Olympic Winter Games 1924 / Participant (Yugoslavia)

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Gold medals Silver medals Bronze medals
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Yugoslavia took part in the 1924 Winter Olympics in Chamonix with a delegation of four athletes in one sport. The Yugoslav NOK had reported six athletes to the games, four of whom took part in competitions.

Balance sheet

Only four skiers were used. For the athletes from the Balkans , only the Olympic idea counted. They didn't expect any serious chances anyway and so it happened that Zdenek Švigelj and Co, as expected, only finished in the back positions if they even reached the finish. The figure skater Pandakovic and the skier Benkovic didn't even arrive.

Participants by sport

Cross country skiing pictogram.svg Cross-country skiing

Athletes competition time rank
Vladimir Kajželi
18 km 2: 00: 43.0 h 34
Mirko Pandakovic
18 km - DNF
Mirko Pandakovic
50 km - DNF
Zdenek Švigelj
18 km 1: 50: 27.6 h 32
Zdenek Švigelj
50 km - DNF
Dušan Zinaja
18 km 2: 12: 19.4 h 36
Dušan Zinaja
50 km - DNF

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