Rudolf Vogel (politician, 1906)

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Election poster (1953)

Rudolf Vogel (born April 18, 1906 in Beuthen , † June 4, 1991 in Starnberg ) was a German journalist and politician for the CDU . In the time of National Socialism , he wrote as a war correspondent of the High Command of the Wehrmacht antisemitic and war propaganda articles.

Life and work

Vogel was born as the son of the Catholic Rector Aloys Vogel. From 1916 to 1925 he attended secondary school in Beuthen. After graduating from high school, he was a commercial apprentice in the administration of the Upper Silesian iron and steel works, Julienhütte plant in Bobrek. From 1926 to 1931 he studied economic geography, sociology and newspaper studies in Berlin and Leipzig. Since 1926 he was a member of the Catholic student association KDSt.V. Bavaria Berlin. In 1931 he was at the University of Leipzig Dr. phil. PhD. Then he was the political editor of the " Oberschlesische Volksstimme ", initially at the place of publication in Gleiwitz , and from 1932 in Berlin.

After the National Socialist seizure of power , Vogel, who was a member of the Center Party, was dismissed at the end of 1933. For several years he made his way primarily as a travel reporter and toured the Dalmatian coast and North Africa, among others. In 1937 Vogel advanced to become the influential editor of the "Association of Upper Swabian Newspaper Publishers According to System Walchner GmbH" (VERBO) in Berlin, an association founded in 1922 with which regional newspapers tried to defend themselves against the economic pressure resulting from the increasing concentration of the press . There was a joint editorial department for the cover pages, a supra-local advertising community and the joint printing location Friedrichshafen. The local publishers remained independent. Vogel wrote political articles for 22 small Swabian homeland newspapers, especially in the interests of National Socialism . As part of the synchronization , the top editorial office was first relocated to Berlin. Then on September 1, 1935, the rights of the small local publishers to the joint venture were eliminated. Vogel wrote countless not only National Socialist but also anti-Semitic propaganda articles for VERBO and probably other press organs after research by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, which the magazine Der Spiegel had already drawn attention to in an article in 1953. So he wrote on February 25, 1939 for the VERBO under the title The Unmasking of Gold u. a. the following lines:

Jewish influence in the world has always been synonymous with the freedom of trade for Jewish bankers and wholesalers. So, to the extent that the scope for Jewish traders and bankers in the world narrows, so must Jewish influence. Since the deliberate struggle of National Socialism against the Jewish claim to world domination, we are now experiencing a development in trade policy that is synonymous with the elimination of Jewish influence from many countries. "

- Quoted from Spiegel 28/1954

During the Second World War , after deployments in Poland and France, Vogel acted as the deputy head of a propaganda company in the Greek port city of Saloniki, which was occupied by the Wehrmacht .

Vogel came to Württemberg in 1945 as a displaced person , became head of labor at the state labor office in Stuttgart and then, one after the other, head of the labor offices in Aalen, Ulm and Ludwigsburg. In 1948 and 1949 he was a member of the Economic Council of the Bizone . He became second chairman of the CDU in North Württemberg and was a member of the German Bundestag from its first election in 1949 until April 15, 1964. He represented the constituency of Aalen in parliament. Vogel was from 1949 to 1953 chairman of the Bundestag committee for questions relating to the press, radio and film.

Along with Erwin Schoettle ( SPD ), Martin Blank ( FDP ), Wilfried Keller ( GB / BHE ) and Heinrich Schild ( DP ), Vogel was one of the first members of the trust committee for the secret budget of the federal intelligence services , which met for the first time on February 22, 1956 .

From 1957 until his resignation in 1964 he was deputy chairman of the budget committee . From April 15, 1964 to June 30, 1968 Rudolf Vogel was permanent representative of Germany to the OECD in Paris . From July 1, 1968 until the formation of the social-liberal coalition after the federal election in 1969 , he was State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of the Treasury .

Coordinating Committee on Public Enlightenment and Propaganda

In 1953 Otto Lenz tried to create a coordination committee for public education and propaganda with responsibility for the Gehlen organization . This project failed due to the objection of the Allied High Commissioners . Rudolf Vogel was the spokesman for CDU / CSU members who, in a letter to Konrad Adenauer, advocated the installation of the coordination committee. Reinhard Gehlen's interest in no longer reporting directly to Konrad Adenauer was restrained.

