List of eminent battery researchers and electrochemists

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The list of eminent battery researchers and electrochemists includes eminent researchers and developers of batteries, as well as chemists, engineers, physicists and physical chemists who contributed to the development of electrochemistry . A keyword or example is given for each of their electrochemical effects.

Surname Year of birth Year of death Keywords for the contribution to electrochemistry
Luigi Galvani 1737 1798 Discovery of galvanism
Alessandro Volta 1745 1827 Voltaic pillar
Johann Wilhelm Ritter 1776 1810 invented the forerunner of accumulators
Sir Humphry Davy 1778 1829 Electrolysis of molten alkalis
John Frederic Daniell 1790 1845 Daniell element , a copper-zinc element
Michael Faraday 1791 1867 Basic laws of electrolysis
Wilhelm Josef Sinsteden 1803 1891 first lead accumulator
William Grove 1811 1896 first fuel cell
Hermann Kolbe 1818 1884 Kolbe electrolysis (electrolysis of carboxylic acids)
Josiah Latimer Clark 1822 1898 Clark normal element
Oliver Wolcott Gibbs 1822 1908 Development of electrogravimetry ( analytical electrolysis process)
Johann Wilhelm Hittorf 1824 1914 Conductivity of the electrolytes, conversion number
Gaston Planté 1834 1889 improved lead accumulator
Georges Leclanché 1839 1882 Leclanché element , a zinc-manganese dioxide cell
Friedrich Kohlrausch 1840 1910 Conductivity of the electrolyte solutions
Gabriel Lippmann 1845 1921 Charge dependence of surface tension , invention of the capillary electrometer
Thomas Alva Edison 1847 1931 Nickel-iron accumulator
Louis Georges Gouy 1854 1926 Theory of the electrochemical double layer
Hamilton Castner 1858 1899 Production of sodium by electrolysis of molten sodium hydroxide
Svante Arrhenius 1859 1927 Theory of electrolytic dissociation ( Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1903)
Julius panel 1862 1918 Description of the voltage dependence of an electrolytic current with the Tafel equation
Paul Héroult 1863 1914 Hall-Héroult process for the electrolytic extraction of aluminum
Charles Martin Hall 1863 1914 Hall-Héroult process for the electrolytic extraction of aluminum
Walther Nernst 1864 1941 Nernst equation for the concentration dependence of the electrode potential
Max Le Blanc 1865 1943 Discovery of the decomposition voltage
David Leonard Chapman 1869 1958 Theory of the electrochemical double layer
Peter Debye 1884 1966 Description of the ion activity and the conductivity of the electrolytes using the Debye-Hückel theory
James Cloyd Downs 1885 1957 Production of sodium by electrolysis of sodium chloride in the Downs cell
Max Volmer 1885 1965 Butler-Volmer equation
Otto Stern 1888 1969 Theory of the electrochemical double layer
Jaroslav Heyrovský 1890 1967 Development of polarography ( Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1959)
Alexander Naumowitsch Frumkin 1895 1976 Theory of the electrochemical double layer and electron transfer
John Alfred Valentine Butler 1899 1977 Butler-Volmer equation
Tibor Erdey-Grúz 1902 1976 Co-discoverer of the Butler-Volmer equation
Heinz Gerischer 1919 1994 Electrochemistry of semiconductors , photoelectrochemistry
John B. Goodenough 1922 - Discovery of important lithium storage materials for lithium ion batteries ( lithium cobalt oxide , lithium iron phosphate )
Rudolph Arthur Marcus 1923 - Theory of one-electron exchange reactions ( Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1992)
John Bockris 1923 2013 Concept of a hydrogen economy , electrochemical double layer theory
MAV Devanathan 1925? 1977 Theory of the electrochemical double layer
Martin Fleischmann 1927 2012 surface-enhanced Raman scattering
M. Stanley Whittingham 1941 - Development of a lithium battery
Stanley Pons 1943 - surface-enhanced Raman scattering
Michael Graetzel 1944 - Grätzel cell , a photo-electrochemical energy converter
Michael M. Thackeray 1949 - Discovery of important lithium storage materials for lithium ion batteries (manganese spinel, lithium-nickel-manganese-cobalt-oxide )

See also