Paul Adam von Becker

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Paul Adam von Becker ( Russian Пауль Адам Васильевич Беккер ; born May 8, 1808 in Reval (Tallinn); † April 20, 1881 in Dresden ) was a German-born Russian classical philologist , archaeologist , university professor and holder of the 1860 title of “Real Russian Councilor of State” “(Russian действительный статский советник ). Most recently, he was professor and director of the French-speaking “Lycée Richelieu” in Odessa . He was an active member of the "Society for History and Archeology in Odessa".


Paul Adam Becker was the son of Friedrich Wilhelm Becker (born January 4, 1773 in Oberlichtenau ; † October 21, 1847 in Kiev ) from Saxony , who worked as a teacher, later professor, for Roman literature and court councilor first in the Baltic States and later in the Ukraine was drawn. His mother was Anna Margarethe Friederike Becker, born von Hueck (born July 4, 1788 in Reval ( Tallinn ), † October 30, 1847 in Kiev). A brother of Friedrich Wilhelm Becker was Christian Gottfried Becker (born September 2, 1771 in Oberlichtenau, † October 23, 1820 in Chemnitz). Christian Gottfried Becker jun. was the first major industrialist in Chemnitz and played a decisive role in the fact that Chemnitz developed into a textile center. Friedrich Wilhelm Becker had three sons and Paul Adam von Becker had two brothers, the later doctor Wilhelm Gustav Becker ( Russian Василий Васильевич Беккер ) (1811–1874) and the lawyer Friedrich Woldemar Adam Becker (1825–1848).

Live and act

In Reval, Paul Adam Becker attended the Gustav Adolf Gymnasium from 1820 to 1826 . He then studied philosophy from 1826 to 1829 in Dorpat , then from 1829 to 1831 in Leipzig and from 1831 to 1833 in Berlin Latin and Greek literature. In 1834 he was in Jena to the Dr. phil. PhD. In the years from 1834 to 1836 he devoted himself to archaeological research abroad. In 1836 he began teaching in Saint Petersburg . In Odessa in 1837 he received the position of a lecturer and private lecturer and then taught from 1838 to 1857 as a full professor of Greek and Roman literary history in Odessa.

From 1838 to 1850 he also worked as a librarian . Paul Adam von Becker passed his master's degree in 1839 and defended his dissertation at the University of St. Vladimir in Kiev , and in March of the same year he was promoted to professor. First he taught grammar school classes from 1840 to 1841 at the "Rischeljewski Lyzeums" ("Lycée Richelieu") and from 1853 to 1854 also gave Latin lessons at the same grammar school. From 1857 to 1863 he was the director of the French-speaking "Lycée Richelieu". From 1849 to 1853 he was also director of the "Gymnasium № 2".

In retirement, he moved to Dresden in 1863 . He has published a number of scientific papers (such as 1858, 1862 and 1863) in connection with the problems of ancient numismatics and epigraphy in the Crimea .

Marriages and offspring

Paul Adam von Becker was married three times. The first wife was Elise Wilhelmine Becker, née Dörstling (born February 10, 1818 Chemnitz , † January 16, 1844 Odessa ). The two married in Vienna on May 25, 1838. She was a first cousin because her mother and father were siblings ( nepotism ). The first marriage had two sons:

The second wife was Marie Wilhelmine Becker, née Baum (born December 8, 1819 Saint Petersburg , † April 20, 1856 Kiev ). The wedding took place on April 14, 1850 in Enisala ( Lake Razim ). She was the mother of:

  • Marie Luisa von Becker and
  • Ernst Arthur Becker.

The third wife was Bianca Constanze Charlotte Alexandrine Becker, born von Douallier (born August 22, 1833 Naumburg am Bober , † December 13, 1909 Dresden ). The couple married on July 22, 1858. She was the mother of:

  • Friederike Wilhelmine Becker (called Tante Minna / Minchen ) (born May 19, 1859 in Odessa) and
  • Paul Johannes Becker (born January 31, 1864 in Dresden).

