List of names and titles of Jesus of Nazareth

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The list of names and titles of Jesus of Nazareth contains name forms, surnames and dignitaries of Jesus of Nazareth . With the exception of the personal name and the name of origin, they are Christian creeds.

Name of jesus

Surname origin
Jesus According to Luke 1.31  EU, Jesus' name was communicated to Mary at the preaching of the Lord by the angel Gabriel: “You will conceive a child, you will bear a son; you shall name him Jesus ”. The name "Jesus" is the Greek-Latinized form of the Hebrew name " Jeschua ", derived from "Yehoshua" or "Joschua", it means "The Lord is salvation (salvation)". The name was also declined in German in Latin . The genitive "Jesus" has remained of this to this day.
of Nazareth Jesus' family lived in the village of Nazareth in Galilee. According to Matthew 2:23  EU , the prophets had already said that the Messiah should be called Nazora, but this exact phrase is not found in the Old Testament.
Mr The word "Herr" is used in German translations of the Bible for various Hebrew or Greek words. So in the translations YHWH is mostly rendered as “Lord”. Furthermore, the Hebrew word adon is rendered with Lord, which means “owner” or “commander”. The Septuagint already translated both into Greek as Kyrios , which already created an ambiguity there.

In the New Testament, in addition to God, Jesus is also addressed as Kyrios. This underlines his role as Lord and Master ( Rabbuni ). In the letters of the New Testament, the word “Kyrios” can therefore not be clearly assigned to either God or Jesus.

I am... In his sermons and parables, Jesus compares himself with I-am statements with objects that symbolize his meaning of salvation: “I am the bread of life ”, “ I am the light of the world ”, “I am the way and the truth and that Life ". With this he says explicitly in the Gospel of John that the way to God and his salvation can only lead through him.
Son of david When Jesus enters Jerusalem to great cheers , the Jews expect him to drive out the Romans and restore the kingdom of the legendary King David . They call out to him ( Mt 21.9  EU ): “ Hosanna to the son of David! Blessed be he who comes in the name of the Lord. ”The family tree of Jesus in Mt 1 : 1–17  EU is supposed to prove that Jesus actually descends from David and can thus fulfill and surpass the promise of David ( 2 Sam 7: 12–13  EU ) .
King of the Jews As heir to the Davidic throne, Jesus is expected to restore the kingdom of Israel, on whose royal throne he is to sit. Herod the Great was already afraid of a new king of the Jews, so that he is said to have commissioned the child murder in Bethlehem . After Jesus was arrested, Pilate asks him ( Jn 18.23  EU ): “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus confirms this, but also says that his kingdom is not of this world. The sign that Pilate put on Jesus' cross to indicate his guilt read Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews . Jesus' kingship is not of an earthly nature, but nevertheless real, cosmic rule, which also points to his expected return in glory .
Son of god While “son” in relation to God was not initially reserved for the Messiah in the Old Testament , this title in the New Testament refers exclusively to Jesus himself and also to Jesus' self-image. God himself calls Jesus his son when he is baptized in the Jordan ( Mt 3:17  EU ). His disciples, above all Simon Peter, refer to their master as the “Son of the (living) God” (approx. Mt 16,16  EU ). During Jesus' temptation , the devil uses this title to mockery ( Mt 4,3–6  EU ). Recognizing Jesus as the Son of God is one of the main creeds of Christians. For himself, however, the confession was one of the main reasons for his conviction and execution.
Son of man In the Old Testament the term occurs quite often, including in Job ( Job 25.6  EU ), in various Psalms and repeatedly in Ezekiel as God's address to the prophet. Here the Hebrew term bän haadam is synonymous with man. In Daniel 7,13  EU , in post-exilic prophecy, a person with divine authority is meant, whereby already in Ezekiel only the prophet sent by God is referred to as “Son of Man”.

In the New Testament, however, the term is only used by Jesus as a self-designation. He thus points to his self-humiliation (about Mt 20.28  EU ) and his power as judge and ruler ( Mt 9.6  EU ). In addition, he is the perfect image of God, which man should be according to Genesis 1.26  EU .

