Medeniyet Shahberdieva

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Medenijet Schahberdijewa ( Russian Медениет Шахбердыева ; * February 23, 1930 in Kerki ; † January 3, 2018 in Ashgabat ) was a Soviet - Turkmen opera singer ( coloratura soprano ) and university teacher .


Schahberdijewa attended music school ( violin class ) and then studied at the physics and mathematics faculty of the Pedagogy Institute. After she was advised to leave the Pedagogical Institute and study at the music school, she completed her training at the music school and studied at the Moscow Conservatory named after Tchaikovsky in the vocal music department in the singing class with V. F Roshdestvenskaya graduated in 1956.

In 1956, Schahberdieva became a soloist at the Turkmen Opera and Ballet Theater in Ashgabat, named after Magtymguly Pyragy . She also appeared as a concert singer . In 1962 she studied in Kiev with Marija Eduardiwna Tesseir-Donez . Her repertoire included arias from foreign and Russian classical music, the Turkmen Dāstān stories and art songs ( Alexander Alexandrowitsch Aljabjew's romance The Nightingale , Nury Halmamedov's song cycle ). She gave guest appearances in the GDR , France , Poland , India , Canada , Sweden .

In 1973, Shahberdieva was a member of the jury of the M. I. Glinka All Union Competition of Vocalists in Kishinev . From 1975 she taught at the Turkmen Pedagogical Institute of the Arts (now the Turkmen State Cultural Institute) in Ashgabat and at the Turkmen National Conservatory, where she directed the vocal music class. For two years she taught at the Tianjin Conservatory in China and advised teachers at the local music school.

1963–1970 Shahberdieva was a delegate in the Supreme Soviet of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic .

In 1976, Shahberdieva gave a concert for delegates of the XXV. CPSU Congress. In 1977 Stanislaw Gennadjewitsch Babikow painted her portrait , which hangs in the Turkmen Saparmyrat Turkmenbashi the Great Art Museum.


Honors, prizes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Медениет Шахбердыева отметила юбилей . In: Chronika Turkmenistana . February 25, 2016 ( [1] [accessed January 27, 2020]).
  2. a b Центр изучения Центральной Азии, Кавказа и Урало-Поволжья: Исторический словарий словарь: Retrieved January 27, 2020 ЕТИ МШАХБАЕРДЫЕД: МШАХБААРДЫЕДЕВ: МШАХБАЕРДЫЕДЕД: МШАХБАЕН, 2020.
  3. a b Musykalnaja Enziklopedija: ШАХБЕРДЫЕВА Майя (Мединиет) (accessed January 27, 2020).
  4. a b c d e f Great Soviet Encyclopedia : Шахбердыева Майя (accessed January 27, 2020).
  5. a b Туркменистан поздравил своего "соловья" (accessed January 27, 2020).