Publications (selection)

  • Гимназиче-ского курса латинского языка. Odessa 1846
  • Берег Понта Эвксинского от Истра до Борисфена в отношении к древним колониям. St. Petersburg 1852
  • Керчь и Тамань в июле 1852 года. Moscow 1853. 34 с.
  • Ключ к пониманию некоторых древностей Ольвии и Херсониса Таврического. Odessa 1858
  • Керчь и Тамань в июле месяце 1852 года. // Пропилеи: сборник статей по классической древности, изд. П. Леонтьевым. Moscow 1853.б. Кн. 3. С. 349-382.
  • Керчь и Тамань в июле месяце 1852 года. // Пропилеи. 2 изд. М., 1858.а. Кн. 3. С. 349-382.
  • Ключ к изъяснению некоторых древностей Ольвии и Херсониса Таврического. Odessa 1858. б. 26 с.
  • О новооткрытых монетах города Херсониса-Таврического. // ЗООИД. 1858.в. Т. 4. С. 134-142.
  • Замечания о неизданных греческих надписях, собранных в Южной России. Odessa 1862. 81 с.
  • Изъяснение двух новонайденных надписей из Пантикапеи In: Записки Одесского Общества , 1, 3–18 B17 .


  • Guido Hausmann: University and Municipal Society in Odessa, 1865–1917. Social and national self-organization on the periphery of the tsarist empire. (= Sources and studies on the history of Eastern Europe, Vol. 49), Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 1998, ISBN 3-5150-7068-0 , p. 60 f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Baltic Historical Commission (ed.): Entry on Paul Adam von Becker. In: BBLD - Baltic Biographical Lexicon digital
  2. Spamer, FOOnline = column 550 : Illustrated Konversations-Lexikon: comparative reference book for daily use. House treasure for the German people and "Orbis pictus" for the student youth ... Otto Spamer, 1872.
  3. ^ Friedrich Wilhelm Becker in the Erik Amburger database. Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies .
  4. ^ Barbara Beuys: Paula Modersohn-Becker. Or: when art is life. TB 3419, Insel Verlag, Frankfurt am Main / Leipzig 2009, ISBN 978-3-458-35119-1 , p. 9 f., Excerpt (PDF; 294 kB).
  5. ^ Friedrich Wilhelm Becker and Christian Gottfried Becker jun. were sons of pastor Christian Gottfried Becker sen. (* December 30, 1739 in Chemnitz; † April 27, 1793 in Mittweida ) and his wife Johanne Christiane Benedicta Becker, née Glauch (* April 29, 1752 in Wippra ; † November 3, 1793 in Mittweida )
  6. Spamer, FOOnline = : Illustrierte Konversations-Lexikon: comparative reference book for daily use. House treasure for the German people and "Orbis pictus" for the student youth ... Otto Spamer, 1872.
  7. The pastor couple had four daughters Johanna Christiana Becker, Dorothe Sophia Jahn, Amalie Concordia Petzold, Gottliebe Wilhelmine Doerstling and five other sons Friedrich Wilhelm Becker, August Benedikt Becker, Gottlob Leberecht Becker, Gotthilf Theodor Becker, Carl Hinrich Becker.
  8. Biographical data, [1]
  9. Edmund Mater Russian ЭДМУНД МАТЕР : German authors of Russia. Encyclopedia. Russian НЕМЕЦКИЕ АВТОРЫ РОССИИ ЭНЦИКЛОПЕДИЯ Bd./ТОМ 1 AB pp. 278–279 [2]
  10. Gottliebe Wilhelmine Doerstling, née Becker (born August 10, 1790 in Mittweida ; † June 6, 1855 in Chemnitz)
  11. ^ A daughter of the merchant Conrad Ludwig Baum, who came from Frankfurt am Main, Erik Amburger: Germans in State, Economy and Society of Russia: the Amburger family in St. Petersburg, 1770-1920. (= Publications of the Eastern European Institute Munich Series History Vol. 54). Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1986, ISBN 3-4470-2571-9 , p. 61.