List of cities in Malawi

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Map of Malawi

This is a list of cities in Malawi .

By far the largest agglomeration in Malawi is Lilongwe with a population of 1,631,459 (as of January 1, 2005). This means that around 15 percent of the country's population was concentrated in the capital region.


The following table lists the cities with more than 5,000 inhabitants (as of 2018), the results of the census results from 1977, 1987, 1998, 2008 and 2018 and the region to which the city belongs. The population figures refer to the actual city without the suburbs.

Cities in Malawi
rank city Residents region
1977 census 1987 census 1998 census 2008 census 2018 census
1. Lilongwe 102.924 223,318 435.964 674.448 989.318 Central region
2. Blantyre 222.153 333.120 478.155 661.256 800.264 Southern Region
3. Mzuzu 16,108 44,217 87.030 133,968 221.272 Northern region
4th Zomba 24,234 43,250 64,115 88,314 105.013 Southern Region
5. Karonga 11,873 19,667 27,816 40,334 61,609 Northern region
6th Kasungu k. A. 11,591 26,137 39,640 58,653 Central region
7th Mangochi 3,341 14,758 27,055 39,575 53,498 Southern Region
8th. Salima 4,646 10,618 20,332 27,852 36,789 Central region
9. Liwonde k. A. 8,694 15,698 22,927 36,421 Southern Region
10. Balaka k. A. 9,064 14,347 22,733 36,308 Southern Region
11. Dedza 5,448 16,899 15,259 20,241 30,928 Central region
12. Nkhotakota 10,312 12.163 19,421 24,726 28,350 Central region
13. Mchinji 1,962 4,921 11,479 17,881 28,011 Central region
14th Nsanje 6.091 11.009 16,941 20.179 26,844 Southern Region
15th Mzimba 4,962 7,687 13,869 20,994 26.096 Northern region
16. Mponela k. A. k. A. 9,921 14,332 24,543 Central region
17th Rumphi 3,998 7.156 13,977 17,845 22,358 Northern region
18th Ntcheu 1,300 5,814 8,118 14,642 21,241 Central region
19th Mwanza k. A. 4,743 8,118 14,226 18,039 Southern Region
20th Chitipa k. A. 4,925 7.136 14,753 17,743 Northern region
21st Monkey Bay k. A. 5,649 8,793 11,246 14,955 Southern Region
22nd Mulanje k. A. 7.113 12,569 14,497 14,782 Southern Region
23. Nkhata Bay 4,000 6,494 9.424 11,269 14,274 Northern region
24. Luchenza k. A. 4,728 8,825 10,896 12,600 Southern Region
25th Ntchisi k. A. 3,073 5,323 7,918 9,357 Central region
26th Thyolo 4,200 4,449 5,337 7,693 7,843 Southern Region
27. Dowa 2,100 k. A. 4,482 4,765 7.135 Central region
28. Ngabu k. A. k. A. k. A. k. A. 7,032 Southern Region
29 Chipoka k. A. k. A. 3,986 5,476 6,395 Central region
30th Phalombe k. A. k. A. 2,592 4,935 6,242 Southern Region
31. Chikwawa k. A. 4,353 6,765 6,987 6.114 Southern Region

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. City Population: Population figures of the cities in Malawi 1977 to 2018 (English), accessed on September 21, 2019