List of the Uruguayan ambassadors in Germany

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The offices of the ambassadors were located in the private apartments of the Uruguayan ambassadors:

  • 1898: Kronprinzenufer 25
  • then at the Hotel Esplanade on Pariser Platz
  • then in Victoriastraße
  • then in Tiergartenstrasse 4 a
  • then at Prinzregentenstrasse 79
  • then in Bregenzer Straße 4
  • from 1962: Zitelmannstrasse 5, Bonn-Bad Godesberg
  • from 1970: Heerstraße 16, Bonn-Bad Godesberg
  • from 2002: Gotenstrasse 1–3, Bonn
  • Since 2003 in the Budapester Strasse 39, Berlin, in the "Eden-Haus".

Appointed / Accredited ambassador Remarks Government of Uruguay Government of Germany Leave post
1887 Establishing diplomatic relations. Máximo Tajes Wilhelm I.
1888 Jakob Wilhelm Staudt Consul (born December 5, 1852 in Hellenthal ; † April 1, 1906 in Berlin) banker, wholesale merchant Friedrich III.
1895 Luis Garabelli Chargé d'affaires Juan Idiarte Borda Wilhelm II.
1896 Luis Garabelli 1912
1912 Antonio Bachini (* 1860 in Dolores (Uruguay) ; † September 11, 1932 in Montevideo) Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores del 2 de diciembre de 1907 al 28 de octubre de 1910. José Batlle y Ordóñez Oct 11, 1917
Oct 11, 1917 Protective power Switzerland Feliciano Viera
1920 Federico Susviela Guarch (* 1851; † 1928) first Uruguayan pathologist Baltasar Brum Cabinet peasant 1925
1925 Antonio Bianchi (* 1860; † 1932) José Serrato Hans Luther 1927
1927 Pedro Cosio Juan Campisteguy Wilhelm Marx 1932
March 17, 1933 Enrique office Gabriel Terra Cabinet Hitler Sep 12 1934
Sep 12 1934 Virgilio Sampognaro (* 1872; † November 2, 1945 in Madrid ) also ambassador in Rome and until 1945 in Madrid Jan. 28, 1942
1938 Eugenio Martinez Thédy Alfredo Baldomir
Jan. 28, 1942 Break in diplomatic relations 1950
1950 Carlos Alberto Clulow Luis Batlle Berres Cabinet Adenauer I 1960
Feb. 19, 1960 Julio Lacarte Muró (* March 29, 1918 in Montevideo ) 1938: Chancellor at the Consul General in London December 12, 1989: Uruguay's GATT delegate Benito Nardone Cabinet Adenauer III July 25, 1967
July 25, 1967 Marcos Brondi († 1968) 1964: IAEA and in Prague Óscar Diego Gestido Kiesinger cabinet June 11, 1968
Sep 1969 Aldo L. Ciasullo (* 1911) Lawyer, writer, professor, Abogado, escritor y prófesor uruguayo nacido en Montevideo en el año l9ll. Conductor estudiantil en el CBD, Pede ración Universitaria del Uruguay (193O-1932). - Militante político desde 193O en las filas del Partido Colorado "Batllismo". Jorge Pacheco Areco 1973
1980 Aureliano Aguirre Larreta Aparicio Méndez Schmidt II cabinet 1981
Sep 1991 Pedro Vidal Salaberry 2002–2004: Ambassador to Prague Luis Alberto Lacalle Cabinet Kohl IV 1995
2000 Juan Jose Real Perrera Jorge Batlle Ibáñez Schröder I cabinet 2002
2007 Zulma Guelman-Radtke Tabaré Vázquez Merkel I cabinet 2010
July 11, 2012 Alberto Guani Amarilla José Mujica Merkel II cabinet

Individual evidence

  1. Virgilio Sampognaro
  2. Hair-raising species . In: Der Spiegel . No. 28 , 1980 ( online ).
  3. Tobias C. Bringmann: Handbuch der Diplomatie , 1815–1963: Foreign Mission Heads in Germany, p. 412