List of architectural monuments in the Münster-West district

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Shield-shaped memorial plaque of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia with the coat of arms of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, above it in capital letters "Monument", top left and right as well as a nail in the middle.

The list of architectural monuments in the Münster-West district contains the listed buildings in the Münster-West district in North Rhine-Westphalia (as of June 30, 2015). These architectural monuments are entered in the monuments list of the city of Münster; The basis for the admission is the Monument Protection Act North Rhine-Westphalia (DSchG NRW). This sub-list so far includes the street names from A to S.

→ See also:


Streets with A

image designation location description construction time Registered
Psychiatric clinic
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Psychiatric clinic Sentrup
Albert-Schweitzer-Campus 1 A9
Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University Hospital Münster (Westphalia) 1927-1932
BW Wayside shrine Nienberge
Altenberger Strasse 319
The wayside shrine used to stand on the street and was moved to the courtyard near the residential building in 1981.

It shows the Mother of God with the baby Jesus on her arm, made of sandstone.

On the front there is the following inscription:
Holy Mary
pray for us

On the back there is a bronze plaque with the following inscription:

Built in 1890

Married couple A. Keilinghaus
Anna geb. Vienna

Married couple A. Middendorf
Anna geb. Keilinghaus

Heir Anton Middendorf
born in 1891 died in 1961

implemented and restored
in 1981

Spouses P. Middendorf
Gertrud b. Grüter

Married couple A. Schulze Wierling
Christa geb. Middendorf

BW Schulze-Holsen farm Hiltrup
Am Roggenkamp 198
Schulze-Holsen courtyard, half-timbered storage End of 18th century
Workshop Workshop Roxel
Am Rohrbusch 56
Former workshop, now a doctor's office 2nd half of the 19th century
House Rüschhaus
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House Rüschhaus Nienberge
Am Rüschhaus 81
Haus Rüschhaus is a country estate in the Nienberge district . It was built between 1745 and 1748 according to a design by Johann Conrad Schlaun and initially occupied by himself as a summer residence.

The property, surrounded by a moat , whose architecture meets the demands of a feudal aristocratic residence, is designed like a rural courtyard. Schlaun succeeded in synthesizing a Westphalian farm and a sophisticated country estate in French style. The sculptor Johann Christoph Manskirch was also involved in the design. (Garden is protected)

Hof Averbeck Hof Averbeck Gievenbeck
Arnheimweg 40
Brick warehouse from 1870 on the Averbeck farm. Today the building is used as a play and exercise space for children in the Fachwerk district building. The main house of the farm dates from 1768 (formerly Hof Schulze-Nordhoff, farmers Gievenbeck 37). The main house was not included in the list of architectural monuments. circa 1870

Streets with B

image designation location description construction time Registered
Wayside shrine
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Wayside shrine Nienberge
Beerwiede 36
Wayside shrine: Pieta representation. Inscription for the picture: "Christ lives death and bare in his mother's womb, sent home (?)"

Base inscription: "Sorrowful mother, please for us (?)"

Mid 18th century
Half-timbered store
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Half-timbered store Roxel
Bösenseller Strasse 18
Half-timbered store 1804
Wayside shrine Holy Trinity
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Wayside shrine Holy Trinity Roxel
Bösenseller Strasse 57
The wayside shrine shows a representation of the Trinity at the top and a dying person saying goodbye to his loved ones at the bottom. Inscription (left side): “Most Holy Trinity I am ready to praise you, I live and die for you at all times. then take me to the silt. "

Founder (between the two scenes): Christoffer Heidentrich Schaff g. Eickrodt - Margaretha Elisabeth Hobbelinck

1730-1735. Created by the sculptor Frerkmann, trained in the traditional workshop of Kellermann from 1719–1725, a ten-member of the Eickrodt court in the Beerlage in Havixbeck, where the wayside shrine was initially set up. In 1870 it was relocated to its current location on the orders of Roxel bailiff Jodokus Eickrodt. 1984/85 cleaning and conservation.
BW Woodhouse Roxel
Bösenseller Strasse 152
Woodhouse 1943-45
Wayside cross
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Wayside cross Roxel
Bredeheide 5
Wayside cross 2nd half of the 18th century
Half-timbered store
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Half-timbered store Roxel
Brock 70
Half-timbered store, converted into a residential building. 1856
BW Hof Kückmann Roxel
Brock 155
Half-timbered store, last used as a granary for feeding cattle. Currently not usable due to dilapidation. 1st half of the 19th century
Kückmann wayside cross
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Kückmann wayside cross Roxel
Brock 155
Wayside cross. The original sandstone crucifix was badly damaged by lightning and is currently being replaced by a modern version.

