Nikolai Kirjakowitsch Piksanow

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Nikolai Kirjakowitsch Piksanow

Nikolai Kirjakowitsch Piksanow ( Russian Николай Кирьякович Пиксанов ; born March 31 . Jul / 12. April  1878 greg. In Dergachi ; † 10. February 1969 in Leningrad ) was a Russian literary scholar and university lecturer .


Piksanov, son of a deacon , graduated from the spiritual school and seminary in Samara . In 1898 he began studying at the historical - philological faculty of the University of Dorpat . He was particularly concerned with the work of Alexander Sergeyevich Griboyedov . After researching, he found about 60 manuscript pages of the comedy verse Verstand macht Leiden and reconstructed the text that is still published today. At the same time, he studied the history of Russian law in the law school. He took part in the student movement, whereupon he was tried and exiled to Samara after 5 months in prison. In 1903 he was resumed at the University of Dorpat, so that he was able to complete his studies in December 1904.

In 1906 Piksanov went to St. Petersburg . He taught at high schools, at the Pedagogical Academy (1908), at the Higher Bestuschewskije kursy for women (1908–1917), at the Russian Orthodox Institute (1909) and at the Psychoneurological Institute (1912–1913). After the master's degree in 1912 he taught at the University of St. Petersburg . 1911-1913 he published the works of Griboyedov in a three-volume scientific-critical edition. 1916–1917 he directed the publication of the works of Alexander Nikolayevich Pypin on Russian Freemasonry and the religious, literary and social movements in the time of Alexander I.

After the October Revolution , Piksanov became an associate professor at Samara University . In 1921 he went to Moscow and became a professor at the 2nd Moscow University, which had emerged from the Higher Bestuschewskije kursy for women. He was also Vice President of the State Academy of Art Studies of the RSFSR in Moscow, founded in 1921 , which pursued goals similar to the Bauhaus and existed until 1930 (President: Pjotr ​​Semjonowitsch Kogan ; Vice-Presidents: Wassily Kandinsky , Piksanow, Gustav Speth ; Board of Directors: Kogan (chair) , Piksanow (Vice-Chair), Anatoli Wassiljewitsch Bakuschinski , AM Rodionow, Leonid Leonidowitsch Sabanejew , Wladimir Maximowitsch Fritsche , Speth, Nikolai Efimowitsch Efros ). In 1931 he was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union .

In 1932 Piksanow was appointed professor at the University of Leningrad and headed the chair for Russian literature until 1937. He was also 1932-1935 employee of the Institute for Russian Literature ( Pushkin House ). Piksanow received his doctorate in philological sciences in 1934 . During the German-Soviet war he was evacuated from besieged Leningrad . He taught as a professor from 1942 to 1944 at Samara University and from 1944 to 1948 at Moscow University , after which he returned to Leningrad University.

Piksanov published about 800 papers on Russian literature. In addition to the works of Griboyedov, he examined the works of Pushkin, Turgenev , Goncharov and Maxim Gorky . In 1947 he published a work on Masonic literature in the 18th and early 19th centuries. He owned a well-organized library with more than 15,000 books and magazine articles, which, at his will, got the Pushkin House .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Гришунин А. Л .: Пиксанов . In: Brief literary encyclopedia . tape 5 . Советская энциклопедия, Moscow 1962 ( [accessed September 22, 2019]).
  2. a b c d e f g Moscow University: Пиксанов Николай Кирьякович (accessed on September 22, 2019).
  3. University of St. Petersburg: Пиксанов Николай Кирьякович (Кириакович) (accessed September 22, 2019).
  4. a b c University of Samara: Пиксанов Николай Кириакович (Кирьякович) (accessed September 22, 2019).
  5. a b c Fundamental Electronic Library “Russian Literature and Folklore” : Пиксанов Николай Кирьякович (accessed September 22, 2019).
  6. Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Пиксанов Николай Кириакович (Кирьякович) (accessed September 22, 2019).
  7. a b Андреев А. Ю., Цыганков Д. А .: Императорский Московский университет: 1755–1917: энциклопедический словарь . Российская политическая энциклопедия (РОССПЭН), Moscow 2010, ISBN 978-5-8243-1429-8 , p. 557-558 .
  8. The language of things. Philosophy and cultural studies in the German-Russian transfer of ideas in the 1920s (accessed on September 22, 2019).
  9. Russian Academy of Sciences: Пиксанов Николай Кириакович (Кирьякович) (accessed September 22, 2019).
  10. NK Piksanow: Gorki and the music . Mitteldeutscher Verlag , Halle 1951.