List of bequests in the Aargau State Archives

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The list contains the written legacies in the Aargau State Archives with their signatures.

Surname Born Died Signature / link Linear meters Remarks (inventory)
Josef Ackermann 1873 1959 NL.A-0001 0.15 "Materials for the work, works: Documentation about the communities Hellikon AG, Wegenstetten AG and the Fricktal. Archeology in the Fricktal, local history, local history, folklore, legends, school system, memories of youth, humor, statistics, photos, newspaper clippings, postcards "
Johannes Ammann 1881 1947 Estates 0.10 Miscellaneous, genealogy
Alfred Amsler (1928–1938) 1870 1940 NL.A-0002 0.10 "Materials on the work, works: records and documentation on geology and field names in the Schinznach AG area. Iron ore mining in Herznach AG "
Jakob Amsler 1788 1862 Estates 0.10 "Personal documents, personal papers (certificates)"
Heinrich Anacker (approx. 1951 - approx. 1988) 1901 1971 NL.A-0003 0.50 “Materials for the work, works: work as a dialect poet, poems and verses with settings by Wilhelm Hildebrand. Sound carrier (long-playing record, music cassettes) "
Kaspar Arnold 1836 1879 Estates 0.10 "Letters, miscellaneous, personal papers, memoirs, prints"
Johann Jakob Bäbler 1836 1900 Estates 1.5 "Materials on the work, collection of Aargau field names"
Karl Ballmer 1891 1958 Estates 1.7 "Letters, materials on the work, literary manuscripts, transcripts, newspaper clippings, reviews of exhibitions"
Joseph Balmer 1828 1918 Legacies (deposit of the historical Freiamt Society) 0.3 "Materials on the work (concerning Abtwil, Freiamt), miscellaneous"
Franz Urs Balthasar 1689 1763 Estates 0.1 "Miscellaneous, works"
Samuel Bear 1818 1889 Estates 0.1 "Personal documents, personal papers"
Emil Baumann 1847 1915 Estates 0.1 "Miscellaneous, notebook from 1897 (regarding local and church history of Birr)"
Fritz Baumann 1894 1992 Estates 0.4 "Miscellaneous, family archive, contracts, files, newspaper clippings"
Johann Baptist Baur 1783 1851 Estates 0.1 "Miscellaneous, diaries 1848/50"
Kaspar Belliger 1790 1845 Estates 0.1 "Letters, miscellaneous, scientific and artistic preparatory work, image material (graphics)"

Anna-Klara-Hedwig Bertuch-Widmer (pseudonym: Hanna Fröhlich, von Lenzburg and Hausen)

1867 1924 Estates 0.1 "Miscellaneous, notebook"
Karl Georg Otto Blattner 1834 1901 Estates 0.1 "Miscellaneous, image material (photographs and silhouettes of people from his student days, 1849–1854 in Aarau)"
Gottfried Boesch 1915 1983 Estates 7.7 “Materials on the work, miscellaneous, works by his students, notes, newspaper clippings. The estate includes a deposit on the barons of Eschenbach. "
Otto Bohler 1879 1955 Estates 1.9 "Documents on the person, letters, materials on the work"
Georg Boner 1908 1991 Estates 0.9 "Materials on the work (canton and local history), works, transcripts of documents"
Reinhold Bosch 1887 1973 Estates 5.1 "Letters, materials on the work, notes, works on local and cantonal history, genealogy, image material (photographs), sample collection (straw industry)"
Johann Nepomuk Xaver Brentano 1775 1839 Estates 0.1 "Works"
Franz Xaver Bronner 1758 1850 Estates 1.7 "Personal documents, letters, materials on the work, miscellaneous, works, scientific preparatory work (mathematics, meteorology, history), poems, minutes of the Kazan school board (1811–1817), travelogues"
Marianna (Anna Maria) Bronner 1901 1972 Estates 0.2 "Miscellaneous, war diaries 1939–1946, newspaper clippings, images"
