Peter Henisch

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Peter Henisch (2018)
Peter Henisch (2011)

Peter Henisch (born August 27, 1943 in Vienna ) is an Austrian writer , journalist and musician .


Peter Henisch, Vienna 1974

Peter Henisch was born in Vienna a year and a half before the end of World War II ; his father Walter was a very valued photographic war correspondent for the Wehrmacht at the time . After 1945 his father worked for social democratic media.

Peter Henisch made his first literary attempts after graduating from high school while doing a traineeship at the Wiener Arbeiter-Zeitung (AZ), the central organ of the SPÖ . In the following course of studies he took German studies , philosophy , history and psychology . A doctoral project on Ernst Bloch remained unfinished. 1966/1967 he was local editor for AZ.

Since 1971 he has lived as a freelance writer in Vienna, Lower Austria and Tuscany and made his first appearance with Hamlet stays . From 1972 on he was literary editor of the magazine of the Theater der Jugend Neue Wege . From 1970 to 1973 he was a member of the “Working Group of Austrian Literature Producers”.

The best known of his works is the novel The Little Figure of My Father (1975; revised 1987 and 2003; filmed in 1979). In it, Henisch deals with his father's past as an official war photographer during the Third Reich .

He founded the magazine for literature Wespennest .

Henisch was also productive in musical terms. In 1975 he was a co-founder, songwriter and singer of the group Wiener Fleisch und Blut . He later worked with the musicians Woody Schabata and Hans Zinkl , among others ; this resulted in the Black Peter's Songbook in 2001 .



  • Hamlet stays , 1971
  • From the Baronkarl. Peripheral stories and other prose , 1972
  • Viennese Flesh and Blood , 1975
  • The little figure of my father , 1975
  • On the trail of myself. Job. Poems, 1977
  • May is over , 1978
  • Lumpazi moribundus , 1978
  • Interglacial , 1979
  • Vagabunden-Tales (first new version of the stories of the Baronkarl and first short version of the play Lumpazimoribundus ), 1980
  • Bali or Swoboda gets out , 1981
  • The Vienna Cookbook , 1982
  • Between all armchairs , 1982
  • Hoffmann's stories. Notes by a confused Germanist , 1983
  • Pepi Prohaska Prophet , 1986
  • The little figure of my father , revised version, 1987
  • Stein's Paranoia , 1988
  • Hamlet, Job, Heine , Poems, 1989
  • Morrison's hideout , 1991
  • Baron Charles. Old and new peripheral stories with photos by Sepp Dreissinger, 1992
  • About the desire to become an Indian. How Franz Kafka met Karl May and still didn't end up in America , 1994
  • The comet is coming anyway , revised and updated version of the novella of the play Lumpazimoribundus , 1995
  • Irony and what becomes of it. Three lectures , in: manuscripts , 35th year, 128th issue of the complete series, Vienna, June 1995, p. 62 ff. (As part of the "Viennese lectures on literature" in the "Alte Schmiede" )
  • Black Peter , 2000
  • Black Peter's Songbook , 2001
  • Morrison's hideout . Revised and supplemented new version, 2001
  • My Dad's Little Figure , updated 2003 edition
  • The pregnant Madonna , Roman, 2005
  • A very small woman , Roman, 2007
  • The Lost Messiah , novel, 2009
  • Grand finale for Novak , Roman, Residenz Verlag, St. Pölten / Salzburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-70171547-3
  • Mortimer & Miss Molly , Roman, Deuticke 2013, ISBN 978-3-552-06225-2
  • Outsiders out of passion , texts on politics, literature and society from four decades. Special number, Vienna 2013, ISBN 978-3-85449-388-4
  • Search picture with cat , Roman, Deuticke 2016, ISBN 978-3-552-06327-3
  • Seven and a half lives , novel, Deuticke 2018, ISBN 978-3-552-06380-8
  • This is my window. Almost all poems and songs , special number 2018, ISBN 978-3-85449-518-5


  • Lumpazimoribundus. Antiposse with singing , 1976 (" Experiment am Liechtenwerd ", Vienna)
  • Hoffmann or the Renitenz , Thomas Sessler Verlag, Vienna and Munich 1984
  • Desire to become an Indian , Thomas Sessler Verlag, Vienna and Munich 1992

Radio plays

  • Hoffmann or the Renitenz , 1987 (ORF)
  • I'm fine, if you please, out of the sun! , 1992 (ORF)
  • About the desire to become an Indian or How Franz Kafka met Karl May and still didn't end up in America , 1992 (ORF)
  • The comet is coming anyway , 1996 (ORF)


  • Better living in Vienna , 1972 (ORF)
  • Monte Vienna - Monte Laa , 1975 (ORF)
  • The little figure of my father , 1979 (BR, MTV, ORF)

Audio, LPs and CDs

  • Peter Henisch reads Lumpazimoribundus by Peter Henisch , 1975 (Intercord Litera 26 552-0 H)
  • All right , 1975 (Intercord 26 568 - 6U)
  • Without any joke , 1974 (CBS S 80 288), vocals and music: Thomas Declaude , texts: Peter Henisch
  • Away from Vienna . 1993, Provincial Library
  • Black Peter's Songbook . 2001, ORF and Residenz Verlag
  • Morrison's hideout . 2001, Preiser Records
  • From Baron Karl to Black Peter . Edition radio literature ORF


  • Elisabeth Augustin: Literary History Negotiations. On the guilt discourse with Peter Henisch . VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken 2009, ISBN 978-3-639-17528-8 (print on demand).
  • Mathias Brandstädter: Consequential damage. Context, narrative structures and forms of the fathers' literature 1960 to 2008. Definition of a genre (= epistemata , series: literary studies , volume 716). Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2010, ISBN 978-3-8260-4446-5 , pp. 174–196.
  • Craig Decker (Ed. And Preface): Balancing Acts. Textual Strategies of Peter Henisch (= Studies in Austrian literature, culture and Thought ). Ariadne Press, Riverside, CL 2002, ISBN 1-57241-112-0 (With contributions by: Jeffrey Schneider, Kathy Brzovic, Friedemann Weidauer, Antje Harnisch and Anne Close Ulmer).
  • Walter Grünzweig, Gerhard Fuchs (Ed.): Peter Henisch (= Dossier , Volume 21). Droschl, Graz 2003, ISBN 3-85420-640-2 .
  • Martin Kubaczek, Terkl Daniel (ed.): Searching for traces in the space of possibility. The narrative worlds of Peter Henisch . Special number, Vienna 2015, ISBN 978-3-85449-434-8 .
  • Christoph Parry: Peter Henisch . In: Heinz Ludwig Arnold (Hrsg.): Critical lexicon of contemporary German literature (KLG).
  • Eva Schobel: Peter Henisch: a monograph, two volumes (= dissertations of the University of Vienna, volume 191), VWGÖ, Vienna 1987, ISBN 3-85369-722-4 (dissertation University of Vienna 1988, 2 volumes: 342 pages and page 343– 716).
  • Franz Schuh (Ed.): Figure throwing. The Peter Henisch Reader . Residence, Salzburg 2003, ISBN 3-7017-1352-9 .

Web links

Commons : Peter Henisch  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Culture Awards of the State of Lower Austria 2005 . APA notification dated November 24, 2005, accessed November 28, 2015.
  2. Minister of Culture Ostermayer honors writer Peter Henisch ( Memento of the original from January 28, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Article from November 27, 2014, accessed on January 28, 2015. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /