Otto Vittali

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Otto Vittali (born August 11, 1872 in Offenburg ; † March 25, 1959 there ) was a German painter .


Otto Vittali was a son of the factory owner Otto Hermann Leopold Vittali, whose ancestors immigrated to Germany from Bellano in Lombardy in 1804 .

Otto Vittali studied at the Art Academy in Karlsruhe and Munich Art Academy and then studied in the studio of Professor Alexander Linnemann in Frankfurt the stained glass . During his studies in Karlsruhe he became a member of the Corps Saxonia in 1890 . After a study trip through America , he started his own business in Berlin . Commissioned by Kaiser Wilhelm II , he designed the ceiling paintings for the Church of the Assumption on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem .

Vittali created the life-size figures in the mosaic frieze of the garden facade for the Hotel Adlon . Together with the building officer Leibnitz and Kommerzienrat Stangen, he founded the Vitra Society in Berlin for the production of artistic glasses and faience with metal decorations.

During the First World War he developed a graphical trajectory table for the field cannon 96 nA , which was officially introduced in the army. He became the leader of a sound measuring squad in the Guards Cavalry Division in Pinsk . After the war, Vittali earned his living with etchings , stone drawings , bookplates , book illustrations and advertising drawings . He lived with his family for a long time at Stegen Castle near Freiburg , and later in Kirchzarten . Here he also turned to landscape painting . He created many portraits , including a. by the industrialists Hans Mez and Emil Tscheulin .


  • Erwin Schneider: The Offenburg painter Otto Vittali , in: Badische Heimat, 1961.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Corps list of the Weinheimer SC from 1821 to 1906 . Dresden 1906, p. 41

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