List of the subcamps of the Mittelbau concentration camp

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The list of subcamps of the Mittelbau concentration camp contains the subcamps of the Mittelbau main camp. After its establishment on August 28, 1943, the Dora labor camp was initially a satellite camp of the Buchenwald concentration camp . From the beginning of October 1944, the Dora labor camp operated under the name Mittelbau concentration camp as an independent concentration camp and formed a camp complex with up to 40 satellite camps.

Subcamp / SS designation Period average number of prisoners / of
whom died
Prisoner deployment Client eviction Remarks
Harzungen , Hans, Mittelbau III April 1, 1944 - April 4, 1945 4000 men / at least 556 Construction work, tunneling Relocation projects, etc. a. SS command staff B3 u. a. Bergen-Belsen concentration camp
Subcamp Ellrich-Juliushütte , Erich, Mittelbau II May 2, 1944 - April 4/6, 1945 8,000 men / over 4,000 Construction work, tunneling SS guide rods B3a, B11, B12, B13, B17, Mittelwerk GmbH , Ellrich company u. a. Bergen-Belsen concentration camp Designation by the inmates "lower camp" (in contrast to the "upper camp" Ellrich-Bürgergarten)
Rottleberode subcamp , A5, Heinrich 13.3.1944 - 4./5.4.1945 846 men / at least 50 Expansion of the Heimkehle for underground relocation , production of aircraft parts, charcoal extraction SS leadership staff A5, Thyrawerk ( Junkers ), sawmill Uftrungen u. a. Massacre in the Isenschnibber field barn on April 13, 1945 in Gardelegen initially subcamp of Buchenwald concentration camp , from October 1944 subcamp Mittelbau concentration camp
Subcamp Stempeda , B4, Lava January 1945 - 4th / 5th April 1945 700 men / at least 50 Tunnel expansion SS command staff B4 u. a. Massacre in the Isenschnibber field barn in Gardelegen
Kleinbodungen sub-camp , Emmi October 3, 1944 - April 4, 1945 620 men / k. A. Repair and dumping of defective V2 rockets Mittelwerk GmbH Bergen-Belsen concentration camp
Bischofferode / Eichsfeld satellite camp , command 48 November 1944 - April 4, 1945 60 men / no. A. Repair and dumping of defective V2 rockets Mittelwerk GmbH Bergen-Belsen concentration camp Branch of the Kleinbodungen satellite camp
Niedergebra satellite camp , command 48a November 5, 1944 - April 5, 1945 40 men / no. A. Repair of V2 components Mittelwerk GmbH Bergen-Belsen concentration camp Branch of the Kleinbodungen satellite camp
Subcamp Roßla 8/31/1944 to 4/5/4/1945 109 men / k. A. Assembly and repair of V2 components Mittelwerk GmbH Direction to Sachsenhausen concentration camp , liberated near Schwerin on May 1st, 1945
Kelbra subcamp November 2, 1944 - April 5, 1945 60 men / no. A. Storage of V2 components Operation Rudlof Wöbbelin concentration camp Branch of the subcamp Roßla
Boelcke barracks subcamp in Nordhausen 8.1.1945 - 11.4.1945 5,700 men / over 3,000 Expansion of the tunnel in the Kohnstein B11, armaments production SS command staff B11, Nordhäuser armaments factories Liberation of the camp on April 11, 1945 Forced labor camps and Gestapo prison on the barracks grounds, sick and death camps of the Mittelbau concentration camp
Woffleben sub-camp , B12, kaolin 3.1.1945 - 4.4.1945 1000 men / k. A. Construction work, tunnel expansion SS command staff B12 Bergen-Belsen concentration camp Exact storage location unknown
Subcamps Artern , Adorf, Rebstock new 11/20/1944 to 4th / 5th / 6th April 1945 approx. 254 men / at least 40 Establishment of a production facility, then manufacture of electrical V2 components Company Gollnow and Son (cover name: Geyer and Son) u. a. Bergen-Belsen concentration camp initially subcamp of Buchenwald concentration camp, from December 1944 subcamp Mittelbau concentration camp
Ballenstedt 17.3.1945 - k. A. 60 men / no. A. Creation of an extinguishing water pond k. A. k. A.
Blankenburg-Oesig subcamp , monastery works 8/24/1944 - 6/4/1945 500 to 600 men / between 30 and 50 Tunneling of the Braunesumpf mine ( porphyry ) Klosterwerke, Organization Todt u. a. Cap Arcona initially subcamp of Buchenwald concentration camp, from October 1944 subcamp Mittelbau concentration camp
