Prof. Claus Gatterer Prize

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The Prof. Claus Gatterer Prize for socially committed journalism in 1984, the year of death of Claus Gatterer , by the two ORF - journalist Hans Preiner and Fred Turnheim proposed and in 1985 by the Austrian Journalists Club created (ÖJC).


The award is intended to commemorate the cross-border commuter , publicist and journalist Claus Gatterer. Gatterer was born in Sexten in 1924 , worked in South Tyrol and Austria. In 1986 the prize was awarded for the first time in South Tyrol . From 1992 it was awarded alternately in South Tyrol and Austria by the ÖJC. Originally the Gatterer Prize was endowed with 50,000 schillings, then with 5,000 euros. It was largely financed by the state of South Tyrol until 2018. In 2018 the prize money was increased to 10,000 euros, for which the ÖJC demanded 30,000 euros from the South Tyrolean provincial government. For 2019, the state of Burgenland and the Esterhazy Group took over the main burden. Casinos Austria , Vienna Airport , Red Bull , Oberbank , Siemens and Wiener Städtische Versicherung were among the financiers . The prize was also supported by the community of Sexten, which founded a Claus Gatterer library and the Claus Gatterer documentation center under its former mayor Willi Rainer.

Controversy 2019

In 2019 the jury selected Markus Wilhelm as the winner, but he rejected the award. In his statement, he described the award to him as a “misunderstanding” because he did not see himself as a journalist but as a “political activist who just writes”. He also stated that he had nothing to do with the ÖJC and the sponsors of the award (the state of Burgenland and the Esterhazy group). He suggested that the prize money of 10,000 euros be paid into an escrow account and shared among the " so badly exploited Belarusian orchestral musicians and choirs of the Erl Festival ".

The jury then decided to award the prize to the football magazine Ballesterer instead . The name Markus Wilhelm and the reason for his rejection were no longer mentioned in the new ÖJC broadcast about the award ceremony.

A little later, Markus Wilhelm published the article Die Herren from the “Österreichischer Journalisten Club” and their business model “Claus-Gatterer-Preis” , in which he expanded his criticism and highlighted a disproportion between the amount of the prize money and the costs for the sponsors, especially for the State of South Tyrol, lamented.

In response to the concern expressed by Wilhelm criticism that, among other things, only a small fraction of the funds received from sponsors would be paid to the nominated annual award winners, the Province of Burgenland and the Esterhazy enterprises as sponsors of the Claus Gatterer Prize in September 2019 attracted with immediate effect .

On the same day, 29 winners of the Claus Gatterer Prize declared in an open letter that they considered the Austrian Journalists Club “no longer suitable” for “hosting the Claus Gatterer Prize”. It is called for the "completely illegitimate 'trademark protection' of this price to be lifted". The aim is to ensure that the prize “is awarded by an institution that is above suspicion and is awarded by an independent jury together with the state of South Tyrol and Sesto, the home community of Claus Gatterer”.

For the presentation of the Gatterer Prize in 2020, the ÖJC announced on its website that it would "suspend" the prize due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Award winners

year Award winners Honorable recognition
1985 butterfly  
1986 Melita Sunjic  
1989 Tessa Prager  
1990 Franz curse  
1993 Albert Malli  
1994 Ulrich Ladurner  
1995 Peter Resetarits Eva Menasse , Thomas Rottenberg
1996 ORF minority editorial office Heimat, a foreign home under Helmut Kletzander Julius Kratky , Josef Stricker
1997 attacks Beate firlinger & Ina Zwerger , Elisabeth Ohnemus
1998 Cornelia Krebs Petra Hillinger
1999 Martin Voill Media HS Loquaiplatz
2000 " Kreuz & Quer " editorial team Neighbor in need
2001 Andrew's holiday Hakan Gürses
2002 Florian Klenk Augustine
2003 Robert Gordon (journalist) Südwind magazine
2004 Elisabeth Ohnemus Gerhard Roth
2005 Christoph Franceschini and Helmut Lechthaler Elke Maria Fertschey
2006 Gabi Zornig Thomas Hanifle
2007 Armin Wolf Julia Ortner
2008 Margaretha Kopeinig
2009 Karl Prossliner
2010 Edith Meinhart Johannes Kaup
2011 Zoran Dobric Andreas Zinggl
2012 Ursula Scheidle and Arno Aschauer La Usc di Ladins
2013 Nina Horaczek Saskia Jungnikl
2014 Sabina Zwitter-Grilc
2015 Dietmar Telser , Benjamin Stöß and Thorsten Schneiders Focal points. Magazine for hemp culture and human rights
2016 Yilmaz Gülüm Katharina Weinmann
2017 Nora Zoglauer Kira Preckel and Hanna Herbst ( Austrian League for Human Rights )
2018 Nina Strasser Jürgen Pettinger
2019 Markus Wilhelm (awarded but rejected)
Beate Haselmayer
2020 Awards suspended

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Christoph Franceschini : Nice price, bad people. , September 26, 2019, accessed on September 26, 2019 .
  2. ^ Austrian Journalists Club: Prof. Claus Gatterer Prize. Retrieved August 30, 2019 .
  3. a b But no Gatterer Prize for Wilhelm. In: . August 28, 2019. Retrieved August 28, 2019 .
  4. fid: Blogger Markus Wilhelm does not accept the Gatterer Journalist Award of the ÖJC. In: The Standard. Der Standard, August 28, 2019, accessed October 16, 2019 .
  5. a b Prof. Claus Gatterer Prize 2019 goes to soccer magazine “ballesterer”. Retrieved August 30, 2019 .
  6. ^ Editorial staff and apa: Gap filler: Gatterer Prize goes to the football magazine "Ballesterer". In: Die Presse, August 30, 2019, accessed on March 24, 2020 .
  7. The gentlemen from the “Austrian Journalists Club” and their business model “Claus Gatterer Prize” ; accessed on September 18, 2019
  8. The gentlemen from the “Austrian Journalists Club” and their business model “Claus Gatterer Prize” ; accessed on September 18, 2019
  9. of September 25, 2019: Gatterer Prize: Sponsors drop out ; accessed on September 25, 2019
  10. Wolf, Klenk, Resetarits and 26 other Gatterer Prize winners: "ÖJC not suitable to align price" - Retrieved September 27, 2019 (Austrian German).
  11. ^ Website of the ÖJC; accessed on July 21, 2020
  12. "Prof. Claus Gatterer Prize 2018" goes to Nina Strasser for her long-term report "A year with Günter" published in Falter . OTS notification dated April 24, 2018, accessed April 24, 2018.
  13. ^ Claus Gatterer Prize for Markus Wilhelm. In: . Retrieved July 2, 2019 .