Otto soul

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Title page of Otto Seele's drum school. It can be assumed that the person depicted is Otto's soul.

Otto Bernhard Seele (born June 15, 1856 - † January 4, 1935 in Leipzig ) was a percussionist , composer and music publisher in Leipzig.

Otto Seele worked as a percussionist and timpanist in numerous orchestras, from August 15, 1891 to 1918, he was a member of the Leipzig Theater and Gewandhaus Orchestra . He composed and published musical works and wrote instrumental schools for timpani , xylophone and snare drum . In Leipzig he ran a specialist shop for percussion instruments, orchestral equipment and utensils for artists and music clowns. He also worked as a music publisher for drums.

Places of work

In his timpani school from 1895 Otto Seele mentioned the following engagements:


Own works

  • School for xylophone, tubaphone and vibraphone, 1st edition Leipzig 1890, Zimmermann ; 15th edition 1933.
  • The Carneval v. Venice f. Xylophone m. Puffs. Output in A u. C. Leipzig 1893, soul.
  • Les Fauvettes. Concertino f. 2 xylophones w. Puffs. Leipzig 1893, soul.
  • Souvenir de Wroclaw. Concert polka f. Xylophone m. Puffs. Leipzig 1893, soul.
  • A piece of virtuoso. Polka mazurka f. Xylophone m. Puffs. Leipzig 1893, soul.
  • Album f. Xylophone. m. Puffs. 2 booklets. Leipzig 1894, carpenter.
  • New complete xylophone school m. German, English u. Russian text. Leipzig 1894, carpenter.
  • Uno Mescuglio. Potpourri f. Xylophone m. Orch. / M. Puffs. Leipzig 1894, soul.
  • Album f. Xylophone m. Puffs. 2 booklets. Leipzig 1898, carpenter.
  • Theoretical, practical and easy-to-understand school for snare drums, Verlag O. Dietrich, Leipzig

As a publisher

  • Gustav Peter : Souvenir de Cirque Renz. Gallop f. Xylophone m. Orch. Leipzig 1894.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Hans-Rainer Jung: The Gewandhaus Orchestra . Faber and Faber, Leipzig 2006, ISBN 3-936618-86-0 .
  2. ^ Hans-Joachim Nösselt: The Gewandhausorchester: Origin and development of an orchestra. Koehler & Amelang, 1943, page 254 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  3. a b c Rafael Lukjanik: Didactic literature in the field of classical percussion after 1950. Frankfurt (Main), Univ., Diss., 1999, DNB 976394324 , urn : nbn: de: hebis: 30-15048 ( electronic resource , PDF, 5 , 3MB)
  4. Otto Seele's own representation in an edition of Souvenir de Cirque Renz, 25th edition, holdings of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania State Library, signature Mus 14.027
  5. Schaubs-Garten: A popular garden bar in Wolfsschlucht 23 in Kassel. German social papers . 1898 ( limited preview in Google Book search) -
  6. Baron Paul von Derwies; † around 1880; a rich Russian with a German name and Dutch ancestry; lived alternately in Nice and Lugano. David Mason Greene: Greene's biographical encyclopedia of composers . 2007, ISBN 9780385142786 , p. 890 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  7. The Berliner Philharmoniker later emerged from the Bilse Chapel
  8. ^ A b Eduard Reimann: Würzburg theater director
  9. a b c d Friedrich Hofmeister: Musical literary monthly report. December 1893, page 510, Music for Percussion Instruments Hofmeister XIX Online
  10. ^ A b c Friedrich Hofmeister: Musically literary monthly report. November 1894, page 478 Hofmeister XIX Online
  11. Friedrich Hofmeister: Musical literary monthly report. September 1895, page 350 Hofmeister XIX Online
  12. Friedrich Hofmeister: Musical literary monthly report. September 1898, page 390 Hofmeister XIX Online
  13. Fr. Pazdirek: Universal Manual of musical literature of all peoples Volume 28, page 551. Online . Rafael Lukjanik wrongly assigns the school in his work to the Zimmermann publishing house 1898–1903.
  14. ^ Friedrich Hofmeister: Musical-literary monthly report. November 1894, page 478, Hofmeister XIX Online

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