My bad friend Fred

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German title My bad friend Fred
Original title Drop Dead Fred
Country of production USA , UK
original language English
Publishing year 1991
length 99 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director Ate de Jong
script Carlos Davis ,
Anthony Fingleton
production Anthony Fingleton,
Paul Webster
music Randy Edelman
camera Peter Deming
cut Marshall Harvey

My Bad Friend Fred ( Drop Dead Fred ) is an American - British comedy fantasy film from 1991 . Directed by Ate de Jong , the screenplay is by Carlos Davis and Anthony Fingleton . In Germany, the film opened in cinemas on June 4, 1992.


One day Elizabeth Cronin loses all of her independence within a few hours: she is abandoned by her husband Charles, her bag and car are stolen, her job is terminated, and her dominant mother Polly takes her in. In her old nursery she finds the caged box devil Fred, her childhood friend, and frees him. Fred doesn't leave her side after that.

Fred completely messes up Elizabeth's life. Since he still thinks she's a child, that's how he behaves, and that leads to really absurd situations. So he cuts her hair in her sleep, sinks her friend's houseboat and causes some other terror. The only bright spot for her is that she meets her old child friend Mickey Bunce, who can still remember Fred very vividly. Because even in her childhood, the redhead was just doing nonsense. Since only Elizabeth can see him, they soon think other people are crazy. That's why her mother is dragging her to a psychiatrist. In the psychiatrist's waiting room, the imaginary friends meet quite amusing. Elizabeth is then prescribed pills that shut down the diseased regions in the brain and thus kill the imaginary friend. It also changes externally; Charles is interested again and with joy she can be persuaded to take the pills, which is increasingly bothering Fred. Before she can take the last pill, however, Fred overhears a phone call that tells her that Charles is still cheating on her, and her world is being destroyed again. There is only one choice left: she has to find herself again, the source of her doubts and the reason why Fred simply does not want to or cannot leave her side. With his help, she embarks on a journey into her subconscious, where it shows that she is only suppressed by her husband and mother and still sees herself as a child. Only after she has freed herself from all burdens can Fred leave her and she can take her life into her own hands again.


Stephen Holden wrote in the New York Times on May 24, 1991 that the film sometimes looks like it is directed at children - and sometimes like a film for adults. His "Freudistic humor" seems so strained that it is difficult to imagine who it is intended for. The subtle depiction of Phoebe Cates seems out of place compared to the other cartoonish depictions; Rik Mayall's "frenetic" game is particularly bad.

The lexicon of international films wrote that the film hides “behind the often rough jokes” a “caustic criticism of the“ American way of life ”, which is reinforced by the director’s European perspective”. He offers lovers of "macabre humor" "entertaining fun".


The film was in Minneapolis , in Saint Paul ( Minnesota ) and in Chanhassen turned (Minnesota). It grossed approximately $ 13.9 million in US cinemas .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Stephen Holden's film review, accessed May 15, 2008
  2. My bad friend Fred. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film Service , accessed May 15, 2008 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  3. ^ Filming locations for Drop Dead Fred, accessed May 15, 2008
  4. ^ Box office / business for Drop Dead Fred, accessed May 15, 2008