Marie Luise Knott

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Marie Luise Knott at Focus Lyrik in Frankfurt 2019

Marie Luise Knott (born August 11, 1953 in Cologne ) is a journalist , author and translator . She was also the co-founder and first director of the German-language edition of Le Monde diplomatique .


Marie Luise Knott studied Romance studies and political science in Cologne and Constance . From 1978 to 1986 she worked as an editor at Otto Maier Verlag in Ravensburg, then at Rotbuch Verlag in Berlin . This was followed by ten years as a freelance translator, editor and publicist. Since 1986 she has been researching and publishing on the work and thinking of Hannah Arendt .

In 1995 she founded the German-language edition of the French newspaper Le Monde diplomatique in the taz , which she managed until 2006. In 2006 she was together with Barbara Hahn (from Berlin and Nashville , Tennessee ), curator of the exhibition "Hannah Arendt - We expect truth from poets", which was on view in the literary houses in Berlin and Frankfurt as well as in the Gasteig in Munich . Since then she has been writing and speaking increasingly in the FAZ , the perlentaucher , the taz , the Frankfurter Anthologie and the Deutschlandfunk .

In 2011 her volume of essays was published . Paths of thought with Hannah Arendt , who was nominated for the Leipzig Book Prize. In it, she outlines the paths of knowledge that Hannah Arendt, the theorist of freedom, uses to drive out collective life lies and preconceived notions that prevent thinking. The power of the images and the terms make Hannah Arendt's thinking space a reliable place in which the reader knows his own thoughtless helplessness is lifted and can get involved in essential thought processes. In the four chapters: “Laughing”, “Translating”, “Forgiving” and “Dramatizing”, Arendt's ways of unlearning prove to be an impetus for political action and judgment. In a review of the English edition it was said:

"It is hard to think of any other book on Arendt that gives out half as much light not to mention joy."

- Jonathan Rée, Prospect Magazine, November 2014 :

Marie Luise Knott has been on the board of the German Translation Fund since 2009 ; she teaches translation of poetry (together with Ulf Stolterfoht) and creative writing (together with Uljana Wolf) at the Academy for Translation Art there.

In Perlentaucher she has a monthly column on contemporary poetry, Tagtigall .

In her volume of essays Dazwischenzeiten - 1930. Ways in the Exhaustion of Modernity , which appeared in 2017, she examined the artistic search movements of Erwin Piscator, Karl Wolfskehl, Bertolt Brecht and Paul Klee during the crisis of 1930.

She lives in Berlin, is married and has two children.


As an author

As editor

  • 1986 Hannah Arendt: Currently. Political essays . From the American by Eike Geisel. Rotbuch, Hamburg 1986 and (updated and updated new edition :) 1999 ISBN 3-434-53037-1
  • 2000 Hannah Arendt: You are only safe from anti-Semitism on the moon. Contributions to the German-Jewish magazine Aufbau 1941–1945 . Piper, Munich 2000 and others ISBN 3-492-04094-2 ; again ibid. 2019
  • 2010 Hannah Arendt - Gershom Scholem. The correspondence , collaboration: David Heredia
  • 2012 John Cage : Empty Mind. Essays, eds. Walter Zimmermann . (In German) Suhrkamp, ​​2012 (with a short essay from the publisher in the appendix)
  • 2013 In other words. On the poetics of translation . Ed. Georg Witte
  • 2015 Because we have German. Luther's language from the spirit of translation . Ed. Thomas Brovot , Ulrich Blumenbach . Matthes & Seitz, Berlin ISBN 978-3-95757-145-8
  • 2017 chimes. Stories from the history of translation . Ed. Thomas Brovot, Ulrich Blumenbach, Jürgen Jakob Becker. Drawings by Nanne Meyer . Matthes & Seitz, Berlin ISBN 978-3-95757-567-8
  • 2018 Übers. Eike Geisel : Hannah Arendt, What does personal responsibility mean under a dictatorship? With an essay by ML Knott.

As a curator

As a translator

  • 1987 Didier Daeninckx , map file, Berlin
  • 1988 Jean Vautrin , Bloody Mary, Berlin
  • 1989 Fatima Mernissi , Gender Ideology Islam. Translated with Brunhilde Wehinger
  • 1990 Juliette Minces, Veiled - Women in Islam, transl. With Michaela Ott
  • 1991 Jean Vautrin, Sharp Alive, Berlin
  • 1995 Michel Pastoureau, The Devil's Cloth: A Cultural History of Stripes and Striped Fabrics. Frankfurt
  • 1995 Jean Vautrin, Groom, Berlin
  • 1995 Danielle Auby, The Forest of Dead Poets. Basel
  • 1995 François Place , The Last Giants. Munich
  • 1997–2000 François Place, Fantastic Journeys, 3 vols., Munich
  • 2011 Laurence Maurel, Christian Straboni: Chapeau, Mr. Rimbaud !. Comic. Matthes & Seitz, Berlin
  • 2014 Anne Carson : Anthropology of Water. Matthes & Seitz, Berlin
  • 2017 Cécile Wajsbrot : The Presbytery , in Olga Mannheimer Ed .: Blau Weiß Rot. France tells. dtv, Munich 2017 ISBN 3423261528 pp. 317–323 (first publication)
  • 2017 Anne Carson: Albertine. 59 love exercises. Matthes & Seitz, Berlin


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. online
  2. Tagtingall
  3. first without the essay in H. Arendt: Israel, Palestine and anti-Semitism. Wagenbach, Berlin 1991
  4. Shortlist of the Leipzig Book Prize 2011 on
  5. Shortlist of the Tractatus Prize 2011 on