Subcamp Blankenburg-Regenstein , tourmaline 1.2.1945 - 6.4.1945 400 predominantly Jewish men / no. A. Expansion of the tunnel in Regenstein for the relocation of companies to the underground (Oda works) Organization Todt, construction project tourmaline u. a. Cap Arcona previously forced labor camp for Italian prisoners of war, prisoners of the subcamp came from the Auschwitz subcamp Fürstengrube concentration camp , accommodation at Lessingplatz in Heers
Groß-Werther 3/17/1945 - April 4, 1945 300 Jewish women / no. A. k. A. k. A. Death march to Gunskirchen via Mauthausen concentration camp , liberated on May 5th, 1945 Prisoners came from the evacuated Morchenstern subcamp of the Groß-Rosen concentration camp , accommodated in two restaurants in Groß-Werther
Gut Bischofferode in Woffleben, Anna 2.4.1944 to 9.5.1944 300 men / unknown Himmelsberg tunnel expansion SS command staff B3 May 1944 The camp was dissolved and the prisoners were transferred to the Ellrich-Juliushütte satellite camp
Ilfeld 9.1.1945 - 4./5.4.1945 more than 200 men / at least 5 Construction work (waterworks, water pipes, assembly hall for He 162), tailoring of Mittelwerk GmbH Various companies and a. AEG, Napola Ilfeld, Mittelwerk GmbH u. a. Massacre in the Isenschnibber field barn in Gardelegen Storage location not finally clarified
Osterode freedom / Curt Heber company September 25, 1944 - April 5, 1945 401 men / no. A. Arms production, lumberjack workers HEMAF u. a. Companies Liberated by the US Army on April 9-13, 1945 after the death march The external warehouse was located on the HEMAF factory premises
Osterode-Petershütte, Badger IV November 20, 1944 - March 21, 1945 by March 1945 increase to 800 men / k. A. Tunnel expansion, construction work Rhenania-Ossag AG, Organization Todt (EG IV) After the camp was closed in 3/1945, the prisoners were transferred to the Boelcke barracks subcamp
Tettenborn 2/1945 - 5.4.1945 28 men / no. A. Track construction ( Helmetalbahn ) and loading work (V2) Bergen-Belsen concentration camp
Ilsenburg 1.3.1945 -? 16 Italian prisoners of war / k. A. Electricity and gas pipeline work for the Mittelwerk unknown unknown precise storage location unknown
Quedlinburg September 17, 1944 - April 14, 1945 58 Italian prisoners of war / k. A. Construction work for high voltage line for the Mittelwerk unknown Liberation of the camp on April 14, 1945 by the US Army precise storage location unknown
Trautenstein 17/18 September 1944 to 16/17 April 1945 30 Italian prisoners of war / k. A. Deforestation for planned power line SS command staff B13, sawmills Liberation of the camp by the US Army on April 16/17, 1945 The prisoners are only guarded by an SS man
Wickerode January 15, 1945 to April 12, 1945 30 Italian prisoners of war / k. A. Construction work for overland gas pipeline SS command staff B18, Dietrich plant (Calbe) Liberation of the camp by the US Army approx. April 12, 1945 Guarding the prisoners by only two SS men
Rehungen ,
SS construction brigade I
10.9. 1944 - April 5, 1945 550 men / k. A. Infrastructure works SS Subcamp of the Mauthausen concentration camp, liberated by the US Army on May 5th, 1945 first Buchenwald concentration camp, 10/1944 - mid-January Mittelbau concentration camp, then subordinated to Sachsenhausen concentration camp
Hohlstedt , SS construction brigade I 10/1944 - 7.4.1945 200 - 300 men / no. A. Track work in Sangerhausen German Reichsbahn With prisoners from Rehungen to a satellite camp of the Mauthausen concentration camp, liberated by the US Army on May 5th, 1945 Branch of SS Building Brigade I in Rehungen
Wieda , SS construction brigade III May 11, 1944 - April 7, 1945 311 men / no. A. Track construction (Helmetalbahn) SS command staff B13 Entire SS Building Brigade III on the massacre in the Isenschnibber field barn in Gardelegen SS Building Brigade III was first under Buchenwald concentration camp, 10/1944 - mid-January Mittelbau concentration camp, then Sachsenhausen concentration camp
Nüxei , SS Building Brigade III June 19, 1944 - April 6, 1945 300 men / k. A. Track, forest, earthwork SS command staff B13 Via main station Wieda to the massacre in the Isenschnibber field barn in Gardelegen Branch of SS Building Brigade III in Wieda
