Leyla Bilge

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Leyla Bilge (* 17th May 1981 in İdil , Turkey ) is a German , Kurdish activist. She is a party member of the AfD . Bilge called for the so-called "Women's March" on February 17, 2018 and June 9, 2018 in Berlin .


In 1985, Bilge and her family entered Germany by visa from İdil in southeastern Turkey. According to her, she was forcibly married at the age of 16 . She founded the Leyla eV association and has been active three times in Iraq and once in Syria since 2014 , where she provided private help and looked after refugees, mainly Christians and Yazidis . In January 2015, the Kölner Express named her “one of the women of the year 2014”. In the summer of 2015, Bilge took in the underage refugee Ahmad Hassan, a cousin of the drowned Alan Kurdi . The exSunni converted to Christianity in 2017 . She lives in Brandenburg and is the mother of one son. Since the 2017 federal election , she has been working as a consultant for the AfD MP Ulrich Oehme .

"Women's March"

On February 17, 2018, a demonstration organized by the AfD under the name of “Women's March” took place in Berlin . On the Facebook page set up for the event, Bilge u. a. with the words that there should be “no relapse into the Middle Ages” and that a “creeping introduction of Sharia law ” should be counteracted, called for participation. According to Interior Senator Andreas Geisel , up to 850 people took part, including a third women. Among the participants were also Lutz Bachmann , Imad Karim and David Berger , who held on a demo car a speech and shouted: "We are the real feminists", and, according to Interior Ministry neo-Nazis called identitarian , "Reich Citizenship" , NPD AGENT, members the Islamophobic civic alliance Havelland , which played a key role in organizing the march, and the right-wing organization “We for Germany”.

Between 900 and 1500 people accused the initiators of " racism under the guise of feminism". The coordinator of the counter-demonstration, Pazhareh Heidari, described the women's march as “fake feminism”. The AfD take a fundamentally “misogynistic position”; Bilge has a "racist worldview".

At the request of the AfD parliamentary group, the German Bundestag also debated the demonstration in a current hour .

The following June, a second “Women's March”, registered by Bilge and officially supported by the AfD, took place in Berlin under the motto “We are not fair game ..., nowhere !!!”, for which 2,000 participants were registered in advance. According to the police, 300 people actually took part; with about 200 counter-demonstrators. In addition to Bilge, prominent participants and speakers were the former GDR civil rights activist Angelika Barbe , the Syrian Orthodox nun Hatune Dogan and the AfD member of the Bundestag Nicole Höchst .

Positions and Criticism

Bilge described himself as a former CDU supporter. She joined the AfD in the summer of 2016 . From summer 2017 to the 2017 federal election, she appeared fully veiled in a burqa at several AfD election campaign events across Germany. In autumn 2017 she appeared as a speaker at a Pegida event.

In November 2017, Bilge moderated a conference of the right-wing Compact magazine in Leipzig, to which, according to the Leipziger Volkszeitung, “well-known right-wing extremists” had traveled . The speakers at this event included B. Martin Sellner , Austrian activist of the völkisch Identitarian Movement , which is under observation by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution , as well as Compact Editor-in-Chief Jürgen Elsässer , who, for example, at the Leipzig Book Fair 2018 named it as his magazine's task to deepen the division of society in order to to contribute to the overthrow of the regime ”. Bilge welcomed Björn Höcke , who repeatedly attracted attention because of ethnic and racist statements , as "the voice of Germany".

After the first so-called “women's march” was broken off in February 2018, she was outraged according to a report in the newspaper Die Welt in a live video, “One encounters 'pure fascism ' not only on the street, but also in state parliaments and in the Bundestag , 'Pure dictatorship' ”.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Facebook star Serge Menga wanted to join the AfD . In: WAZ . July 27, 2016.
  2. ^ Til Biermann: Bundestag speaker Leyla Bilge: From refugee child to AfD. In: BZ March 20, 2018, accessed April 2, 2018 .
  3. ^ A b Marc Herriger: She helps refugees: Islamists threaten the courageous Leyla. In: express.de . January 15, 2015, accessed April 10, 2018 .
  4. Beatrix Van Vlodrop: Help for refugees in Kurdistan In: Krefelder Zeitung . December 26, 2014.
  5. Sebastian Peters, Krefeld: Cousin of the dead Aylan Kurdi lives in Krefeld , RP Online , September 10, 2015
  6. Bernd Atzenroth: Kurdin, ex-Muslim, AfD candidate. In: Prignitz Kurier . August 17, 2017, accessed April 2, 2018 .
  7. a b Alexej Hock: Radical whisperers . In: Die Welt , Politik, March 21, 2018, p. 5
  8. Berlin: Counter-demonstrators block the way for the right-wing “women's march”. In: The world . February 17, 2018, accessed April 2, 2018 .
  9. ^ A b Helena Wittlich: Berlin Senate defends counter-demonstrators . In: Der Tagesspiegel . February 22, 2018.
  10. a b Maria Fiedler: Right women's march canceled due to blockade . In: Der Tagesspiegel . 17th February 2018.
  11. ^ Maria Fiedler: Right Sisters at the Front , Der Tagesspiegel, February 28, 2018
  12. Over 100 criminal charges after the right-wing “women's march” in Berlin , BZ, February 22, 2018
  13. Right-wing march blocked in Berlin. Not on our behalf , Taz, February 18, 2018
  14. a b c Right "women march" in Berlin ended after blockades . In: Zeit Online . 17th February 2018.
  15. Patricia Hecht: AfD marches through Berlin-Kreuzberg: "That is fake feminism". In: the daily newspaper . February 16, 2018, accessed April 2, 2018 .
  16. tsp: AfD shows politicians after women's demonstration. In: Der Tagesspiegel . February 20, 2018, accessed April 2, 2018 .
  17. Volker Müller: Controversy about a “women's demonstration” in Berlin. In: German Bundestag . Retrieved April 2, 2018 .
  18. ^ AfD organizes second "women's march". RBB , June 18, 2018, accessed August 25, 2018 .
  19. Daniel Kretschmar: AfD gendert women demo. In: taz . June 10, 2018. Retrieved August 19, 2018 .
  20. 12th state party conference AfD NRW . In: AfD district of Recklinghausen . 4th july 2016.
  21. Where the AfD steals the show from the CSU , Mittelbayerische.de , October 19, 2017
  22. With burqa at the AfD , sn-online.de , August 27, 2017
  23. AfD election campaign in Brinkum: The evening's surprise came to Gauland , Kreiszeitung.de , August 24, 2017
  24. AfD woman in Alzenau first fully veiled, then in a tight dress , Main-Echo , August 8, 2018
  25. ^ The AfD in Poppenhausen: An evening full of insights , Mainpost , August 3, 2017
  26. No left counter-wall at AfD: Citizens' Dialogue in Burladingen , Südwestpresse , September 8, 2017
  27. Excitement after Burqa appearance by AfD women's rights activist in Höxter , Höxter News, August 27, 2017
  28. Angela Merkel hates Germany: Strong Tobacco by Leyla Bilge , dewezet.de, July 28, 2017
  29. Der völkisch election campaign helper: What comes to the right of Gauland , taz.de, September 5, 2017
  30. a b jps / RND : “Terrorists” comparison: memorial artists want to advertise with Höcke's statement. In: Leipziger Volkszeitung . November 25, 2017, accessed April 2, 2018 .
  31. ^ Provocations and protests at the Compact Conference in Leipzig . In: Leipziger Volkszeitung . November 25, 2017.
  32. a b Mounia Meiborg: Right-wing populists threatened a lawsuit by the landlord . In the time . November 25, 2017.
  33. “Identitarian Movement”: Constitutional protection officers observe right-wing extremist group. In: Spiegel Online , August 12, 2016.
  34. ^ Kai Biermann , Astrid Geisler , Johannes Radke, Tilman Steffen: AfD MPs deal with right-wing extremists and constitutional enemies . In: time online . March 21, 2018.