Inscription: "O all of you who pass by on the way, pay attention and see whether a pain is like my pain." Lament. 1.12

1st half of the 18th century
Hof Kückmann Hof Kückmann Roxel
Brock 202
Courtyard with a farmhouse (1780), granary (1717/1880), half-timbered barn (around 1820) and coach house from 1780

Streets with C

image designation location description construction time Registered
Coesfeld Cross Coesfeld Cross Gievenbeck
Coesfelder Cross
The Coesfelder Kreuz is a Christian crossroads in the west of the city, on which the important traffic junction named after him in the road traffic and in the inner-city bus network has developed in the immediate vicinity. This consists of two large crossings that are about 200 m apart in an east-west direction.

In 1689, at the junction of the road to Gievenbeck from the country road to Coesfeld, a road cross was erected, which is similar to the Coesfeld fork cross from the 13th or 14th century. Donated by Caspar Stübbe , canon in Wildeshausen and vicar to St. Servatii in Münster, it was created by Johann Mauritz Gröninger according to local tradition . It was traditionally the starting point of the pilgrimage procession to the Coesfeld miraculous image.


Streets with D

image designation location description construction time Registered
Parish church of St. Anna with community center Parish church of St. Anna with community center Mecklenbeck
Dingbängerweg 59, 61, 63
Architect: Harald Deilmann 1966-1972
Peter Wust School
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Peter Wust School Mecklenbeck
Dingbängerweg 80
Former primary school in Mecklenbeck
Warrior Memorial
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Warrior Memorial Mecklenbeck
at Dingbängerweg 80
Cenotaph for the military and civilian victims of both world wars from Mecklenbeck. Inscription: "Do not forget us."
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Farmhouse Mecklenbeck
Dingbängerweg 370
Farmhouse 1st half of the 19th century
Brick storage Brick storage Mecklenbeck
Dingbängerweg 372
Brick storage, now residential building Early 19th century
BW Brick storage Mecklenbeck
Dingbängerweg 390
Brick storage 1st half of the 19th century
House Hohenfeld
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House Hohenfeld Mecklenbeck
Dingbängerweg 400
House Hohenfeld, neo-baroque house chapel 1899
Brick storage Brick storage Mecklenbeck
Dingbängerweg 408
Brick storage circa 1804
House of Judges House of Judges Mecklenbeck
Dingbängerweg 444
Residential building 1830
Surgical Clinic
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Surgical Clinic Sentrup
Domagkstrasse 1
Main entrance to the clinic on Waldeyerstraße Opened in 1925
Former medical clinic
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Former medical clinic Sentrup
Domagkstrasse 3
Former medical clinic at Münster University Hospital. Currently u. a. Seat of the Dean's Office of the Medical Faculty of the University of Münster. Opened in 1925
Administration building
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Administration building Sentrup
Domagkstrasse 5
Administration building of the University Hospital Münster (Westphalia) Opened in 1925
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laundry Sentrup
Domagkstrasse 9
Former laundry, now the medicine branch of the University and State Library of the University of Münster (Westphalia) Opened in 1925
Hygiene Institute
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Hygiene Institute Sentrup
Domagkstrasse 10
Former Hygiene Institute of the University of Münster
Former women's clinic
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Former women's clinic Sentrup
Domagkstrasse 11
Center for Reproductive Medicine and Andrology at the University Hospital Münster (Westphalia) Opened in 1925
Former Pharmacological Institute
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Former Pharmacological Institute Sentrup
Domagkstrasse 12
Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Münster (Westphalia) Opened in 1925
Former district heating plant Former district heating plant Sentrup
Domagkstrasse 13
Only the facade is protected.
Eye clinic
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Eye clinic Sentrup
Domagkstrasse 15
Eye clinic
Gerhard Domagk Institute for Pathology at the University Hospital Münster
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Gerhard Domagk Institute for Pathology at the University Hospital Münster Sentrup
Domagkstrasse 17
Pathological Institute. For a time the place of activity of the Nobel Prize winner for medicine (1939) Gerhard Domagk, the discoverer of the antibiotic effect of sulfonamides.
St. Ludgerus
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St. Ludgerus Albachten
Dülmener Straße 13
The hall church, built in neo-Gothic style (with a renaissance pulpit), was built in 1884 according to plans by August Hanemann and expanded from 1977 to 1978. The St. Ludgerus Church is a branch church of the Catholic parish of St. Liudger. 1886
Wayside shrine
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Wayside shrine Albachten
Dülmener Straße / Park 13
Wayside shrine - formerly stone cave. Inscription: “Father, not mine, but your will be done. Luk. 22.42 " Mid-18th century
Windmill stump Windmill stump Albachten
Dülmener Straße 32
Windmill stump - including technical equipment

Streets with E

image designation location description construction time Registered
BW Wayside shrine (translocated!) Gievenbeck
bei Enschedeweg 65
Wayside shrine, moved to Hofanlage in 2004 -> Gievenbecker Weg 210 1866
Residential building
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Residential building Sentrup
Eupener Weg 10
Residential building 1934

Streets with G

image designation location description construction time Registered
Wayside shrine Wayside shrine Nienberge
bei Gartenstiege 17
Inscription in front:

Glory be to the Father, the Son and the HL Spirit

Inscription on the side:

JC Schulte old Roxel. Current S.Kalthoff A: M: G S.Riping married couple

Wayside shrine Wayside shrine Gievenbeck
bei Gievenbecker row 1
Inscription: “Greetings, O Queen Mother of Mercy, you our life, our bliss, and so on. Hope be greeted: " 1855
Wayside shrine Wayside shrine Gievenbeck
Gievenbecker Weg 210
Wayside shrine - former location at Enschedeweg 65

Inscription: O Mary without sin, pray for us. Whoever asked Mary to you in earthly life, you gave him consolation and help and good advice.

Inscription on the left: J Oeing. E. Aver? Eck.

Inscription on the right: 1866 10 April

BW Rental house Mauritz-West
Gutenbergstrasse 2
Rental house 1906
BW Rental house Mauritz-West
Gutenbergstrasse 4
Rental house 1906
BW House of the quarry trade association Mauritz-West
Gutenbergstrasse 17
House of the quarry trade association 1911/12

Streets with H

image designation location description construction time Registered
Wayside shrine Wayside shrine Nienberge
bei Hanseller Strasse 290
Wayside shrine with lattice

Front inscription:

Hail, full of grace, Luc 1:28.

Inscription back:

Erected in 1893 by the married couple Heinrich Wilhelmer ot. Eilkmann and Anna Wenning

Half-timbered barn Half-timbered barn Nienberge
Hanseller Strasse 320
Half-timbered barn 19th century
Farwick-Hüntrup farm Farwick-Hüntrup farm Nienberge
Hanseller Strasse 350
Storage, middle building 1550/1860
BW Hof Kappenberg Duddey Mecklenbeck
Harkortstrasse 3
Half-timbered farmhouse 1786 and outbuildings (around 1850) from 1786
House Brock
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House Brock Roxel
Haus Brock 27
Remainder of the manor house from 1632 and graves, gatehouse from 1623 from 1623
House Forkenbeck
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House Forkenbeck Albachten
Haus Forkenbeck 20
Half-timbered store 18th century
House Vögeding
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House Vögeding Schonebeck
Haus Vögeding 14, 16, 18, 20
Living part and round tower around 1600
House Wiek
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House Wiek Albachten
Haus Wiek 77, 77a
House Wiek, complete system
House Wiek
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House Wiek Albachten
Haus Wiek 77a
Haus Wiek, old manor house 1612
House Wiek
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House Wiek Albachten
Haus Wiek 77
House Wiek, Torscheune House Amelsbueren
House Wiek
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House Wiek Albachten
Haus Wiek 77
House Wiek, former graves
Wayside cross Wayside cross Roxel
bei Havixbecker Strasse 79
Wayside cross. Inscription: "I am the resurrection and the life, whoever believes in me will live even if he has died, and everyone who l ..." (rest illegible) 1870
BW Wayside chapel Roxel
bei Havixbecker Strasse 141
Wayside chapel 1837
Lütke Brintrup farm
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Lütke Brintrup farm Roxel
Havixbecker Strasse 190
Half-timbered store 1788/1851
Münster Central Cemetery
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Münster Central Cemetery Sentrup
The old part of the central cemetery is both a listed building and a nature reserve. Its rectangular shape is marked by a 1,200 m long wall. The site itself is divided into 32 rectangular cemetery fields, which are assigned to the respective parishes or the evangelical church district of Münster as owners. The old part is accessed by two main paths that cross at right angles in the middle and that divide it into four sections. In the north-east-south-west direction there is another cross-connection to the north and south of the main road. In the north-west-south-east direction there are three cross connections to the west of the main route and four cross connections to the east. There are a total of 39 monuments in the old part of the central cemetery.
Owl house and aviary Owl house and aviary Sentrup
Owl house and aviary 1887 and 1880
Water bear
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Water bear Sentrup
Water bear 17th century
Westphalian School for Music Westphalian School for Music Sentrup
Himmelreichallee 50
Former State Museum of Natural History, now the Westphalian School of Music 1889-91
BW Farmhouse Nienberge
Hochherzweg 110
Speicher on the Schedding farm Speicher on the Schedding farm Roxel
Hohenholter Strasse 50a
Storage 1582
Russian cemetery of honor
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Russian cemetery of honor Map of Nienberge
Horstmarer Landweg
Russian cemetery of honor 1914-1918
Wayside cross Wayside cross Gievenbeck
Horstmarer Landweg 481
Cross of the ways, inscription: “All come to Me. who are troublesome and laden. I want to refresh you. with me you will find comfort and rest for your souls. Math. XI.28.29 " 1882

Streets with L

image designation location description construction time Registered
Former "Reiterkaserne"
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Former "Reiterkaserne" Sentruper Höhe
Leonardo Campus 1
Former “Reiterkaserne”, now the seat of the Brazil Center and the Institute for Business Management in the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy at the University of Münster 1898
Former "Reiterkaserne"
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Former "Reiterkaserne" Sentruper Höhe
Leonardo Campus 3
Former "Reiterkaserne", now the seat of the Institute for Information Systems, the WWU Center Europe, the Brazil Center of the University of Münster and the European Research Center for Information Systems. 1898
Former "Reiterkaserne"
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Former "Reiterkaserne" Sentruper Höhe
Leonardo Campus 5
Former "Reiterkaserne", now the main building of the architecture department of the Münster University of Applied Sciences 1898
Former "Reiterkaserne"
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Former "Reiterkaserne" Sentruper Höhe
Leonardo Campus 7
Former “Reiterkaserne”, now the southern building of the architecture department of the Münster University of Applied Sciences 1898
Former "Reiterkaserne"
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Former "Reiterkaserne" Sentruper Höhe
Leonardo Campus 8
Building of the former "Reiterkaserne", now the cafeteria of the Art Academy Münster 1898
Former "Reiterkaserne"
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Former "Reiterkaserne" Sentruper Höhe
Leonardo Campus 9
Former “Reiterkaserne”, now the seat of the civil law department of the Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law at the University of Münster 1898
Library of the Art Academy
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Library of the Art Academy Sentruper Höhe
Leonardo Campus 10
Former "Reiterkaserne", now library and lecture hall building of the Art Academy Münster 1898
Former "Reiterkaserne"
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Former "Reiterkaserne" Sentruper Höhe
Leonardo Campus 11
Former main building of the "Reiterkaserne", now used by university sports facilities and the center for teacher training and subject didactics of the University of Münster 1898
Former "Reiterkaserne"
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Former "Reiterkaserne" Sentruper Höhe
Leonardo Campus 12
Former stables of the "Reiterkaserne", now technical workshops of the Münster Art Academy 1898
Former "Reiterkaserne"
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Former "Reiterkaserne" Sentruper Höhe
Leonardo Campus 13
Former “Reiterkaserne”, now the Leonardo-Campus sports hall of the University of Münster 1898
Former "Reiterkaserne"
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Former "Reiterkaserne" Sentruper Höhe
Leonardo Campus 14
Former stables of the "Reiterkaserne", now technical workshops (etching, painting technique, screen printing, ceramics, metal, etc.) of the Münster Art Academy 1898
Former "Reiterkaserne"
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Former "Reiterkaserne" Leonardo Campus 16
Former stables of the "Reiterkaserne", now technical workshops (woodworking) of the Münster Art Academy 1898
Former "Reiterkaserne"
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Former "Reiterkaserne" Sentruper Höhe
Leonardo Campus 18
Former stables of the "Reiterkaserne", now the institute for business start-ups and development at the University of Münster 1898
Former "Reiterkaserne"
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Former "Reiterkaserne" Sentruper Höhe
Leonardo Campus 19
Former “Reiterkaserne”, now used by the motor vehicle department of the University of Münster 1898
Former "Reiterkaserne"
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Former "Reiterkaserne" Sentruper Höhe
Leonardo Campus 21
Former "Reiterkaserne", now the seat of the university archive of the University of Münster. 1898
Half-timbered house
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Half-timbered house Albachten
Lindenallee 16
Half-timbered house with outbuildings. Restored for residential use.

Streets with M

image designation location description construction time Registered
Residential building
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Residential building Sentruper Höhe
Malmedyweg 10
Residential building (formerly property no.617) 1938
House of Kösters
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House of Kösters Sentruper Höhe
Mausbachstraße 9
Residential building 1953/54
House mate
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House mate Mecklenbeck
Mecklenbecker Strasse 252
Haus Kump, a granary from the end of the 15th century, has been preserved. 15th century
Neo-Romanesque wayside chapel
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Neo-Romanesque wayside chapel Mecklenbeck
Mecklenbecker Strasse 315
Path chapel of the Brüggemann / Klosterkemper families.

Inscription: Mother of Jesus see in the son what he suffered for me sinner. That I weep for my sins, share my pain with me too. Our father. Hail Mary.


Streets with N

image designation location description construction time Registered
Double shrine on the church square
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Double shrine on the church square Nienberge
Nienberger Kirchplatz 4a
Double shrine for St. Sebastian and Jesus on the church square of St. Sebastian Church in Münster-Nienberge.

Inscription partially weathered and illegible. Church side: "O JESUS ​​how bitter you ... into the cruel. Burden and shameful redemption you want ...... heavenly fathers for our ..."

Opposite side: “O holy SEBASTIANE you are ordered by god as a ... patron against the plague: we ask you through your torture that you want to protect us from the plague and through your intercession lead us to eternal bliss. Amen"

Mid-18th century
St. Sebastian
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St. Sebastian Nienberge
Nienberger Kirchplatz 4a
The parish of St. Sebastian was founded shortly after 1040. The strong Romanesque west tower dates from the 12th century, it is provided with sound arcades on two floors . The nave is a low, vaulted hall of three bays with a 5/8 end. The keystone in the choir, with the picture of the church patron, is marked 1499. A transept was added in the 20th century .
Altitude mark Altitude mark Nienberge
Nienberger Kirchplatz 4a
Elevation mark on the choir of the Sankt Sebastian Church in Münster-Nienberge. Caption: "Königl. Preuss. ... " 1894
Wayside cross Wayside cross Gievenbeck
Nünningweg / Am Küchenbusch
Inscription in front


Only love should come to love, only pure things should come close to pure, feast with the lips piously pray should unite pious deeds.

Inscriptions on the side

In 1883

Erected by Ludowicus Ficker


Streets with P

image designation location description construction time Registered
Schulze-Höping farm
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Schulze-Höping farm Roxel
Pantaleonplatz 9/11
Schulze-Höping farm, residential building 1920
Schulze-Höping farm Schulze-Höping farm Roxel
Pantaleonplatz 15/17
Schulze-Höping courtyard, former brick warehouse, now residential building 1857
St. Pantaleon
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St. Pantaleon Roxel
Pantaleonstrasse 2b
The square, Romanesque west tower with coupled sound openings is still preserved from the foundation building from the end of the 12th century . On the first floor, the tower vault rests on warriors . The arched window openings on the vaulted upper floor are walled up. Around the middle of the 14th century, the Romanesque nave was replaced by a Gothic one. The choir dates from around 1500. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the church was damaged and plundered several times. Increasing damage to the structure of the nave finally led to the decision to build a new building in 1893. When it was demolished at the end of the 19th century, wall paintings from the 15th century were discovered under the plaster . Hilger Hertel the Younger built the neo-Gothic hall longhouse from 1898 to 1901 and renewed the tower portal . The new nave was consecrated on April 17, 1901 by Bishop Hermann Jakob Dingelstad .

Today's nave of the Catholic parish church of St. Pantaleon, built in neo-Gothic style, is a three-aisled hall church with a five-eighth choir closure. The transept is slightly wider than the longship . There are two side apses on the east and two chapels on the west , which flank the Romanesque tower. The slate-roofed church is crowned with a slim, pointed roof turret. There is a stair tower on the north side between the nave and the choir . The base is made of Ibbenbüren stone and the walls are clad in Baumberger sandstone .

Wayside shrine at the church
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Wayside shrine at the church Roxel
Pantaleonstrasse 2b
Wayside shrine, inscription: “Sorrowful mother! Please for us!"
Gasthof Hagedorn
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Gasthof Hagedorn Roxel
Pantaleonstrasse 9
Half-timbered eaves house 18th century

Streets with R

image designation location description construction time Registered
Former military hospital / skin clinic Former military hospital / skin clinic Sentruper Höhe
Röntgenstrasse 17, 21, 23
Together with Von-Esmarch-Str. 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 62 - Former military hospital (1937–1939), part of the university skin clinic 1937-39
House Elmar
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House Elmar Sentruper Höhe
Roxeler Strasse 394a
Villa (1890) with outbuildings 1890
Path chapel and crucifixion group
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Path chapel and crucifixion group Roxel
bei Roxeler Strasse 560
Path chapel and crucifixion group. Inscription: He was sacrificed because he wanted it himself. Isaiah 53.7

M. Anna Wittwe Schulze Bernd b. Schulze Stodtbrock.

2nd half of the 17th century
Wayside cross Wayside cross Gievenbeck
Rüschhausweg 270

Eternal Father, I offer you the precious blood of Jesus Christ to satisfy my sins and the concerns of the holy Church Our Father. Ave Maria. - Erected in June 1880 by the married couple Heinrich Lammerkamp Elisabeth Högemann


Streets with S

image designation location description construction time Registered
BW Kötterhaus Albachten, West
Sandweg 40
BW Werkshaus / half-timbered house Häger, West
Schlikötterstiege 101
Werkshaus / half-timbered house around 1870
BW farm Häger, West
Schmitthausweg 64
FW farmhouse (1663/1838), FW storage facility (early 19th century), brick barn (around 1910) from 1663
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Theresienschule Sentruper Höhe, West
Sentruper Höhe 5
Theresienschule: primary school in Münster-Sentrup
BW Landois monument Sentruper Höhe, West
Sentruper Straße 301–319, at the Allwetterzoo
Schützenhof Schützenhof Sentruper Höhe, West
Steinfurter Strasse 104
Formerly an officers' casino, now a restaurant around 1900
BW Boundary stone at the bridge over the Kinderbach Sentruper Höhe, West
Steinfurter Strasse 110
Honor cemetery on the Gasselstiege Honor cemetery on the Gasselstiege Sentruper Höhe, West
Steinfurter Strasse 128b
Honor cemetery on the Gasselstiege
BW Schulze Stodtbrock farm Roxel, West
Stodtbrockweg 34
Courtyard, half-timbered store Beginning 19th century
Wayside chapel
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Wayside chapel Roxel, West
at Stodtbrockweg 34
Path chapel at the Schulze Stodtbrock farm 1854
Althof courtyard Althof courtyard Roxel, West
Stodtbrockweg 33
Hof Althof, half-timbered warehouse from 1816 (moved and converted for residential purposes) 1816
Schultmann farm Schultmann farm Mecklenbeck, West
Stratmannweg 25
Schultmann courtyard, half-timbered warehouse (1824) - formerly Weseler Straße 690 1824

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