Arnold Büchli 1885 1970 Estates 0.2 "Letters, materials on the work, newspaper clippings, reviews"
Heinrich Bullinger 1504 1575 Estates 0.9 "Works"
Samuel Datwyler 1814 1891 Estates 0.1 "Documents on the person, letters, miscellaneous, files (concerning Sonderbund campaign)"
Jean-André Deluc 1727 1817 Estates 0.1 "Letters (correspondence with JG Zimmermann). The letters are part of JG Zimmermann's estate. "
Annie, Baroness von Derschau (1801–) Estates 0.1 “Letters, materials about the work, miscellaneous, poems, memoirs. The estate belongs to the estate of Franz-Max Herzog. "
Johann Rudolf Dolder 1753 1807 Estates 0.1 "Personal documents, miscellaneous, files (concerning Wolf Dreifuss)"
Robert Dorer 1830 1893 Estates 0.1 "Letters (correspondence with E. Tanner, advocate, regarding the memorial for Colonel and Landammann Schwarz)"
Jadwiga Maria Dorosz 1905 1946 Estates 0.3 "Personal documents, letters, materials about the work, memoirs"
Eduard Dossekel 1810 1890 Estates 0.4 "Personal documents, letters, materials on the work, works"
Paul Dubler 1898 1970 Estates 0.6 "Letters, miscellaneous, files, business correspondence"
Eugen Ehrmann 1867 1946 Estates 0.1 "Materials for the work, works, speeches"
Oskar Erismann 1844 1918 Estates 0.1 "Materials on the work, miscellaneous, works, memoirs of Clara Balsiger-Erismann, chronicle of the" Fischer von Reinach ""
Emil Heinrich Erny 1868 1949 Estates 0.2 "Documents on the person, miscellaneous, protocols, images (photographs)"
Ernst-August Evers 1779 1823 Estates 0.4 "Personal documents, letters, miscellaneous, lecture transcripts (Hall 1798–1800, including FA Wolf)"
Josef Thomas Fassbind 1755 1824 Estates 0.1 "Works (re. Canton Schwyz)"
Andreas Fehlmann 1796 1854 Estates 0.1 "Personal documents, letters, memoirs, poems"
Johann Karl Fetzer 1768 1847 Estates 0.1 "Works, scientific preparatory work (concerning Fricktal and Canton Aargau)"
Johann-Heinrich Fischer 1790 1861 Estates 0.1 "Personal documents, letters, materials on the work, miscellaneous, family chronicle, invoices"
Johann Baptist Ignaz Fischinger 1768 1844 Estates 0.1 "Works, scientific preparatory work (concerning Rheinfelden district)"
Elisabeth Flühmann 1851 1929 Estates 0.2 "Materials on the work, works, newspaper clippings"
Adolf Frey 1855 1920 Estates 0.1 "Letters, miscellaneous, notebook (1900-1918), poems"
Adolf Ernst Frey 1828 1904 Legacies (deposit Gustav Adolf Frey-Bally) 0.1 "Letters, miscellaneous, pamphlets"
Arthur Frey 1879 1959 Estates 2.3 "Personal documents, letters, materials on the work, memoirs, works, speeches, lectures, collection of autographs. The estate also concerns the daughters Elisabeth and Margaritha [1879–1991]. "
Friedrich Frey 1806 1884 Estates "Personal documents, personal papers, documents"
Jakob Frey 1824 1875 Estates 0.6 "Documents on the person, letters, materials on the work, works. The estate also affects the Jakob Freys family [1824–1920] "
Friedrich Frey-Herosé 1801 1873 Estates 0.1 "Personal documents, letters, memoirs, diaries (diary for studying in Paris 1820–1821), files"
Viktor Fricker 1906 1977 Estates 0.2 "Letters, materials on the work, miscellaneous, transcripts"
Josef Venerand Friedrich 1771 1847 AA 9517 0.1 "Materials on the work, collection of files (on Consulta in Paris 1802/1803), records (on Fricktal)"
Leonz Füglistaller 1768 1840 Estates 0.9 "Personal documents, letters, materials on the work, scientific preparatory work on German language history and grammar"
Charles de Gimbernat 1788 1834 Estates 0.1 "Letters, reports on baths in Baden"
