Never go back

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Never go back
Studio album by Hannes Wader



Label (s) Plans - ARIS

Genre (s)

Chanson / singer-songwriter

Title (number)


running time

41 min 16 s

  • Guitar, violin : Reinhard Bärenz
  • Guitar: Ulf Meier
  • Bass : Danny Thompson


Detlef Petersen

Studio (s)

Westwind studio

Hannes Wader sings folk songs (1990) Never go back 10 songs (1995)

An album by the singer and songwriter Hannes Wader from 1991 is never back .

Origin / meaning

A biographical album has never been back . The songwriter dealt intensively with the attitude and attitude to life, youth and age. Hannes Wader celebrated his 25th stage anniversary hardly noticed by the public, which he took as an opportunity to deal with himself and his life.

Track list

  1. Crab Walk - 2:36
  2. In January - 3:46
  3. Dream Dancers - 3:38
  4. The age is nice - 4:04
  5. The silence - 3:42
  6. The carpenter - 4:10
  7. The Buffalo - 6:20
  8. You dream of old times - 3:26
  9. The youth are beautiful - 4:28
  10. First love - 5:06


For the first time in eleven years and for the last time, guitarist Werner Lämmerhirt worked with Wader in the studio. Reinhard Bärenz has now worked with Hannes Wader for eleven years. Melcom Devenish mixed the sound.

In the titles "Krebsgang" and "You dream of old times" Wader deals with his attitude towards life and life. The theme of the song “In January” is the relationship to his son and changes in the weather caused by humans. In the title “Dream Dancer” Hannes Wader sings about the continued existence or the decline of people. With the song “Schön ist das Alter”, Wader deals with growing old for the first time and draws a life balance. In the title “The Silence” Wader speaks about the value of silence and the problem someone he knows about it. The title "Der Zimmermann" reports on a meeting between the young Wader and a carpenter who appears near his home town. The buffalo , which can also be found on Not Only Me Alone (1983), is also about the youthful Wader and shows some of Wader’s character traits. In the songs "Schön ist die Jugend" and "Erste Liebe" Wader deals with his relationship with women and his first love, which left him for another man. The relationship with his friends at the time is also a topic of “Young people are beautiful”.