NGC 6268

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Open star cluster
NGC 6268
Constellation Scorpio
equinox : J2000.0
Right ascension 17 h 02 m 10.4 s
declination -39 ° 43 ′ 42 ″

classification II2p
Brightness  (visual) 9.5 likes
Angular expansion 6.0 '
Physical data

distance  3350 ly
(1029 pc )
Discovered by James Dunlop
Discovery time June 5, 1826
Catalog names
 NGC  6268 • OCl 1002 •  Cr  323 •  Dun  521 •  ESO  332-SC017 •  GC  4263 •  h  3662 •

NGC 6268 is the name of an open star cluster in the constellation Scorpio . NGC 6268 has an apparent magnitude of 9.5 mag and an angular extent of 6 × 6 arc minutes . The object was discovered by James Dunlop on June 5, 1826 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ NED
  2. a b c SEDS : NGC 6268
  3. WEBDA
  4. Seligman