Vogel was chairman of the Southeastern Europe Society (SOG) for many years . He had been married to Elisabeth Vogel (née Klaus) since 1948 and the couple had two children.


The Rudolf Vogel Medal emerged from the “Rudolf Vogel Plaque”, which the Southeastern Europe Society has been awarding at irregular intervals since 1966 to people who have made special contributions to society. After the death of Rudolf Vogel, it became the journalist prize awarded annually between 1992 and 2012. This was renamed the South East European Society's Journalism Prize in February 2013 after the Swiss journalist and historian Andreas Ernst objected to being awarded a prize named after a “Nazi propaganda journalist ”. It has also become known that Vogel helped finance Nazi criminal Alois Brunner's escape.


  • German press and propaganda of the referendum campaign in Upper Silesia. Oberschlesische Zeitung, Beuthen 1931 (dissertation, University of Leipzig, 1931).
  • Grenzerjunge im Blitzkrieg: A story from the Polish campaign. With 15 text drawings by Hans Malchert. Union, Stuttgart 1940.
  • Articles in: Middle East transport problem - flows of goods are looking for their way: The transport difficulties of trade with Southeast Europe and the Middle East. Ship, road, rail. Results of an international expert seminar. Lectures and contributions to discussions at the international seminar “New Traffic Flows to Southeast Europe and the Near and Middle East” held on May 24th to 26th, 1976 in Munich. Rudolf Vogel on his 70th birthday (= Southeast European Studies. Vol. 25). Editor Hans Hartl. Southeast Europe Society, Munich 1976.
  • Contributions in: Werner Gumpel , Roland Schönfeld (Hrsg.): South East Europe - Politics and Economy. Festschrift for Rudolf Vogel. Southeast Europe Society, Munich 1986.
  • Records and memories. In: German Bundestag (Ed.): Members of the German Bundestag. Records and memories. Volume 4, Boldt, Boppard am Rhein 1988, ISBN 3-7646-1877-9 , pp. 231-304.


Web links

Commons : Rudolf Vogel (politician)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Michael Martens: Rudolf Vogel Medal - No more Nazi Prize . In Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung online edition February 11, 2013, online , reprint of the FAZ Sunday newspaper article from February 10, 2013.
  2. Rudolf Vogel: Endlich Krieg, sentences from articles that he wrote during the Nazi era, FAZ-Net February 12, 2013 here
  3. On Vogel's journalistic career in the Nazi dictatorship there is a (incomplete) personal process in the records of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, which is now kept in the Federal Archives in Berlin-Lichterfelde. The total of 40 sheets of the file document Vogel's professional career as a war correspondent in various propaganda companies up to the summer of 1943. After that, the dossier breaks off. (Federal Archives, File R 55/23952).
  4. ^ Jürgen Wilke: Fundamentals of the media and communication history. UTB, Stuttgart, 2008, ISBN 3825231666 , page 346 Book excerpt online
  5. Rudolf Vogel Medal: Through thick and thin with Adolf Hitler , article by Michael Martens, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , February 12, 2013
    • Rudolf Vogel: Finally war, sentences from articles that he wrote during the Nazi era, FAZ-Net February 12, 2013 here
  6. a b Career: Through thick and thin . In: Der Spiegel . No. 33 , 1953 ( online ). Lenz Committee: Accessed with pleasure . In: Der Spiegel . No. 28 , 1954 ( online ).
  7. ^ Officials: The great career . In: Der Spiegel . No. 45 , 1957 ( online ).
  8. Thomas Wolf: The emergence of the BND. Structure, financing, control (= Jost Dülffer, Klaus-Dietmar Henke, Wolfgang Krieger, Rolf-Dieter Müller [eds.]: Publications of the Independent Commission of Historians for Researching the History of the Federal Intelligence Service 1945–1968 . Volume 9 ). 1st edition. Ch. Links Verlag, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-96289-022-3 , pp. 356 .
  9. Interview with the historian Milan Kosanovic on the naming of the Southeast European Society's journalism prize after Rudolf Vogel in the online edition of the FAZ on February 12, 2012 here
  10. Michaela Haas: Nazis: The Living Dead . In: The time . No. 15/2006 ( online ).
  11. According to "Spiegel", CDU politician helped Nazi criminal Brunner to escape. In: February 25, 2017. Retrieved December 9, 2017 .
predecessor Office successor
–––– Head of the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OECD
1964 - 1968
Hans Carl Graf von Hardenberg