Mackenrode , SS construction brigade III July 21, 1944 - April 6, 1945 300 men / k. A. Track, forest, earthwork SS command staff B13 Via main station Wieda to the massacre in the Isenschnibber field barn in Gardelegen Branch of SS Building Brigade III in Wieda
Osterhagen 5.7.1944 - 6.4.1945 300 men / k. A. Track, forest, earthwork SS command staff B13 Via main station Wieda to the massacre in the Isenschnibber field barn in Gardelegen Branch of SS Building Brigade III in Wieda
Ellrich-Bürgergarten satellite camp , SS construction brigade IV May 17, 1944 - April 6, 1945 950 / k. A. Track construction (Helmetalbahn), construction work SS command staff B13 350 prisoners for the massacre in the Isenschnibber field barn in Gardelegen and a second group with 700 prisoners on a death march across the Harz Mountains, liberated by the US Army at Güntersberge on April 15, 1945 Denoted by the inmates "upper camp" (as opposed to the "lower camp" Ellrich-Juliushütte), from September 1944 the Günzerode concentration camp was subordinated to the camp
Günzerode , SS construction brigade IV 09/04/1944 - 04/10/1945 maximum 950 men / k. A. Track construction (Helmetalbahn), SS command staff B13, construction companies Death march over the Harz Mountains, liberated by the US Army near Güntersberge on April 15, 1945 Branch of SS Construction Brigade IV in Ellrich-Bürgergarten
5th SS railway construction brigade October 8, 1944 - 4/1945 about 500 men / k. A. Track construction, debris removal Reichsbahn, City Administration Osnabrück Evacuation towards Flensburg, liberation on 05/05/1945 on the ship Apollo Subordinated to Mittelbau concentration camp from late October 1944 to January 1945, then to Sachsenhausen concentration camp
6th SS railway construction brigade, previously 1st SS railway construction brigade 09/12/1944 - 04/08/1945 500 men / k. A. Track construction, excavation work in Sangerhausen for telephone lines SS Evacuation by train, liberated in Salzburg on May 4th, 1945 Subordinated to Mittelbau concentration camp from late October 1944 to January 1945, then to Sachsenhausen concentration camp
7th SS railway construction brigade, previously 2nd SS railway construction brigade 09/19/1944 - 04/02/1945 470 men / at least 12 Track repair SS Evacuation by train in early April in two transports towards Lake Constance and Bad Schussenried Subordinated initially to the Auschwitz concentration camp, at the beginning of October to the Buchenwald concentration camp, from the end of October 1944 to January 1945 to the Mittelbau concentration camp, then to Sachsenhausen concentration camp
8th SS railway construction brigade 11/20/1944 - 3/1945 504 men / approx. 20th Track repair, repair of a railway tunnel in Stuttgart SS Evacuation by train from mid-March 1945, liberation in Bergen on May 3, 1945 Subordinated initially to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, from the end of November 1944 to January 1945 to the Mittelbau concentration camp, then to Sachsenhausen concentration camp


  • Andrè Sellier: Forced labor in the rocket tunnel - history of the Dora camp , zu Klampen, Lüneburg 2000, ISBN 3-924245-95-9 .
  • Jens-Christian Wagner (Ed.): Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camp 1943–1945 Accompanying volume for the permanent exhibition in the Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camp Memorial. Wallstein, Göttingen, 2007, ISBN 978-3-8353-0118-4 .
  • Jens Christian Wagner: Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp - satellite camp. In: Wolfgang Benz , Barbara Distel (eds.): The place of terror . History of the National Socialist Concentration Camps. Volume 7: Niederhagen / Wewelsburg, Lublin-Majdanek, Arbeitsdorf, Herzogenbusch (Vught), Bergen-Belsen, Mittelbau-Dora. CH Beck, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-406-52967-2 .
  • Jens-Christian Wagner: Production of death: The Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp , Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2001, ISBN 3-89244-439-0 .

Internet sites

Individual evidence

  1. The number of deceased prisoners relates to the duration of the camp, not including the deceased / murdered prisoners during the death marches