Leó Frankel

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Leó Frankel

Leó Frankel ( Léo Frankel ) (born February 24, 1844 in Altofen-Neustift , Óbuda , Austrian Empire ; † March 29, 1896 in Paris ) was a social democratic journalist , member of the Paris Commune in 1871 and corresponding secretary for Austria-Hungary of the International Workers' Association .


Frankel was the son of the Jewish doctor Albert Frankel and was born in Altofen-Neustift (now part of Budapest ) in 1844 . He first went to Germany to train as a goldsmith . In Lyon he founded a section of the First International in 1867. From 1867 he was a correspondent for the newspaper Der Social-Demokratie . There he declared Moses Hess to be a dishonorable wage clerk in 1869. He then went to Paris. In France he was arrested for his political activities (“participation in a secret society”) and sentenced on July 9, 1870 to two months in prison and a fine of 25 francs. He was released from prison in Beauvais on September 4, 1870 in the wake of the political upheaval . During the Paris Commune in 1871 he was responsible for labor, industry and trade as well as finances, in fact the first "labor minister" (Victor Adler) of the first workers' state. Among other things, he had employment offices set up in all districts of the city. Frankel was wounded while defending the city on May 25, 1871, but was able to escape to Switzerland.

In 1871 he went to London and took a leading role in the work of the First International . On August 22, 1871, he was elected to the General Council of the International. Frankel worked closely with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels . On September 26, 1871 Frankel was elected Corresponding Secretary of the General Council of the First International for Austriax and Hungary.

He also wrote for the Geneva newspaper “ Der Vorbote . Organ of the International Workers' Association ”by Johann Philipp Becker .

Frankel was sentenced to death in absentia on September 19, 1872 in France for his work during the Commune period. Frankel was a regular guest of the Marx family. Jenny Marx named him in 1873 "the faithful Eckhart" after the title character from Goethe's poem "Der getreue Eckart". The English government refused to extradite him. He was so famous in socialist circles that there were a number of people who pretended to be Frankel in order to receive such support, so Wilhelm Blos had fallen for fraudsters several times.

At the Congress of the International in The Hague (September 22-29, 1872), he voted for the expulsion of Bakunin and James Guillaume , and against the expulsion of Adhémar Schwitzguébel from the International.

In 1876 Frankel returned to Hungary . There he founded the bilingual Workers Week Chronicle and in 1880 played a major role in founding the “General Workers' Party of Hungary” . The state responded with repression and in 1882 he was sentenced to two years in prison. In 1882 Frankel married Adèle Perreard. After his release he went into exile in Vienna again in 1884 . Frankel worked for various newspapers, among others for the newspaper Népszava in Budapest , Die Gleichheit , Stuttgart, "Volksstimme" and Arbeiter-Zeitung Vienna. In 1889 he took part in the founding congress of the Second International in Paris. Likewise at the Brussels Congress in 1891 and at the Zurich Congress in 1893.

He died of pneumonia in the Laribrisière hospital in Paris and was buried in the Père Lachaise cemetery. “At his request, his corpse was wrapped 'in a red flag ..., in the flag of the international proletariat.'” Five thousand workers accompanied Frankel on his last journey.

In 1968 he was reburied in the Kerepesi temető cemetery in Budapest.

Entry in the Confession book by Jenny Marx (daughter)

In September 1872, Léo Frankel filled out the questionnaire for Jenny Marx in The Hague . The questions are in the handwriting of Eleanor Marx in French. Frankel answered the questions in French:

question answer
Your favorite virtue (Votre vertu favorite) Fashion beast (malgré Goethe qui dit: only rags are modest)
- at the man (- bdans l'homme) franchise
- - with women (-dans la femme) Se faisant [faire] obéir, en se faisant aimer
- Main characteristic (- Idée Votre caracteristique) Susceptible
Conception of happiness (Idée du bonheur) To be loved lovingly
- - misfortune (- - malheur) d 'être expulsé de l'Internationale
The vice that you excuse (Le vice que vous excusez) Tous ceux qui résultent de notre sociéte
- - loathe (- - détestez) platitude, hypocrisy
Your aversion (vote aversion) Les gens qui trouvent toutes les institutions bonnes, parce qu'elles existent
The historical person you like the most (Les caractęres de l'histoire que vous admirez le plus) Thomas Münzer , Babœf
- - least like (detestez) Les Révolutionaires du lendemain
Favorite activity (Occupation favorite) observer
- Hero (- Héro) Celui que les historiens noment: Le Peuple
- Heroine (- Héroine) Luise Michel
- Poet (- Poéte) Aesope , Heine , & author des chatiments
- Prose (- Prosateurs) Thomas Buckle
- Color (-Coeur des yeux et des cheveux) noir
- Favorite flower (- Fleur favorite) Violet
- Favorite names (- Noms favoris) Elise, Marguerite & ???? Tussy
- food (- plat) Pouding
- Motto (- motto) S'il faut mourir, tâchons au moins [de] mourir pour une bonne cause.
Léo Frankel
September 1872


  • On May 20, 1951, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Paris Commune in Hungary, a postage stamp with his portrait was issued. (60 Hungarian forints)
  • A street in Budapest is named after him. ( Frankel Leó utca )
  • The Leo Frankel German-speaking grammar school in Múltunk is named after him (1959).
  • In Paris, the Rue Léo-Frankel in the 13th arrondissement is named after him.

