Kurt Pätzold

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Kurt Pätzold 2007

Kurt Pätzold (born May 3, 1930 in Breslau ; † August 18, 2016 in Berlin ) was a Marxist German historian .

Live and act

Kurt Pätzold came to Thuringia with his family in 1945 . From 1948 to 1953 he studied history, philosophy and political economy at the University of Jena and was awarded a doctorate there in 1963 with his work The Zeiss Group in the Great Depression. phil. PhD . In 1973 he completed his habilitation at the Humboldt University in Berlin with a doctorate in B Anti-Semitism and the Persecution of Jews (January 1933 to August 1935). A study of the political strategy and tactics of fascist German imperialism . After the fall of the Wall he was dismissed in 1992 as part of the winding up of the History Section. The former long-time director of the Center for Research on Antisemitism , Wolfgang Benz , describes the procedure of his dismissal as "scandalous" and unworthy.

Younger, regime-critical historians like Wolfram Brandes , however, saw Pätzold "as a tough follower of the SED". In April 1946 he had already joined the KPD (later SED ), for which he also worked full-time at the University of Jena from 1954 to 1960, including two years as secretary of the SED party leadership. After the Peaceful Revolution of 1989 , he was mainly accused of actively participating in the political persecution of critical scientists and students, as happened in the years 1956–1958 at the University of Jena, as well as in 1968, 1971/72 and 1976 at the Humboldt -University of Berlin. In 1990 he apologized for it. After the end of the GDR, Pätzold became one of the spokesmen for the left-wing extremist Marxist forum of the PDS .

Pätzold wrote regularly for the Junge Welt and was a member of the scientific advisory board of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation . His main research interests included the history of fascism and the NSDAP , developments in the field of historical revisionism, and the history of anti-Semitism and the persecution of Jews . According to Wolfgang Benz, with his work Faschismus, Rassenwahn, Judenver Persecution (1975) he set a “significant sign of Marxist research on anti-Semitism and fascism”. But his studies on National Socialism as a German variant of fascism and the history of the NSDAP are also considerable research achievements. In addition, with his biographical work on Adolf Hitler , Rudolf Hess , Julius Streicher and Adolf Eichmann's transport officer , Franz Novak , Pätzold broke new ground and "opened up new perspectives". In addition to the materialistic-dialectically oriented group, Pätzold was also an "important colleague" for the historians' guild as a whole.

Since 1996 Pätzold was a member of the Leibniz Society of Sciences in Berlin .

Kurt Pätzold was the father of three children. He died of cancer in August 2016.


As an author:

  • The Zeiss Group in the Great Depression [1929–1933]. Jena 1963 DNB 481922504 (Dissertation University of Jena, Philosophical Faculty, February 22, 1963, 271 pages).
  • Fascism, racial madness, persecution of the Jews. A study of the political strategy and tactics of fascist German imperialism 1933–1935 . Berlin 1975.
  • with Manfred Weißbecker : swastika and skull. The party of crime . Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin (GDR) 1981. In the same year published in the FRG as History of the NSDAP 1920–1945. Pahl-Rugenstein Verlag 1981, Cologne 1981.
  • Adolf Hitler. The fascist cabinet is formed. In: Helmut Bock / Wolfgang Ruge / Marianne Thoms (eds.): Fall into the Third Reich. Historical miniatures and portraits 1933/35 . Urania-Verlag, Leipzig / Jena / Berlin 1983, pp. 79-86.
  • Julius Streicher. Master race forms. In: Helmut Bock / Wolfgang Ruge / Marianne Thoms (eds.): Fall into the Third Reich. Historical miniatures and portraits 1933/35 . Urania-Verlag, Leipzig / Jena / Berlin 1983, pp. 290-296.
  • with Irene Runge : Pogrom Night 1938 . Berlin 1988.
  • with Erika Schwarz: Agenda: the murder of Jews. The Wannsee Conference on January 20, 1942. Documentation on the organization of the “Final Solution” . Berlin 1992.
    • Abstract: “The preparatory work has started.” The Wannsee Conference on January 20, 1942. In: Antisemitism and mass murder. Contributions to the history of the persecution of the Jews (= texts on political education. Vol. 16). Rosa-Luxemburg-Verein Sachsen, Leipzig 1994, ISBN 3-929994-14-3 , pp. 31–51.
  • with Erika Schwarz: "Auschwitz was just a train station for me". Franz Novak. Adolf Eichmann's transport officer . Berlin 1994.
  • with Manfred Weißbecker: Adolf Hitler. A political biography . Leipzig 1995.
  • with Peter Black: steps to the gallows. Life paths before the Nuremberg judgments . Leipzig 1996.
  • with Manfred Weißbecker: History of the NSDAP 1920–1945. Papyrossa Verlag, Cologne 1998, ISBN 978-3-89438-134-9 . (Revised version of the work published by Pahl-Rugenstein in 1981, expanded and revised new edition in 2009)
  • with Manfred Weißbecker: Rudolf Heß. The man at Hitler's side . Leipzig 1999. ISBN 978-3-86189-157-4 . (Review 2001 by Armin Nolzen ; online )
  • “You were the best soldiers.” Origin and history of a legend . Militzke Verlag, Leipzig 2000, ISBN 3-86189-191-3
  • Stalingrad and no turning back. Delusion and reality . Militzke Verlag, Leipzig 2002.
  • Red .: Opportunities for political counterpower today. Marxist Forum , consultation on April 30, 2004, GNN, Schkeuditz 2004.
  • The Fiihrer left, the long heads stayed. A historic finale and current controversy . Cologne 2005.
  • Red .: On the causes of the failure of European socialism. Theses from debates held by the Marxist Forum Saxony and Leipzig and the RotFuchs-Verein Leipzig in October and November 2004 . Schkeuditz 2005.
  • Red .: The socialist left in Germany from 1989 to 2004 . Colloquium of the Marxist working group on the history of the German labor movement at the PDS and the Marx-Engels Foundation of the DKP. GNN, Schkeuditz 2005.
  • In the rearview mirror: "Nuremberg". The Trial of the Major German War Criminals 1945–1946 . PapyRossa, Cologne 2006, ISBN 3-89438-355-0 .
  • History has no mercy. Memories of a German historian. Edition Ost, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-360-01087-2 .
  • Red .: memory battle. Labor conference of the Marxist Forum Saxony, Leipzig November 8, 2008. GNN, Schkeuditz 2009, ISBN 978-3-89819-316-0 .
  • The myth of anti-Semitism. Spotless, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-360-02033-8 .
  • The people misunderstand most things ... Spotless, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-360-02040-6 .
  • Epilogue to: The Barbarossa case. The war against the Soviet Union in unknown images. Das Neue Berlin, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-360-02128-1 .
  • Dispute story. Edition Ost, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-360-01827-4 .
  • Nobody escapes the past. Spotless, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-360-02073-4 .
  • ... fly across the country. A book of pigeons. Spotless, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-360-02060-4 .
  • War memorials in Germany. A critical investigation. Spotless, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-360-02076-5 .
  • 1813. The war and its afterlife. Verlag am Park, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-89793-185-5 .
  • 1914. The event and its afterlife. Verlag am Park, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-89793-215-9 .
  • No place in the sun. A hundred years later and little learned. Verlag am Park, Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-945187-28-9 .
  • Fascism Diagnoses . Verlag am Park, Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-945187-42-5
  • The attack: June 22, 1941: causes, plans and consequences. Edition Ost, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-360-01878-6 .
  • The Wannsee Conference of January 20, 1942. Verlag am Park, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-945187-65-4 .
  • Followers behind the swastika: Twenty chapters on twelve years of German history. Verlag im Park, Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-3-945187-73-9 .

As editor:

  • Persecution, displacement, extermination. Documents of fascist anti-Semitism 1933 to 1942. Reclam, Leipzig 1983 a. ö .; Röderberg, Frankfurt 1984.
  • with Günter Rosenfeld : Soviet star and swastika. 1938 to 1941. Documents on German-Soviet relations. Berlin 1990.
  • with Manfred Weißbecker: Small lexicon of historical keywords. Leipzig 2005.
  • with Manfred Weißbecker: Keywords and battle calls - From two centuries of German history , Digital Library , Volume 143, Digital Publishing Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-89853-543-6 .
  • with Erika Schwarz: Europe before the abyss. The year 1935. An opportunity not taken. Cologne 2005.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Jens Bisky : Historian Kurt Pätzold died. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , August 22, 2016, p. 14.
  2. a b Wolfgang Benz : Kurt Pätzold, May 3, 1930 - August 18, 2016. In: Zeitschrift für Geschichtswwissenschaft , 64, 2016, pp. 796–798.
  3. Wolfram Brandes: Keepers of the Grail fight for power. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , September 21, 1990; Reprinted in: Crisis - Change - New Beginning. A critical and self-critical documentation of GDR historical studies 1989/90. Edited by Rainer Eckert, Wolfgang Küttler and Gustav Seeber , ISBN 3-608-91368-8 , Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1992, p. 438.
  4. ^ East German historian Pätzold is dead. Dpa article in the Free Press , August 19, 2016.