Rudolph von Dewitz

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Friedrich Wilhelm Adolph Otto Albrecht Rudolph von Dewitz , also Rudolf von Dewitz (born January 12, 1815 in Stargard (Pomerania) ; † November 4, 1863 in Görlitz ) was a Prussian administrative lawyer and district administrator for the district of Wetzlar and the district of Landsberg (Warthe) .


Rudolph von Dewitz (No. 549 of the gender census ), Protestant and son of an officer, came from an old north German noble family , which belongs to the Mecklenburg - Pomeranian nobility . He first attended a grammar school in Berlin. He then studied law and camera science at the universities of Bonn and Berlin . From 1834 he belonged to the Corps Rhenania Bonn , passed the first legal exam and in 1837 came as an auscultator for further training at the Court of Appeal . In 1838 he was an auscultator in Schwedt .

After the second legal test in Berlin in 1839 for the court clerk appointed Dewitz moved to the third and appointed government assessor in 1844 in the Prussian administrative services.

As a government assessor he found employment from December 18, 1845 to April 22, 1848 in the area of ​​the Upper Presidium of the Rhine Province , when he was entrusted with the administration of the Wetzlar district . After his subsequent move to the government in Frankfurt (Oder) , von Dewitz took over the administration of the Landsberg (Warthe) district in the service area there in 1849 . Dewitz died on duty.

Von Dewitz married on February 11, 1856 at Charlottenhof Karla Charlotte Friederike Auguste von Klitzing (* August 28, 1816 Charlottenhof; † November 26, 1891 Frankfurt (Oder)), a daughter of Lebrecht von Klitzing at Charlottenhof and Karoline Bennecke. The couple remained without children.


  • 222. † v. Dewitz 3, Rudolph . In: Matriculation of the Bonner Rhenania 1820 1970 , 1970, pp 50-51, Volume 4 of the blue books of the Bonner Rhenania

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Horst Romeyk : The leading state and municipal administrative officials of the Rhine Province 1816-1945 (=  publications of the Society for Rhenish History . Volume 69 ). Droste, Düsseldorf 1994, ISBN 3-7700-7585-4 , p. 287 note 43 .
  2. Kösener corps lists 1910, 26 , 142