Jakob Gloor 1841 1925 Estates 0.1 "Personal documents, letters, miscellaneous, business papers"
René Gloor 1881 1930 Estates 0.3 "Letters, materials on the work (regarding the Reformation in Aargau), images (photographs), biographies (Johannes Weber, Caspar Frey, Peter Kunz, Johannes Haller)"
August Edmund Gouzy 1831 ? Estates 0.1 "Scientific preparatory work"
Adele Guggenheim, called Alis 1896 1958 Estates 0.1 "Materials for the work, images (photographs of your images)"
Alfred Häberle 1916 2005 Estates 0.1 "Miscellaneous, transcripts (church books of the Catholic parish of Aaraus, 1804-1856), regesta on the biography of Pastor Georg Siegrist (1788-1866)"
Johann Haberstich 1821 1891 Estates 0.2 "Miscellaneous, lecture transcripts (from my studies in Heidelberg)"
Sophie Haemmerli-Marti 1868 1942 Estates 0.1 "Documents on the person, letters, materials on the work, images (photographs), sayings, idiotisms and words about the Aargau dialect, newspaper clippings, directory of the main estate (Lenzburg, Museum Burghalde)"
Hieronimus Hagenbuch 1813 1878 Estates 0.4 "Personal documents, letters, miscellaneous, diaries, sermons"
Georg Andreas Hagnauer 1783 1848 Estates 0.2 "Personal documents, letters, materials on the work, works, memoirs"
Gottlieb Hagnauer 1796 1880 Estates 0.1 "Personal documents, letters, memoirs, files (concerning the Poland Committee in Aarau)"
Nold Halder 1899 1967 Estates 2.0 "Materials on the work, music manuscripts, notes, works on the history of the canton and the history of the canton library, lectures"
Paul Haller 1882 1920 Estates 0.5 "Personal documents, letters, materials on the work, works (copies from his brother), sermons, sketchbooks, images, newspaper clippings, pamphlets"
Gottlieb Härri (pseudonym: Linus vom / auf Homberg) 1845 1914 Estates 0.1 "Materials for the work, works"
Hans Hässig 1860 1936 Estates 0.3 "Miscellaneous, lecture transcripts"
Arnold Hauri 1871 1944 Estates 0.3 "Miscellaneous, collection of sources, images (officer portraits)"
Karl (Charles) Häusermann 1886 1938 Estates 0.1 "Documents on the person, materials on the work, miscellaneous, works"
Rudolf junior Häusermann 1871 1942 Estates 0.6 "Personal documents, materials on the work, miscellaneous, family history, music manuscripts, collection of singing festival badges, concert programs, printed sheet music"
Friedrich Häusler 1806 1882 Estates 0.1 "Letters, Memories"
Mathias Hefti-Gysi 1894 1961 Estates 0.1 "Materials on the work, works, local sagas, natural science"
Karl Henckell 1864 1929 Estates 1.4 "Documents on the person, letters, materials on the work, miscellaneous"
Franz-Max Herzog 1911 1961 Estates 0.3 "Materials on the work, miscellaneous, works, reviews"
Hans Herzog 1858 1929 Estates 2.3 "Personal documents, letters, materials on the work, works, material on the biography of Beat Fidel Zurlauben, visual material (graphics, photographs)"
Hans (Karl Johann) Duke 1819 1894 Estates 1.7 "Documents on the person, letters, materials on the work, works, notes and files relating to the military, images (photographs), plans"
Johannes Duke of Effingen 1773 1840 Estates 2.9 "Personal documents, letters, materials on the work, files, contracts, copy books"
Hermann Hesse 1861 1948 Estates 0.1 "Materials for the work, music manuscripts"
Samuel Heuberger 1854 1929 Estates 0.4 "Letters, materials on the work, miscellaneous, transcripts of documents, work on customs and Bruges civil families"
Jakob Horlacher 1863 1933 Estates 0.1 "Miscellaneous, coats of arms (Aargau municipal coats of arms, Brugger civil families), genealogy"
