Upper stupid low

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Upper stupid low

IUCN Category IV - Habitat / Species Management Area

Wet meadow with marsh marigolds near mountains

Wet meadow with marsh marigolds near mountains

location South and northeast of Bergen an der Dumme , in the district of Lüchow-Dannenberg in Lower Saxony
surface 650 ha
Identifier NSG LÜ 274
WDPA ID 378332
Geographical location 52 ° 53 '  N , 10 ° 58'  E Coordinates: 52 ° 52 '35 "  N , 10 ° 57' 49"  E
Upper Dummeniederung (Lower Saxony)
Upper stupid low
Sea level from 21 m to 41 m
Setup date 04/26/2007
administration NLWKN

The Obere Dummeniederung is a nature reserve in the Lower Saxon communities of Bergen an der Dumme and Schnega in the combined community of Lüchow (Wendland) in the Lüchow-Dannenberg district .

The nature reserve with the sign NSG LÜ 274 is 650  hectares in size. It is almost completely part of the FFH area "Landgraben- und Dummeniederung" and the EU bird sanctuary of the same name . In the northeast it borders on the nature reserve " Gain ", in the northwest on the nature reserve " Schnegaer Mühlenbachtal ".

The nature reserve, which consists of two sub-areas, lies to the northeast and south of Bergen an der Dumme and runs largely along the state border with Saxony-Anhalt within the Elbhöhen-Wendland nature park . It places the upper Dumme and its tributaries as well as the relatively narrow valley between Harpe south of Schnega and Belau and the significantly widening lowland between Belau and the “Gain” nature reserve under protection. In Bergen an der Dumme, the nature reserve is limited to the course of the stream and a narrow strip of banks.

The Dumme and the Schnegaer Mühlenbach below Jiggel are not developed as near-natural bodies of water for long stretches. They have a predominantly gravelly-stony bottom and are in parts accompanied by natural deciduous forests , tall herbaceous meadows , reeds and sedges .

The lowland is characterized by differently used agricultural areas as well as forest areas and fallow land . The agricultural areas are mainly grassland used as meadows and pastures , but also arable land.

The upper Silly Plain is the habitat of numerous, sometimes endangered animals and plants. So come in the nature reserve u. a. Otter , great crested newt , loach , brook lamprey and river mussel and sea eagles , red kite , white stork , crane , red-backed shrike , barred warbler , yellow wagtail and whinchat ago.

A circular path with information boards runs through the part of the nature reserve north of Bergen an der Dumme, which leads to the "Gain" nature reserve.

The area has been a nature reserve since April 26, 2007. The responsible lower nature conservation authority is the Lüchow-Dannenberg district.

Web links

Commons : Obere Dummeniederung (nature reserve)  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files