Vissarion Dmitrijewitsch Sadowski

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Vissarion Dmitrievich Sadowski ( Russian Виссарион Дмитриевич Садовский * July 24 jul. / 6. August  1908 greg. In Omsk ; † 17th February 1991 in Sverdlovsk ) was a Russian metallurgist and university teachers .


Sadowski's father Dmitri Ivanovich Sadowski graduated from the Saint Petersburg Spiritual Academy , became a church official and fell victim to the Stalinist purges in 1937 . The mother Marija Wassiljewna was the daughter of a priest. Even before the October Revolution , the family moved to the new place of work of his father Arsamas , where Sadowski finished school in 1924. He then worked as a teacher at the school for the uneducated in Diwejewo . In 1926 he began studying at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at the University of Kazan , which he graduated in 1930. Then he began to work as a laboratory assistant in the Slatouster Lenin tool factory. He became a research engineer , head of the metallography laboratory and finally head of research.

1935 changed Sadowski a researcher at the Institute of Physics of Metals (IFM) of the Ural Department of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) in Sverdlovsk. In 1939 he became a candidate for technical sciences . In 1940 he became head of the laboratory for physical metal science at the IFM. During the German-Soviet War , he laid down the conditions for the heat treatment of armor-piercing projectiles . In 1945 he received his doctorate in technical sciences . 1949–1950 he was Vice Director of the IFM. In 1968 he became a corresponding member of the AN-SSSR. In 1982 he became the head of the IFM's strength and plasticity department .

The focus of Sadowski's work was on steels . The main focus of work was the transformation kinetics of supercooled austenitic steels, recrystallization during heating, hardening and tempering brittleness , the possibilities for increasing strength, thermomechanical treatments and thermomechanical- magnetic treatments. The method for determining the rate of decarburization of steels was immediately called the Sadowski method.

In addition to his research activities, Sadowski taught from 1944 to 1959 at the Polytechnic Institute of the Urals in Sverdlovsk, named after Sergei Mironowitsch Kirov , and headed the chair for metallurgy and heat treatment. In 1946 he was appointed professor. In 1970 he became a real member of the AN-SSSR. Among his students were Vadim Mikhailovich Stschastlivzew and Vitaly Jakowlewitsch Subow .

Since 1971 Sadowski was a member of the Presidium of the Bashkir Department (now Ufa Science Center ) and the Ural Department of the AN-SSSR (until 1988). He was the deputy editor-in- chief of the Russian - English journal Fisika metallow i metallowedenije / Physics of Metals and Metallography ( Nauka , Springer ).

The physicist Michail Wissarionowitsch Sadowski was Sadowski's son.

Honors, prizes

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Свободная энциклопедия Урала: Садовский Виссарион Дмитриевич (accessed April 18, 2018).
  2. a b c d Н. Яковленкова, В. Чабаненко, Златоустовская энциклопедия: САДОВСКИЙ Виссарион Дмитриевич (accessed April 18, 2018).
  3. a b c Антон Бочаров: Садовский Виссарион Дмитриевич (accessed April 18, 2018).
  4. В. СЧАСТЛИВЦЕВ: Человек, учёный и учитель - К 100-летию со дня рождения В.Д. Садовского (accessed April 18, 2018).
  5. В. Д. Садовский, Е. А. Фокина, В. М. Счастливцев: Остаточный аустенит в закаленной стали . Nauka, Moscow 1986.
  6. Russian Academy of Sciences: Садовский Виссарион Дмитриевич (accessed April 18, 2018).