Reinhold Kiehl

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Facades of the town hall of Neukölln, drawing by Reinhold Kiehl

Reinhold Kiehl (born April 22, 1874 in Danzig ; † March 10, 1913 in Neukölln near Berlin ) was a German architect and construction clerk .


Kiehl grew up as the son of the businessman Hermann Kiehl in Gdansk and passed the Abitur at the Royal High School in Gdansk with the grade "good" at Easter 1893.

In the summer semester of 1893 Kiehl enrolled as a student of structural engineering at the Royal Bavarian Technical University in Munich and in the winter semester of 1893/1894 in structural engineering at the Ducal Technical University of Carolo Wilhelmina in Braunschweig .

In 1896, Kiehl passed the preliminary examination as a candidate in the construction subject , and a year later the student Reinhold Kiehl was awarded a scholarship from the General Jubilee Foundation. In November 1897, the candidate Reinhold Kiehl passed the first main examination in structural engineering and was then awarded the Ottmer scholarship by the university .

In December 1897, Kiehl began his practical work as a government building supervisor ( trainee lawyer ) at the state district building management in Gdansk , then at the Dresden municipal building department . This was followed by a job as a construction manager for the extension of the Technical University of Charlottenburg and a position at the Royal Ministerial Commission.

In 1899, Reinhold Kiehl successfully took part in the Schinkel competition organized by the Berlin Architects and Engineers ' Association. The topic was: Design of a party and society house for the German Navy . The work was recognized as a domestic test work for the examination for government builder ( Assessor ).

In December 1900, Kiehl successfully passed the government master builder examination. In 1901 he first became a teacher at the Royal Building Trade School in Breslau , then at the Royal Building Trade School Hildesheim .

On September 15, 1901, Kiehl was appointed urban planning inspector in Charlottenburg near Berlin and was appointed site manager for the construction of the new building of the Charlottenburg town hall projected by Heinrich Reinhardt and Georg Süßenguth .

In November 1903 Kiehl successfully took part in the so-called monthly competition of the Architects and Engineers' Association in Berlin . His design for a village smithy was awarded a prize. In April 1904 he received another monthly competition award for the design of a studio building. During this time, he also worked as an assistant to the secret building officer Prof. Koch, specializing in building construction theory and interior finishing at the Technical University of Charlottenburg .

On May 1, 1904, Reinhold Kiehl was appointed urban planning inspector in Rixdorf near Berlin - today's Berlin district of Neukölln - and on February 23, 1905, the Rixdorf city ​​council elected the first urban planning officer and head of the new Rixdorf structural engineering office for 12 years . Proven employees, such as the town building inspectors Heinrich Höhle , Eduard Jüngerich and Josef Redlich as well as the head of the design department John Martens, helped town building officer Kiehl and the Rixdorf building department to gain a very good reputation across the whole of Germany. For this reason, young architects came, such as Ludwig Mies (from 1920 he called himself Ludwig Mies van der Rohe), the brothers Max Taut and Bruno Taut , Franz Hoffmann , Max Kemper and others. a. in the well-reputed building authority.

Neukölln town hall

In addition to his work as a town planning officer, Kiehl was also active as a judge and expert in many competitions during this time. He was appointed to several technical committees and became a member of the advisory board in accordance with the local statute against the defacing of streets and squares in Teltow .

In July 1911 Reinhold Kiehl received the gold medal during the Great Berlin Art Exhibition by Kaiser Wilhelm II for his structural work in Rixdorf near Berlin, Teltow district; but above all for his new Rixdorf hospital (today: Vivantes-Klinikum Neukölln).

On July 24, 1912, Stadtbaurat Kiehl was elected by a large majority to the expert advisory board in urban planning matters at the Zweckverband Groß-Berlin . He then officially resigned from the service of the city of Rixdorf on September 15, 1912.

He was succeeded as the town planning officer of Neukölln by the Darmstadt- born town building inspector Heinrich Best, who completed many of the buildings planned by Kiehl. These include the Neukölln Town Hall and Stadtbad Neukölln as well-known buildings .

Reinhold Kiehl's grave

On March 10, 1913, Reinhold Kiehl died as a result of a heart attack in the offices of the Greater Berlin Association while carrying out his duties. The burial took place on March 14, 1913 in St. Jacobi Churchyard I in Neukölln at Berliner Straße 2-6 (today Karl-Marx-Straße ). The tombstone, which was designed by Johannes Borgwardt , who works as an architect in the design department of the Neukölln Building Department , bears the words “SEINEM MEMORY DIE STADT NEUKÖLLN”. The grave site is in field JEB-13, G3.

As a further tribute to his work, the Kölln bank on the Neukölln shipping canal was renamed Kiehlufer in 1934.

Buildings and designs

Building of the building trade school from 1914


  • Wolfgang Krawczynski, Dieter Althans, Siegfried Duschk, Michael Freiberg, Dietrich Ribbert and Manfred Riebau: Architect Reinhold Kiehl, City Planning Officer in Rixdorf near Berlin. Biography, catalog raisonné, contributions: Anniversary contribution to the 750th anniversary of Berlin in 1987. (published by the Neukölln District Office of Berlin, Building and Housing Department) Günter Darge Publishing House, Berlin 1987.

Web links

Commons : Reinhold Kiehl  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Monthly competition for the village smithy
  2. Wolfgang Krawczynski, Dieter Althans, Siegfried Duschek, Michael Freiberg, Dietrich and Manfred Ribbert Riebau: architect Reinhold Kiehl, city building in Rixdorf in Berlin. Biography, catalog raisonné, articles: Anniversary contribution to the 750th anniversary of Berlin 1987. Verlag Günter Darge, Berlin 1987, p. 66