priest The term occurs in the NT in particular in the Letter to the Hebrews , where Jesus' eternal claim to the office of high priest is substantiated ( Hebrews 5.5f  EU ). Jesus is the eternal priest who is announced in Psalm 110 : “You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek ”. With his pure sacrifice, Jesus achieved reconciliation with God once and for all.
Lamb Of God The lamb is a traditional sacrificial animal among the Jews. In Jeremiah 53.7  EU the “servant of God”, i.e. the future redeemer, is represented as a sacrificial lamb. The first has John the Baptist to Jesus as exactly this Lamb of God. In the Letter to the Hebrews ( Heb 9,11-15.26  EU ), the author assures his readers that Jesus offered himself as the final sacrifice.
Messiah - Christ The word Christ , which comes from the Greek, means the anointed and is the translation of the Hebrew Messiah in the New Testament . The anointing was a sign in Israel that kings were instituted. Scholarly Jews of Jesus' day knew that a king's return had been prophesied , so they awaited the new king who would free them from the bondage of the Romans. The synoptic Gospels call Jesus “the Christ” right at the beginning, as the newborn Savior of the world. Jesus never applied the Messiah title to himself; when the audience brought up the title to him, Jesus criticized and corrected this (cf. Mk 8,29-33  EU ). Nevertheless, this very passage, which is considered authentic, shows that Jesus was assigned the role of Messiah during his lifetime.
Immanuel The name Immanuel (God with us) is mentioned in Isa 7,14  EU with the first promise of the future Savior. The angel Gabriel Maria later announced the birth of her son with almost identical words.
Morning star Based on the New Testament christological statements Rev 22,16  EU and 2 Petr 1,19  EU , the church describes Christ as the true morning star who does not set in eternity . ( Exsultet )
groom Jesus calls himself that in parables. This is to prepare the audience for the joyful arrival of Jesus.
As the origin of life According to various, similar-sounding statements, Christ is the origin and goal of (every) life. So he is called by Peter the “author of life” ( Acts 3:15  EU ); in the letter to the Hebrews he is called the “author of eternal salvation” ( Heb 5,9  EU ) or also the “beginner and finisher of faith” ( Heb 12,2  EU ).
Good shepherd Jesus describes himself several times as the “Good Shepherd” and is also placed in the place of the Supreme Shepherd in later writings, for example 1 Petr 5,4  EU . The image of a good shepherd is also in contrast to the “shepherds” (kings) of the Old Testament, who often did not care for their people.
The alpha and omega Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. Christ is the first and the last, the beginning and the end of the world (cf. Rev 1,17f  EU , 22,13 EU ). There are other similar titles in the Revelation of John .
The fair Acts 3.14  EU 7.52 EU and 22.14 EU ; 1 Petr 3.18  EU ; 1 Joh 2,1  EU
The corner stone Jesus is referred to as the cornerstone ( Eph 2.20  EU ), which refers to Isa 28.16  EU ; see. Mt 21.42  EU as a quote from Ps 118.22  EU .

Working "in the name of Jesus"

Jesus' disciples appeared “in the name of Jesus” and baptized their followers in the name of Jesus the Lord (cf. Acts 2,38  EU , Acts 8,16  EU ). Like magicians and sorcerers, they put people in a spiritual sphere of power and sovereignty - but with the claim that the power of this name is the power of the God of Israel, the Lord of all creation, and that its use is not an abuse in the sense of Ex 20, 7  EU , but the applied saving use.

See also

Web links


  • Ferdinand Hahn : Christological majesty. Your story in early Christianity , 5th edition, Göttingen 1985.
  • David S. Du Toit: Christological Highness Titles . In: Ferdinand Hahn (Ed.): Paulus Handbuch. Mohr-Siebeck, Tübingen 2013. pp. 301-307.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Rienecker, Fritz, 1897–1965, Maier, Gerhard, Christian Media Foundation: Lexicon of the Bible People, History, Archeology, Geography and Theology of the Bible . SCM R. Brockhaus, Witten 2013, ISBN 978-3-417-26550-7 , keyword "Jesus Christ" .
  2. The passage has always caused difficulties for biblical interpretation. Ulrich Luz explains: The evangelist understood Ναζωραῖos Nazōraíos as an indication of origin (from Nazareth), and this was important to him, since Nazareth was in the "Galilee of the Gentiles" (the way of the Gospel into the world of nations is already indicated here) and also the Christians in Syria where the gospel was likely written, were referred to as the Nazarenes. If the evangelist found the quote in his tradition, the Hebrew text of the Old Testament may have been the basis; then several biblical passages come into consideration, especially Isa 11: 1. See Ulrich Luz, EKK I / 1, 4th edition Zurich a. a. 1997, pp. 131-133.
  3. Rienecker, Fritz, 1897–1965, Maier, Gerhard, Christian Media Foundation: Lexicon of the Bible, people, history, archeology, geography and theology of the Bible . SCM R. Brockhaus, Witten 2013, ISBN 978-3-417-26550-7 , keyword "Herr" .
  4. a b c d e f g Rienecker, Fritz, 1897–1965, Maier, Gerhard, Christian Media Foundation: Lexicon of the Bible People, History, Archeology, Geography and Theology of the Bible . SCM R. Brockhaus, Witten 2013, ISBN 978-3-417-26550-7 , keyword “Name of Jesus Christ” .
  5. Joseph Ratzinger : Jesus of Nazareth. Part 1 , 3rd edition, Freiburg 2007, p. 369.
  6. Walter Kasper : Jesus the Christ. Mainz 1974, p. 123.
  7. ^ Pietro Selvatico, Doris Strahm: Jesus Christ; Theological Publishing House Zurich; Zurich 2010; ISBN 978-3-290-20061-9 ; Page 132