Lev Mitrofanowitsch Barkow

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Lev Mitrofanowitsch Barkow ( Russian Лев Митрофанович Барков ; born October 24, 1928 in Moscow , † February 9, 2013 in Novosibirsk ) was a Russian physicist and university professor .


Barkow studied at the physical - technical faculty of the Lomonosov University in Moscow . While still a student, he worked in the Moscow Laboratory No. 2 of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR), which later became the Atomic Energy Institute . He graduated in 1952 after the physics and technology faculty became the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MFTI). He then worked at the Atomic Energy Institute.

In 1967 Barkov moved to the Institute for Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Department of the AN-SSSR in Novosibirsk - Akademgorodok, founded in 1957, and taught at the University of Novosibirsk (in 1973 appointed professor). In 1972 he became a corresponding member of the AN-SSSR. 1976–1979 he was dean of the physics faculty at Novosibirsk University. He then headed the chair for nuclear physics ( elementary particle physics ) for 20 years . In 1984 he became an academic (real member of the AN-SSSR).

Barkow carried out fundamental research on the deceleration and generation of neutrons in uranium - water systems. He investigated processes of pion production and the interaction of pions and kaons with matter . He developed experimental systems with strong pulsed magnetic fields for the investigation of elementary particle properties . Together with MS Solotarjow he discovered the rotation of the polarization plane of light in bismuth vapors. The research topics also included parity violation .

Barkow signed with Zhores Ivanovich Alferov , Gary Israilevich Abelew , Eduard Pavlovich Kruglyakov , Andrei Ivanovich Vorobyov , Vitaly Ginzburg , Sergei Georgievich Inge-Wetschtomow , Yevgeny Borisovich Alexandrov , Mikhail Vissarionovich Sadowski and Anatoly Mikhailovich Tscherepaschtschuk the open letter of 10 academics to Putin against the Clericalization of the country, which the academic Georgi Sergejewitsch Golitsyn published together with the corresponding members of the RAN Gennady Wassiljewitsch Malzew and Felix Feodossjewitsch Kuznetsov and the academics Timur Magometowitsch Enejew and Georgi Alexandrovich Savarsin in 2007.

Honors, prizes

Individual evidence

  1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia : Барков, Лев Митрофанович.
  2. a b c d e University of Novosibirsk: ЛЕВ МИТРОФАНОВИЧ БАРКОВ - Биографическая справка (accessed April 14, 2018).
  3. Bondar 'AE , Dikanskii NS , Dimov GI , Kruglyakov EP , Kulipanov GN , Onuchin AP , Parkhomchuk VV , Serednyakov SI , Skrinskii AN , Tikhonov Yu A, Khriplovich IB , Shatunov Yu M : Lev Mitrofanovich Barkov (on his 80th birthday) . In: Phys. Usp. tape 51 , 2008, p. 1293–1294 , doi : 10.3367 / UFNr.0178.200812k.1367 ( ufn.ru [accessed April 14, 2018]).
  4. JA Chramow: Barkow Lev Mitrofanowitsch . In: AI Achijeser (Hrsg.): Physiker: Biografisches Lexikon . Nauka, Moscow 1983, p. 24 (Russian).
  5. Barkov LM, Zolotorev MS, Khriplovich IB: Observation of parity nonconservation in atoms . In: Sov. Phys. Usp. tape 23 , 1980, pp. 713–731 , doi : 10.3367 / UFNr.0132.198011a.0409 ( ufn.ru [accessed April 14, 2018]).
  6. Открытое письмо десяти академиков РАН президенту Российской Федерации В.В. Путину . In: Novaya Gazeta . July 22, 2007 ( skeptik.net [accessed April 10, 2018]).
  7. Письмо других академиков. Заявление представителей РАН в связи с "письмом десяти" (accessed April 10, 2018).