Johann Jakob Huber 1823 1899 Estates 0.3 "Miscellaneous, village chronicle from Lupfig AG"
David Guillaume Huguenin , called Maire Huguenin 1765 1842 Estates "Works, scientific preparatory work (concerning Neuchâtel and Valangin)"
Gottlieb Hünerwadel 1744 1820 Estates 0.1 "Personal documents, letters, reports (regarding the church constitution in the Canton of Aargau), memoirs"
Jakob Hunziker 1827 1901 Estates 7.2 "Documents on the person, material on the work, work (language, place name and farmhouse research), image material (photographs, collection of photo plates on the Swiss house, drawings), plans, lectures, statistics"
Josef Victor Hürbin 1831 1915 Estates 0.1 "Miscellaneous, Lecture Notes on Canon Law (Freiburg i.Br. 1857/58)"
Gabriel Hürner 1709 1750 Estates 0.1 "Travel Diaries 1736–1738"
Bernhard Isler 1783 1862 Estates 0.1 "Miscellaneous, Diary 1812/13"
Johann Baptist Jehle 1773 1847 AA9516 0.1 "Miscellaneous, diary and files 1802–1804"
Leo Jud 1482 1542 Estates "Letters, Copies"
Jakob Käser 1820 1874 Estates 0.2 "Miscellaneous, household books 1850-1865, teaching aids, music manuscripts"
Hans Käslin 1867 1955 Estates 0.3 "Personal documents, letters (correspondence with Prof. Dr. Günther Werner 1939–1955), material on the work, works, artistic and scientific preparatory work, documents, obituaries, newspaper clippings"
Arnold Kaspar (approx. 1855 - approx. 1880) 1836 1879 NL.A-0004 0.05 "Documents on the person / family: Biographical, personal papers, diary 1859. Letters: Private and professional letters to Kaspar Arnold. Materials on the work, work: publications, teaching aids and presentations on topics of education and upbringing such as the curriculum at community schools, real lessons at elementary schools, spelling and punctuation, the mother's educational tasks "
Arnold Keller 1841 1934 Estates 1.1 "Documents on the person, miscellaneous, images (photographs), diaries, travelogues, newspaper clippings, family tree of the Augustin Keller family"
Augustin Keller 1805 1883 Estates 1.3 "Personal documents, letters, miscellaneous, memoirs, works (transcripts), images (photographs, portraits)"
Georg Viktor Keller 1760 1827 Estates 0.5 "Materials on the work, works, preliminary scientific work (diplomacy, church history of the dioceses of Augsburg and Eichstädt)"
Gottfried Keller 2 1873 1945 Estates 0.3 "Miscellaneous, speeches"
Jakob Keller 1843 1900 Estates 0.7 "Personal documents, letters, materials on the work, works"
Johann Keusch 1786 1865 Estates 0.9 "Materials on the work, plans, calculations, house and interest books, village chronicle Boswil 1728–1795, diaries, agendas, pamphlets on architecture, contracts, newspaper clippings, work journal"
Samuel Koprio 1864 1921 Estates 0.5 "Materials on the work, works, local history of Windisch, works on Windisch families and church history, notes, transcripts, newspaper clippings"
Samuel Lauper 1779 ? Estates 0.1 "Personal documents, letters"
Felix Lindinner 1729 1807 Estates 1.4 “Letters (correspondence of the interim government of Zurich 1799; Felix Lindinner, son), materials on the work, works, collection of documents and files on Swiss and Zurich history. The estate comes from the estate of Johann Heinrich David Zschokke (1771–1848). "
Melchior Lüscher 1769 1828 Estates 0.1 "Miscellaneous, family history Lüscher von Oberentfelden"
Albert Matter 1885 1957 Estates 0.3 "Materials on the work, works, history of the municipality of Kölliken, images (photographs)"
Albert Maurer 1882 1962 Estates 0.3 "Materials on the work, newspaper clippings (regarding cantonal politics)"