Works (selection)

  • The proclamation of the Social Republican Commune in Paris . In: The People's State . Leipzig No. 31 of April 15, 1871.
  • The workers and the customs question. With particular reference to Hungary . Vorwärts , Leipzig 1876 No. 1 of October 1, No. 2 of October 4, No. 3 of October 6 and No. 4 of October 8.
  • anonymous: Neither - nor! In: Vorwärts , Leipzig 1877 No. 104 of September 5th.
  • Karl Marx . Workers Weeks Chronicle , Budapest 1883. No. 12 of March 25, 1883.
  • Karl Marx as a thinker and agitator . o. O. and o. J.
  • The French job exchanges . In: Socialpolitisches Centralblatt . Edited by Heinrich Braun . First volume. ( January - October 1892 ). J. Guttenberg, Berlin 1892, No. 8. pp. 108-109. Digitized
  • The French labor unions . In: Socialpolitisches Centralblatt . Edited by Heinrich Braun. First volume. ( January - October 1892 ). J. Guttenberg, Berlin 1892, No. 12. pp. 156-157. Digitized
  • The French Senate and the limitation of working hours . In: Socialpolitisches Centralblatt . Edited by Heinrich Braun. First volume. ( January - October 1892 ). J. Guttenberg, Berlin 1892, No. 17. pp. 215-217. Digitized
  • A law protecting trade unions in France . In: Socialpolitisches Centralblatt . Edited by Heinrich Braun. First volume. ( January - October 1892 ). J. Guttenberg, Berlin 1892, No. 24. pp. 295-297. Digitized
  • The Carmaux strike . In: Socialpolitisches Centralblatt . Edited by Heinrich Braun. First volume. ( January - October 1892 ). J. Guttenberg, Berlin 1892, No. 39. pp. 484-485. Digitized
  • Conciliation and arbitration offices in France . In: Socialpolitisches Centralblatt . Edited by Heinrich Braun. Second volume. ( October 1892 to September 1893 ). Carl Heymanns Verlag, Berlin 1893, No. 9. pp. 108-109. Digitized
  • The bill in favor of the right of association before the French Senate . In: Socialpolitisches Centralblatt . Edited by Heinrich Braun. Second volume. ( October 1892 to September 1893 ). Carl Heymanns Verlag, Berlin 1893, No. 25. pp. 293-294. Digitized
  • Accident insurance in France . In: Socialpolitisches Centralblatt . Edited by Heinrich Braun. Second volume. ( October 1892 to September 1893 ). Carl Heymanns Verlag, Berlin 1893, No. 43. pp. 516-517. Digitized
  • The socio-political side of the French chamber elections . In: Socialpolitisches Centralblatt . Edited by Heinrich Braun. Second volume. ( October 1892 to September 1893 ). Carl Heymanns Verlag, Berlin 1893, No. 51. pp. 607-608. Digitized

Co-signed documents

  • April 27, 1871 République Française No. 212 Commune de Paris. Ministère des trauvaux Publics .
  • October 17, 1871 Resolutions of the Conference of Delegates of the International Workers' Association, held in London from September 17 to 23, 1871.
  • October 24, 1871 General statutes and administrative ordinances of the International Workers' Association .
  • March 5, 1872 The alleged divisions in the International. Confidential circular of the General Council of the International Workers' Association .
  • April 2, 1872 Police terror in Ireland. Declaration by the General Council of the International Workers' Association .
  • April 17, 1872 Declaration by the General Council of the International Workers' Association on Cochrane's appearance in the House of Commons .
  • May 20, 1872 Declaration by the General Council of the International Workers' Association .
  • August 8, 1872 To the Spanish Sections of the International Workers' Association .
  • July 21, 1873 A plot against the International Workers' Association. Report on Bakunin's drive and the Alliance of Socialist Democracy, commissioned by the Hague Congress.

