Paul Quilès

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Paul Quilès

Paul Quilès (born January 27, 1942 in Saint-Denis-du-Sig , Algeria ) is a French politician of the Parti socialiste .


He studied at the elite university polytechnique Ecole . After graduating, Quilès became an engineer in 1964 . Quiles was French Minister of Defense from 1985 to 1986 and French Minister of the Interior from 1992 to 1993. He is a member of the European Leadership Network .


Mayor, City Council

MPs, MPs

  • 1983–93: Member of the Fourteenth District of Paris
  • 1986–88: MP from Paris
  • 1988: Member of the Ninth District of Paris

Government functions

  • 1983–85: Minister for Urban Development and Housing
  • 1985–86: Minister of Defense
  • 1988–91: Minister for Post and Telecommunications
  • 1991–92: Minister for Equipment, Housing, Transport and Space
  • 1992–93: Minister of the Interior and Public Security
  • 1997–2002: President of the Commission on National Defense and Armed Forces
  • 2004–07: Vice-President of the Foreign Affairs Committee

More functions

Publications (selection)

  • La politique n'est pas ce que vous croyez (Politics is not what you believe) , 1985
  • Together with Ivan Levai: Les 577: des députés pour quoi faire? (What do MPs do?) , 2001
  • With Alexandra Novosseloff, Face aux désordres du monde (In view of the disorder in the world) , 2005

Web links

Individual evidence
