List of famous people from Imperial College London

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This list includes known current or former members of Imperial College London .

Nobel Prize Winner

Further alumni and lecturers

Surname Life dates profession power
Louis Attrill * March 5, 1975 athlete Gold medalist in rowing at the 2000 Summer Olympics
Mustafa Djamgoz * 1952 Neurobiology and Cancer Research
Sir Jack Baldwin August 8, 1938 - January 4, 2020 Chemist Discoverer of the Baldwin rules
Sir Roger Bannister March 23, 1929 - March 3, 2018 athlete British middle distance runner, sports official and neurologist
Richard Maling Barrer June 16, 1910 - September 12, 1996 Chemist Developer of the zeolite
Baron Richard Beeching April 21, 1913 - March 23, 1985 Engineer, physicist Chairman of British Railways
William Thomas Blanford October 7, 1832 - June 23, 1905 Geologist , biologist Basic biogeographical works
Michael Birch Founder of Bebo
Alan Blumlein June 29, 1903 - June 7, 1942 Electrical engineer Made inventions in telecommunications , sound recording , stereophony , records , television and radar . He obtained 128 patents.
Chew Choon Seng Manager Singapore Airlines CEO
Iain Conn * October 22, 1962 economist Chief Executive (Refining and Marketing) of BP
Charles Coutelle * September 5, 1939 Doctor and biologist Research in human genetics
Michael Cowpland * April 23, 1943 Founder of Corel
Sir William Crookes June 17, 1832 - April 4, 1919 Physicist, chemist, science journalist and parapsychologist Crookes made the cathode rays visible, discovered the fundamentals of luminescence and isotopes and developed methods for detecting radioactive radiation.
Donald Watts Davies June 7, 1924 - May 28, 2000 physicist One of the pioneers in information technology.
George Mercer Dawson August 1, 1849 - March 2, 1901 (Canadian) geographer, geodesist and paleontologist Measured several mountains and was the first to excavate dinosaur fossils in Canada.
Simon Dennis athlete Gold medalist rowing, 2000 Summer Olympics
Keith Duckworth August 10, 1933 - December 19, 2005 Mechanical engineer Founder of Cosworth Engineering , designer of motors in motor sport (called "Motor Pope")
Colin Dyer CEO of Jones Lang LaSalle
James H. Ellis September 25, 1924 - November 25, 1997 engineer designed the asymmetric cryptosystem
Jonni Fulcher * September 22, 1974 athlete Scottish pool and snooker player
Rajiv Gandhi August 20, 1944 - May 21, 1991 Indian politician former Prime Minister of India (1984-1989). Like his mother Indira Gandhi, he died in an assassination attempt. His father Feroze Gandhi was Parse .
Marc Garneau * February 23, 1949 Canadian electrical engineer first Canadian astronaut . From November 2001 he was President of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), from 2006 he is a politician of the Liberal Party of Canada and a member of the House of Commons. He received his PhD from Imperial College.
Eleanor Jane Milner-Gulland * June 3, 1967 English biologist Professor of Conservation Biology at Imperial College
Judah deer tassel October 2, 1899 - October 15, 1987 Biochemist and neuroscientist
Adam Holloway * July 29, 1965 Journalist and politician
Arthur Holmes January 14, 1890 - September 20, 1965 English geologist Extension of Alfred Wegener's knowledge of plate tectonics. Holmes received his PhD from IC in 1910.
Sir Stanley Hooker September 30, 1907 - May 24, 1984 Engineer, mathematician Hooker was a developer for rocket technology at Rolls-Royce (development of the Welland and Derwent) and later at Bristol Aero Engines (Proteus and Olympus) and finally developed the Pegasus. He studied mathematics at the Imperial.
Leslie Hudson (CEO of DOV Pharmaceutical )
Sean Patrick Francis Hughes * December 2, 1941 Mediciners From 1991 professor at the Medicine School of the Imperialist for Orthopedic Surgery.
Thomas Henry Huxley May 4, 1825 - June 29, 1895 Biologist and author
David Irving * March 24, 1938 British author History revisionist and Holocaust denier. He wrote about 30 books about the time of National Socialism. In 1977 he denied Adolf Hitler's initiative in World War II and his knowledge of the Holocaust until 1943. He studied a. a. Economics at the Imperial, but dropped out.
Branislav Ivković Politician Ivković founded the Socialist People's Party of Serbia, a small political party.
Frederick W. Lanchester October 23, 1868 - March 8, 1946 Universal engineer Lanchester was a diverse researcher, engineer, and entrepreneur. He made significant contributions to automotive engineering, aviation, and military tactics. He studied engineering at the Imperial, but left the university without a degree.
Richard Lang * 1956 Chess programmer from 1984 to 1990 consecutive world champion in microcomputer chess
Sir Reginald Patrick Linstead August 28, 1902 - September 22, 1966 Chemist Discovered the phthalocyanine dye
Danny Lui Jan. 7, 1957 - July 1, 2012 Lenovo founder
John Manzoni * 1960 Group Managing Director of BP
Kenneth Michael * April 12, 1938 Politician Governor of Western Australia
Derek Pannell CEO of Noranda
William George Penney June 24, 1909 - March 3, 1991 British physicist Penney is considered the "father" of the British atomic bomb.
William Henry Perkin March 12, 1838 - July 14, 1907 British chemist and industrialist Perkin discovered the first synthetic aniline -dye that Mauvein . He founded a major dye company and developed syntheses for the preparation of cinnamic acid and cumari
Alec Harley Reeves March 10, 1902 - October 13, 1971 British engineer In 1937 he devised and formulated the principles of pulse code modulation (PCM) and applied for over 80 other patents. Reeves studied engineering at Imperial.