Peter Kalisch

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Peter Kalisch (born December 11, 1921 in Berlin ; † April 20, 1992 there ) was a German actor .


Peter Kalisch began an apprenticeship as a bookseller in 1939, which he had to finish a year later because he was drafted as a medical soldier. Due to his stationing in Berlin, he was able to take acting lessons in private stage studios until 1944. When he was transferred to the front in Italy in November 1944, he was taken prisoner there. After his release in 1950, after engagements in Köthen, Brandenburg and Schwerin, Bertolt Brecht brought him to the Berliner Ensemble . Here he got his first role as a one-eyed man in "Mother Courage and Her Children". The last time he appeared in "Galileo Galilei" was in 1991, after more than 40 years of activity on the same stage.

Filmography (selection)

Theater (selection)

Radio plays

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Experience and artistic precision" in the Berliner Zeitung of December 11, 1991 p. 20
  2. ^ "BE actor Peter Kalisch died" in the Neue Zeit of April 23, 1992 p. 13