Seraphin Meier 1857 1928 Estates 0.4 "Materials on the work, works, local history of Tägerig"
Hermione Merz 1865 1953 Estates 0.2 "Documents on the person, materials on the work, memoirs"
Walther Merz 1868 1938 Estates 0.1 "Materials on the work, notes (card files), manuscript (repertory of the Aargau State Archives)"
Jakob Reinhard Meyer 1883 1966 Estates 0.2 "Documents on the person, materials on the work, works (regarding the Rued rule), collection of sources on the history of the Rued rule, Schöftland and the Ruedertal, image material (photographs, bookplates)"
Johann Meyer 1791 1833 Estates 0.1 "Documents on the person, materials on the work, memoirs, works, business book"
Johann Rudolf Meyer 1739 1813 Estates 0.1 "Personal documents, letters, miscellaneous, copy book 1802/1804, sack booklet"
Casimir Mösch 1827 1898 Estates 0.1 "Materials on the work, contributions to the geological map of Switzerland by Mösch (1867)"
Friedrich Muhlberg 1840 1915 Estates 0.3 "Letters, materials on the work, works (manuscripts, dissertation)"
Clara Müller 1862 1929 Estates “Miscellaneous, pamphlets, images (photographs of your paintings). The estate is part of the estate of Johann Rudolf Müller "
Hermann Muller 1836 1910 Estates 1.2 "Letters, materials on the work, lecture manuscripts, school files, lectures, sermons, images (photographs)"
Johann Rudolf Müller 1824 1894 Estates 0.2 "Personal documents, letters, materials on the work, works, memoirs, diaries, images (photographs), business papers"
Franz Xaver Münzel 1882 1969 Estates 0.1 "Various, images (engravings, illustrations), publications on Baden"
Arnold Friedrich Niggli 1843 1927 Estates 0.1 "Materials for the work, manuscripts of his poems"
Richard Arthur Nüscheler 1877 1950 Estates 0.1 "Materials for the work, glass plates"
Arnold Nüscheler-Usteri 1811 1897 Estates 0.2 "Materials on the work and parish reports (regarding places of worship in the canton of Aargau), miscellaneous"
Johann Friedrich Rauchstein 1812 1889 Estates 0.4 "Letters, materials on the work, speeches, school files, lecture notes"
Rudolf Smoking Stone 1798 1879 Estates 0.5 "Personal documents, letters, materials on the work, memoirs, notebooks, obituaries, files (relating to the cantonal school), lecture transcripts, drawings, manuscripts"
Trust God Richard 1823 1899 Estates 0.1 "Materials on the work, images (photographs relating to Swiss costumes)"
Martha Ringier 1874 1967 Estates 0.1 "Miscellaneous, images (photographs), works, newspaper clippings"
Ernst Ludwig Rochholz 1809 1892 Estates 2.3 "Documents on the person, letters, materials on the work (saga research, folklore), picture material (drawings, picture boards regarding picture bread). The estate also affects the Rochholz-Schibler family (until 1921) "
Gottlieb Rodel 1899 1974 Estates 2.1 "Miscellaneous, GA Scartazzini collection (Dante research), local history (regarding Seetal, straw industry), notes, newspaper clippings, images (photographs)"
Alois Ruepp 1785 1832 Estates 0.1 "Personal documents, miscellaneous, recipe book"
Remigius Sauerländer 1882 1961 Estates 0.6 "Documents on the person, miscellaneous, military files, diaries 1912–1918, images (photographs), files (concerning Veterans Association Füs. Bat. 46)"
Johann Rudolf Schädelin 1818 1879 Estates 0.1 "Miscellaneous, records of the Rued rule"
Karl Schauenberg 1802 1881 Estates "Work (Geography of the Canton of Aargau for Schools and Self-Teaching)"
Karl-Friedrich Schaufelberger 1920 1945 Estates 0.2 "Letters, materials on the work, miscellaneous, works, diaries"
Udalrich Joseph Schaufelbühl 1789 1856 Estates 2.6 "Letters, materials on the work, medical work, files and contracts (Zurzacher Messe 1768–1843), files on political activity, Zurzach medical records, bills. The estate also concerns Franz Joseph Schaufelbühl (1756–1824), doctor, councilor. "
Joseph Victor von Scheffel 1826 1886 Estates 0.1 "Letters See also Klose, Karl"
Adolf Scheurmann 1861 1947 Estates 0.1 "Works, scientific preparatory work (concerning Aarburg), image material (photographs)"
Johann Oskar Schibler 1862 1932 Estates 0.6 "Personal documents, letters, miscellaneous, files (vigilante groups), collections from the time of the First World War (money, rationing cards, images)"
Wilhelm Schinz 1739 1806 Estates 0.1 "Personal documents, biography (written by his son, Johann Heinrich Schinz)"
Jakob Gustav Schmidt-Hagnauer 1831 1901 Estates 0.1 "Materials for the work"
Johann Nepomuk von Schmiel 1774 1850 Estates 0.6 "Personal documents, letters, materials on the work, diaries, agenda, military and political writings"
Karl Johann Friedrich Schröter 1826 1886 Estates; Urk. Schröter 1.1 "Letters, materials on the work (regarding the Aargau church system, Fricktal, Rheinfelden rule), works, collection of documents (regarding Rheinfelden rule), lecture transcripts"
Johann Melchior Schuler 1779 1859 Estates 1.1 "Materials on the work, scientific preparatory work, works, collections on pedagogy, Swiss and Reformation history, Aargau biographies, transcripts of reformers' correspondence"
Edmund Schulthess 1868 1944 Estates 0.1 "Miscellaneous, files (concerning the FDP cantonal party, political activity as aargau Grand Council)"
Albert Schumann 1835 1897 Estates 0.9 "Documents on the person, letters, materials on the work, miscellaneous, works, images (portraits)"
Gertrud Bertha Schwarz 1868 1948 Estates 0.1 "Personal documents, letters, materials on the work, miscellaneous, image material (photographs, postcards)"
Friedrich Schweizer 1800 1885 Estates 0.1 "Personal documents"
Anton Senti 1887 1966 Estates 0.2 "Materials on the work, works (plays), images (portraits)"
Hermann Siegfried 1819 1879 Estates 0.1 "Personal documents, letters (regarding the military)"
Jean-Jacques Siegrist 1918 1992 Estates 8.5 "Materials on the work, miscellaneous, notebooks, card files, plans and maps on the history of Aargau communities"
Constantin Siegwart-Müller 1801 1869 Estates 0.1 "Letters"
Leonhard von Soltau 1800 1846 Estates 0.3 "Collection of Low German folk songs and sayings"
Hans Matthias Speich (1927–1987) 1928 1986 NL.A-0259 0.15 Documents on the person / family: Four detailed photo albums with motifs about childhood in the parental home, teaching activities in Aarau with school trips and camps, activities as a boy scout and the military career of the estate from the artillery recruitment school Monte Ceneri in 1948 to the time as an officer in the artillery officers school Frauenfeld 1953 "
Karl Speidel 1887 1966 Estates 1.7 "Materials on the work, card indexes (field names in Canton Aargau), library"
Eduard Spiegelberg 1894 1952 Estates 2.6 "Materials on the work, local history work (concerning Limmattal and Wettingen), educational work, notes, poems, newspaper clippings"
Adolf Stäbli 1842 1901 Estates 0.1 "Letters"
Rudolf Stänz 1902 1961 Estates "Miscellaneous, collection of files (concerning Friedrich Rudolf Müller (1800–1861), families Müller von Schöftland and Suter von Kölliken)"
Philipp Albert Stapfer 1766 1840 Estates 0.1 "Letters"