Letters from and to Leo Frankel

  • Leo Frankel to Karl Marx March 30, 1871. (German translation).
  • Johann Georg Eccarius to Leo Frankel April 4, 1871.
  • Marx to Leo Frankel around April 20, 1871 (draft). (French text)
    • Marx to Leo Frankel around April 20, 1871 (draft), (translation into German)
  • Leo Frankel to Karl Marx. After April 26, 1871. (German translation).
  • Karl Marx to Leo Frankel and Louis-Eugène Varlin May 13, 1871. (translation into German)
  • Leo Frankel to Karl Marx March 28, 1876.
  • Leo Frankel to Karl Marx May 22, 1876.
  • Leo Frankel to Karl Marx October 9, 1876.
  • Karl Marx to Leo Frankel October 13, 1876. (Translation into German)
  • Leo Frankel to Karl Marx December 18, 1881.
  • Leo Frankel to Friedrich Engels July 14, 1883.
  • Emma Adler , Victor Adler, Hermann Bahr , Adolf Braun , Lily Braun … Leo Frankel, Karl Kautsky , Engelbert Pernerstorfer and others. a. to Friedrich Engels (postmarked January 7, 1889).
  • Leo Frankel to Friedrich Engels November 28, 1890 (telegram).
  • Leo Frankel to Friedrich Engels December 23, 1890.
  • Friedrich Engels to Leo Frankel December 25, 1890.
  • Leo Frankel to Friedrich Engels December 27, 1890.
  • Leo Frankel to Friedrich Engels April 16, 1891.
  • Friedrich Engels to Leo Frankel April 24, 1891. (Translation into German)
  • Leo Frankel to GW Plechanow September 7, 1893.
  • Leo Frankel to Wilhelm Liebknecht. March 27, 1896.


  • Georg Simmel : A word about social freedom . In: Socialpolitisches Centralblatt . Edited by Heinrich Braun. First volume. ( January - October 1892 ). J. Guttenberg, Berlin 1892, No. 27. pp. 333-335. Digitized
  • Leo Frankel . In: Forward. Berliner Volksblatt . No. 77 of March 31, 1896, p. 1.
  • Victor Adler : Comrade Leo Frankel . In: Arbeiter-Zeitung, Vienna March 31, 1896.
  • FH: Leo Frankel . In: The Socialist Academic . II. Vol., 1896, April, No. 4, p. 253. Digitized FES
  • Leo Frankel . In: Volks-Lexikon. Reference book for all branches of knowledge with special consideration of the workers' legislation health care, commercial knowledge. Social politics. In addition to resister . Edited by Emanuel Wurm . Fourth volume, Wörlein & Comp., Nuremberg 1897, pp. 746-747.
  • Frankel, Leo . In: "Patriotic journeymen". Brief biographies of the deceased outstanding socialists of the 19th century . JHW Dietz Nachf., Stuttgart 1901, p. 40. Digitalized archive.org
  • Krejcsi Rezső: Frankel Leó, a párisi commun magyar vezére . Kozokt. Népbizottság, Budapest 1919.
  • Magda Aranyossi: Frankel Leó. Magyar Munkásmozgalmi Int. [Title translation: Der Arbeiterführer Leó Frankel, 1844-1896 ] Szikra, Budapest 1952. (2nd edition Akadémiai, Budapest 1974)
    • Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel . Translated by Dr. Géza Engl. With 14 picture supplements . Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1957.
  • Uj dekumentumok Frankel Léo munkásságárol . In: Párttörténiti közleményck . Budapest 1969. No. 2, pp. 121-144.
  • Jean Bruhat , Jean Dautry, Emile Tersen: The Paris Commune of 1871 . Edited by the German edition by Heinz Köller. Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1971, p. 325. (short biography)
  • János Jemnitz: Leo Frankel . In: International review of social history . Amsterdam 1972 ISSN  1469-512X , vol. 17.1972, 1 (Apr.), pp. 391-394.
  • The Hague Congress of the first International. September 2-7, 1872. Minutes and Documents . Progress, Moscow 1976.
  • The history of the Second International . Volume 1. Progress, Moscow 1983.

