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Ostervant (Latin pagus Ostrebantinsis , French Ostrevant , Netherlandish Oosterbant ) was a Carolingian county that was established in the 8th century around Bouchain , Douai and Mortagne for Count Albert, a relative of Charlemagne .

In the 9th century Ostervant Hucbald belonged, probably Hucbald von Dillingen , † after 890, who was married to Heilwig, a daughter of Count Eberhard von Friuli and granddaughter of Emperor Ludwig the Pious , and who after his death was Roger I of Laon ( † 926) married. He is the progenitor of the First House of Valois . Hucbald's son Raoul de Gouy , † 926, appears in 915 as Count, probably as Count of Ostervant; In 923 he was named Count of Amiens , Vexin and Valois .

In the 10th century , Ostervant belonged to Roger II of Laon, Raoul's half-brother, then Arnulf I of Flanders , † 964, and later Roger again.

Without Douai and Mortagne, which Arnulf united with Flanders, Ostervant existed under the rule of the Counts of the Ribemont family , but in 952 came under the rule of Arnulf again. Robert the Friesian , Count of Flanders, left Ostervant to his nephew Baldwin II of Hainaut in 1080 .

The Counts of Ostervant of the House of Ribemont include:

  • Hugo I of Ostervant
  • Anselm I, * before 1050, X February 22, 1070 near Cassel , his son, Count von Ostervant, hereditary castellan of Valenciennes , lord of the fortresses Ribemont , Bouchain , Grigny (i.e. Origny-Sainte-Benoite )
  • Anselm II the Bearded, also Anselm von Vermandois, † February 26, 1099 at the siege of Tell Arqa , his son, founder of the Nicolas-des-Prés Abbey in Ribemont; ∞ Agnes of Roucy
  • Gottfried II, called Gottfried von Bouchain, Count of Ostervant, castellan of Valenciennes, lord of Bouchain, their son; ∞ Jolande von Wassemberg, widow of Baldwin III. of Hainaut
  • Hugo II of Ostervant, called Hugo von Valenciennes (Valencenis), later Hugo von Denain
  • Gottfried III., Sells part of the land to his half-brother Balduin IV. Of Hainaut, called Balduin of Edirne

The county of Ostervant was later given to Gottfried (Geoffroy) († 1163 ), the youngest son of Baldwin IV of Hainaut, then fell back to Hainaut.

As a result of internal conflicts in which Valenciennes opposed him, John of Avesnes , Count of Hainaut, had to recognize the sovereignty of the King of France in 1290 . He confirmed it in 1293 after a show of military force by Charles of Valois .

Ostervant then stayed with the county of Hainaut, but was under strong French influence. With the Hainaut, Ostervant later came to the House of Burgundy .

Frank II of Borsselen († 1470) once again carried the title of Count von Ostervant.