Michail Wissarionowitsch Sadowski

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Michail Wissarionowitsch Sadowski (All-Russian Conference of Physics Students and Young Scientists, Yekaterinburg 2011)

Michail Wissarionowitsch Sadowski ( Russian Михаил Виссарионович Садовский ; born February 25, 1948 in Sverdlovsk ) is a Russian physicist and university professor .


Sadowski, son of the metallurgist Wissarion Dmitrijewitsch Sadowski , studied at the physical faculty of the Ural University (UrGU) in Sverdlovsk with a degree in 1971. This was followed by a three-year traineeship in the theory department of the Physical Institute (FIAN) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR ( AN-SSSR) with Leonid Weniaminowitsch Keldysch . In 1974 he became a research associate of the Institute of Physics of Metals (IFM) in the Urals Scientific Center (UNC) of the AN SSSR in Sverdlovsk. In 1975 he became a candidate in physical-mathematical sciences and in 1986 a doctorate in physical-mathematical sciences .

From 1987 Sadowski headed the Laboratory for Theoretical Physics of the Institute of Electrophysics (IEF) of the Ural Department (UrO) of the AN-SSSR in Sverdlovsk. 1993–2002 he was Vice Director of the IEF.

1991 Sadowski Professor of the Department of Urgu (until 2010). In 1994 he became a corresponding member of the now Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN) and in 2003 an academic (real member of the UrO of the RAN).

Sadowski's main areas of work were statistical physics , quantum field theory , Anderson localization and theories of localization. He developed models of Pseudogaps in the band structure and theories for metal dielectric - phase transitions and for superconductors , in particular high-temperature superconductors . He made important contributions to the investigation of the electron spectra of high-temperature iron- based superconductors .

Sadowski is vice-chairman of the commission against pseudoscience and scientific falsification founded in 1988 by Vitaly Lasarewitsch Ginsburg . In 1991, Commissioner Yevgeny Borisovich Alexandrov exposed the torsion field theory propagated by Soviet physicists in the 1980s for the transmission of information at faster than light speed as a fraud, which did not prevent its promotion by the Russian Ministry of Science 1992–1995 and the Russian Defense Ministry from 1996–1997.

Sadowski signed with Zhores Ivanovich Alferov , Gary Israilevich Abelew , Eduard Pavlovich Kruglyakov , Andrei Ivanovich Vorobyov , Vitaly Ginzburg, Sergei Georgievich Inge-Wetschtomow Yevgeny Borisovich Alexandrov, Lew Mitrofanovich Barkow and Anatoly Mikhailovich Tscherepaschtschuk the open letter of 10 academics to Putin against the Clericalization of the country, which the academician Georgi Sergejewitsch Golitsyn published together with the corresponding members of the RAN Gennady Wassiljewitsch Malzew and Felix Feodossjewitsch Kuznetsov and the academics Timur Magometowitsch Enejew and Georgi Alexandrovich Savarsin in 2007.

In 2007 Sadowski retired from active service and has since been the main advisor to the Laboratory for Theoretical Physics of the IEF. 2011–2013 he was acting head of the laboratory for quantum theory of condensed matter at the IFM and has since been the main advisor to the laboratory and scientific director of the theory department of the IFM. He is co-editor of the Journal for Experimental and Theoretical Physics and Physics-Uspekhi as well as a member of the American Physical Society and the Institute of Physics .

Sadowski is a member of the July 1st Club of a group of academics who protested in 2013 against a bill to reform the RAN by replacing the RAN with a new Academy of Sciences. As a result, the RAN was not replaced by a new academy.


  • Stoletow Prize of the RAN (2002)
  • Golden Witali Lasarewitsch Ginsburg Medal of the RAN (2016)
  • Silver Michejew Medal of the IFM (2017)
  • Golden Wonsowski Medal of the UrO-RAN (2018)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Laboratory for Theoretical Physics: Садовский Михаил Виссарионович (accessed April 16, 2018).
  2. RAN: Садовский Михаил Виссарионович (accessed April 16, 2018).
  3. Michael V. Sadovskii: Statistical physics . De Gruyter , Berlin, Boston 2012.
  4. Michael V. Sadovskii: Quantum field theory . De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston 2013.
  5. Sadovskii MV: Superconductivity and Localization . World Scientific, Singapore 2000.
  6. Bibliography : Садовский Михаил Виссарионович (accessed April 16, 2018).
  7. ^ Eduard Pawlowitsch Krugljakow : Pseudoscience. How Does It Threaten Science and the Public? (Report at a RAN Presidium meeting of May 27, 2003) (accessed April 11, 2018).
  8. По части организованной лженауки мы опередили весь мир (accessed April 11, 2018).
  9. Открытое письмо десяти академиков РАН президенту Российской Федерации В.В. Путину . In: Novaya Gazeta . July 22, 2007 ( skeptik.net [accessed April 10, 2018]).
  10. Письмо других академиков. Заявление представителей РАН в связи с "письмом десяти" (accessed April 10, 2018).