art . In: Die Welt , August 8, 2014, p. 21.
- Article about Großgörschen 35. In: Junge Welt , August 8, 2014
- Article about Großgörschen 35. In: Die Welt , August 8, 2014
Web links
- Großgörschen 35 on
- Mareike Nieberding: Foundation stone for Art Berlin: When the artists helped themselves . In: Der Spiegel online, June 10, 2014.
Individual evidence
- ↑ Some sources name: fourteen
- ^ Stations of modernity: the important art exhibitions of the 20th century in Germany. Nicolai, Berlin 1989, ISBN 3-87584-256-1
- ↑ Retrospective 1964/65 - One year Großgörschen 35. 1965.
- ^ Großgörschen 35 40 PLUS I MINUS A piece of West Berlin 1964–1968 (Galerie Eva Poll), accessed July 5, 2010
- ↑ Heinz Ohff: The muse kisses the reluctant bear. In: Magazine Art. Mainz, ISSN 0340-1626 , vol. 16, 1976, no. 3 ( special issue: Art in Berlin), pp. 63–68, quotation p. 66
- ↑ Also eleven in another count
- ↑ Exhibition information: +200 .