Web links

Commons : Leó Frankel  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel , p. 12.
  2. ^ Wilhelm Liebknecht to Moses Heß November 28, 1869. Wilhelm Liebknecht. Correspondence with German Social Democrats . Volume I. 1862-1878. Edited by Georg Eckert . Van Grocum, Assen 1975, pp. 271-272, here p. 272.
  3. ^ The First International. 1864-1870. Part 1. Progress, Moscow 1981, p. 363.
  4. ^ The General Council of the first International. 1870-1871, Minutes. Progress Publishers, Moskow 1967, p. 263.
  5. ^ The General Council of the first International. 1870-1871. Minutes. Progress Publishers, Moskow 1967, p. 282.
  6. Jenny Marx to Eleanor Marx not before May 3, 1873. In: Rolf Hecker , Angelika Limmroth (Ed.) Jenny Marx. The letters. Karl Dietz Verlag, JG Cotta, rlin 2014, p. 473.
  7. Goethe's works. Complete edition last hand. First volume. JG Cotta, Stuttgart and Tübingen 1827, pp. 208-209.
  8. ^ Wilhelm Blos: Memorabilia
  9. ^ The Hague Congress of the first International. September 2-7, 1872. Minutes and Documents . Progress, Moscow 1976, p. 165.
  10. ^ The Hague Congress of the first International. September 2-7, 1872. Minutes and Documents. Progress, Moscow 1976, p. 166.
  11. The History of the Second International . Volume 1. Progress, Moscow 1983, p. 131.
  12. ^ Frankel to his sister Malvine Frankel October 8, 1882. (Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel , pp. 381–382.)
  13. ^ Jean Bruhat, Jean Dautry, Emile Tersen: The Paris Commune of 1871 .
  14. ^ Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel , p. 392.
  15. ^ Article in the Jewish Virtual Library
  16. ^ Family Marx private . Akademie Verlag, Berlin 2005 Fig. 48, ISBN 3-05-004118-8 , pp. 328–329. First printed as a facsimile in: Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel, p. Before p. 63.
  17. He himself signed in this form: "Léo Frankel".
  18. ^ Reprinted in: Diary of the Paris Commune . Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1971, pp. 71-77.
  19. Printed in: Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel . (1957), pp. 294-299.
  20. Printed in: Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel . (1957), pp. 362-369; Their names live on through the centuries. Condolences and necrologists on the deaths of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels . Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1983, pp. 199-204.
  21. ^ Contributions to Marx-Engels research 8 . Berlin 1981 No. 271, p. 63. (Search catalog of books from Marx and Engels' libraries)
  22. Facsimile in Jean Bruhat, Jean Dautry, Emile Tersen: The Paris Commune of 1871 , p. 167.
  23. ^ Marx-Engels works . Volume 17, pp. 418-426.
  24. ^ Marx-Engels works . Volume 17, pp. 440-455.
  25. ^ Marx-Engels works . Volume 18, pp. 1-51.
  26. ^ Marx-Engels works . Volume 18, pp. 677-678.
  27. ^ Marx-Engels works . Volume 18, pp. 66-71.
  28. ^ Marx-Engels works. Volume 18, pp. 82-84.
  29. ^ Marx-Engels works . Volume 18, pp. 122-124.
  30. ^ Marx-Engels works . Volume 18, pp. 325-441.
  31. ^ In: Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel . (1957), pp. 260-261; Diary of the Paris Commune, Karl Marx Friedrich Engels . Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1971, pp. 82-84.
  32. ^ In: Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel . (1957), pp. 261-262; Diary of the Paris Commune, Karl Marx Friedrich Engels . Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1971, p. 93.
  33. In: Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). Editing principles and specimens . Dietz Verlag, Berlin 192, pp. 334-335 and pp. 662-666.
  34. In: Marx-Engels-Werke . Volume 33, pp. 216-217.
  35. ^ In: Diary of the Paris Commune, Karl Marx Friedrich Engels . Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1971, pp. 194–196.
  36. ^ In: Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel . (1957), pp. 267-268; Marx-Engels Works . Volume 33, pp. 226-227.
  37. ^ Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel . (1957), pp. 285-287.
  38. ^ In: Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel . (1957), pp. 288-290 ; Marx-Engels Works . Volume 34, pp. 212-213.
  39. ^ Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel . (1957), pp. 358-360.
  40. Victor Adler's essays, speeches and letters . Edited by the executive committee of the Social Democratic Workers' Party in German Austria. First issue: Victor Adler and Friedrich Engels . Wiener Volksbuchhandlung, Vienna 1922, p. VII.
  41. ^ Victor Adler - Friedrich Engels correspondence . Vienna 2009, p. 21.
  42. Marx-Engels Complete Edition . Department III. Volume 30 Friedrich Engels: Correspondence. October 1889 to November 1890 . Akademie Verlag, Berlin 2013. ISBN 978-3-05-006024-8 , p. 616 and p. 1359.
  43. (translation into German) In: Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel . (1957), pp. 372-375; Marx-Engels Works . Volume 37, pp. 530-532.
  44. ^ In: Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel . (1957), pp. 375-376; Marx-Engels Works . Volume 38, pp. 84-85.
  45. ^ In: Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel . (1957), p. 383.
  46. ^ In: Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel . (1957), p. 384.
  47. ^ Magda Aranyossi: Leo Frankel . (1957), p. 225.
  48. Printed in: Victor Adler's essays, speeches and letters . Edited by the executive committee of the Social Democratic Workers' Party in German Austria. First issue: Victor Adler and Friedrich Engels . Wiener Volksbuchhandlung, Vienna 1922, pp. 140–141.
  49. The volume contains 62 letters and articles in the appendix. Supplemented by “life data” (pp. 387–392).
  50. Chapter: The Labor Movement in Hungary. L. Frankel , pp. 129-132.