Lithuanian Bishops' Conference

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The Lithuanian Bishops' Conference ( lit .: Lietuvos Vyskupų Konferencija ) is the official assembly of Catholic bishops in Lithuania . It is based in Vilnius . The Bishops' Conference is a member of the Council of European Bishops' Conferences (CCEE) and is represented in the Commission of Bishops' Conferences of the European Community (COMECE).


Task and basics

The main task is the joint discussion on pastoral questions, the development of proposed solutions and the coordination of church activities. Members of the Lithuanian Bishops' Conference are all diocesan bishops , bishops and auxiliary bishops and other titled (e.g. titular bishops) of the Republic of Lithuania. It currently has nine active bishops and three emeritus bishops. The highest body is the General Assembly of Lithuanian Bishops, which elects the President and his representative for a three-year period.



The bishops' conference operates in the following structure : plenary assembly, permanent council, secretariat , commissions , committees and committees .

General Assembly

The annual general assembly elects the presidium and the general secretary, it appoints commissions, committees and councils and appoints their chairmen and members. It decides on questions of faith and discusses general questions about decrees and episcopal orders. She is authorized to make official statements and is authorized to sign instructions.

Permanent advice

The Permanent Council consists of the President and his deputy and the elected member Rimantas Norvila , Bishop of Vilkaviškis . The council is elected for three years and prepares the questions and projects that are to be dealt with and decided upon during the plenary session.


The office of Secretary General is currently held by Monsignor Gintaras Grušas; at his side is a staff of employees who coordinate the cooperation between the individual bodies and institutions of the Bishops' Conference. The secretariat informs all members of the general assembly about decisions and changes. At the same time, the secretariat is the liaison point to other foreign bishops' conferences.


The following commissions were set up:


The Bishops' Conference can set up committees and appoint their leaders, as a rule this should be a bishop. Further experts and laypeople can be named. The following committees are appointed:

  • Committee on Ecumenism
  • Committee on Family
  • Committee on Youth Affairs
  • Committee on the Apostolate of the Laity
  • Committee for Liaison with the Polish Bishops' Conference
  • Social Affairs Committee

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