State election in Carinthia in 1949

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1945State election
Turnout: 93.99%
( n. K. )
Otherwise. e


Template: election chart / maintenance / notes
e 1945: DPÖ
A total of 36 seats

The state elections in Carinthia in 1949 took place on October 9, 1949. The Socialist Party of Austria (SPÖ) was able to hold first place, but lost its share of votes and mandates due to the first appearance of the electoral party of the Independent (WdU). The participation of the WdU also cost the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) and the Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ) shares and mandates.

In 1949, 267,272 people were eligible to vote in the state elections, which meant an increase of 62,631 people eligible to vote. The number of those entitled to vote had risen sharply, as numerous people had been given the right to vote who had been excluded from voting in 1945 due to their involvement in the National Socialist system. The turnout in 1949 was 93.99% and was thus significantly higher than in 1945, when 89.35% of those entitled to vote took part in the election.

Overall result

Final result of the 1949 state election
Results 1949 Results 1945 Differences
Eligible voters 267.272 204,641 + 62,631
voter turnout 93.99% 89.35% + 4.64%
be right % Mand. be right % Mand. be right % Mand.
Votes cast 251.200 36 182,846 36 + 68,354
Invalid 2,990 1.19%   3,520 1.72%   + 530 - 0.53%
Valid 248.210 98.81% 179,326 98.07%   +68,884 + 0.74%
Political party
Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) 101.146 40.75% 15th 87,573 48.83% 18th + 13,573 - 8.08% −3
Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) 79.093 31.87% 12 71,279 39.75% 14th + 7,814 - 7.88% - 2nd
Elective Party of the Independent (WdU) 51,012 20.55% 8th not running + 51.012 + 20.55% + 8
Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ) 9,910 3.99% 1 14,521 8.10 3 - 4,611 - 4.11% - 2nd
Christian People's Party (CVP) 4,644 1.87% 0 not running + 4,644 + 1.87% ± 0
Democratic Front of the Working People (DFC) 2,095 0.84% 0 not running + 2,095 + 0.84% ± 0
Democratic Union (DU) 305 0.12% 0 not running + 305 + 0.12% ± 0
Democratic Party of Austria (DPÖ) 5 0.00% 0 5,953 3.32 1 - 5,948 - 3.32% - 1
total 248.210 100.00% 36 179,326 100.00% 36 + 68,884

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rauchberger (Ed.): Keyword Federal States - Federal Council. S.


  • Josef Rauchberger (Ed.): Keyword Federal States - Federal Council. Elections and representative bodies of the federal states from 1945 to 2000. PR-Verlag, Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-901111-05-0 .

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