Erich Stirnemann 1904 ? Estates 0.1 "Materials for the work, works (seals)"
Otto Sutermeister 1832 1901 Estates 0.1 "Personal documents, works (poems)"
Karl Rudolf Tanner 1794 1849 Estates 0.4 “Letters, miscellaneous, works, preparatory work for the work, minutes of the Heidelberg Helvetica (1814–1816). The estate also affects the Tanner family (until 1903). "
Ignaz Paul Vitalis Troxler 1780 1866 Estates 0.3 "Materials on the work, works, biography of Emil Spiess (manuscript)"
Johann Caspar Ulrich 1705 1768 Estates 0.2 "Materials on the work, works, collection on the history of the Jews in Switzerland (1768)"
Eduard Vischer 1874 1946 Estates 3.7 "Letters, materials on the work, sermons, speeches, files (concerning the Rupperswil infant school)"
Alois Vock 1785 1857 Estates 0.1 “Letters, materials on the work. The estate also concerns Joseph Franz Xaver Vock (1752–1828), Professor of Dogmatics. "
Friedrich Salomon Vogelin 1837 1888 Estates 0.3 "Materials on the work, preliminary scientific work (on Aegidius Tschudi)"
Franz Joseph Stephan Voitel 1773 1839 Estates "Miscellaneous, files of the Inquisition Tribunal Barcelona (1716–1718)"
Franz Xaver Wagner 1809 1879 Estates 0.1 "Materials for the work, works (Mariological)"
Werner Wehrli 1892 1944 Estates 8.0 "Personal documents, letters, materials on the work, music, musical manuscripts"
Plazid Weissenbach junior 1841 1914 Estates 0.1 “Letters, material on the work, images (photographs: Freiamt, Bremgarten), files (Bremgarten-Affoltern railway line). The estate also applies to Placid Weissenbach, father (1814–1858), lawyer, Council of States. "
Friedrich Emil Welti 1857 1940 Estates; Urk. Welti 0.4 "Materials on the work (concerning the county of Baden, Rheinfelden), collection of documents (concerning the county of Baden)"
Fidel Joseph Wieland 1797 1852 Estates 0.1 "Letters, miscellaneous, protocols"
August Heinrich Wieland-Meyer 1871 1937 Estates 0.1 "Various, picture material (photo albums regarding active service 1916/17)"
Friedrich Samuel Wildi 1825 1905 Estates 0.1 "Personal documents"
Johann Willading 1630 1698 Estates 0.1 "Miscellaneous, work (concerning artillery)"
Jost Winteler 1846 1929 Estates 2.4 "Letters, materials on the work, poems, speeches, essays, notes, newspaper clippings, diaries"
Georg von Wyss 1816 1893 Estates 0.3 "Materials on the work, collection of manuscripts and prints on Swiss and Reformation history"
Gottlieb Zehnder 1820 1901 Estates 0.1 "Documents on the person, miscellaneous, image material (photographs)"
David Zimmerli 1792 1875 Estates 0.1 "Personal documents, memoirs"
Johann Georg Zimmermann 1728 1795 Estates 0.2 "Letters, materials on the work, miscellaneous, images (portraits)"
Reinhard Zimmermann (pseudonym: Gerold Kalm ) 1893 1960 Estates 0.1 "Materials for the work, literary works"
Heinrich Zschokke 1771 1848 Estates; AA 9332 3.0 "Personal documents, letters, materials on the work, miscellaneous, scientific preparatory work, works, files (regarding his work as government commissioner of the Helvetic Republic), notebooks, images, collection of files and works on Swiss history. The estate also concerns Felix Lindinner (1728–1807). "
Theodor Karl Joseph Zschokke 1806 1866 Estates 2.4 "Documents on the person, letters, materials on the work, works, images"
Heinrich Zulauf 1889 1976 Estates 0.1 "Miscellaneous, diary with photographs (First World War)"



  1. Personal legacies in the Aargau State Archives in the ISplus complete address directory of archives, libraries and museums, including the 'Repertory of the handwritten legacies'.