Oberhaslach (Ottobeuren)

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Ottobeuren market
Coordinates: 47 ° 54 ′ 52 ″  N , 10 ° 20 ′ 27 ″  E
Height : 770 m above sea level NN
Postal code : 87724
Area code : 08332

Oberhaslach is a district of the Upper Swabian market Ottobeuren .


The hamlet of Oberhaslach is located on a hill about four kilometers southeast of Ottobeuren. It is connected to the main town via the MN 21 district road.


Oberhaslach was mentioned as Rybiss until around 1550 . In 1564 39 people lived in the place. A path chapel was built in the 18th century . Another path chapel was built on the so-called Marienstige in the 19th century and received a Madonna from the 17th century.

Web links

Commons : Oberhaslach  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  • Hermann Haisch (Ed.): Landkreis Unterallgäu . tape 2 .. Unterallgäu district, Mindelheim 1987, ISBN 3-9800649-2-1 , p. 1191 .