Sanitz (noble family)

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Sanitz coat of arms Sm.png

Sanitz is the name of an originally Neumark family , later also serving Prussia and wealthy in Mecklenburg , now extinct noble family .

The family is from a Pomeranian family of the same name, also deceased , at least different in coats of arms.


The Sanitz were mentioned in a document in Rehfeld in 1337 and was widespread and wealthy in the late Middle Ages . Several members of the family were later able to achieve higher honors as officers in the Swedish service, but above all in the Prussian army . Four sons of the family rose to the rank of general , the infantry regiment (No. 50) “v. Sanitz ” named after its owner Karl Wilhelm von Sanitz .

Property ownership

The family was in Neumark on Birkholz , Braunsfelde (1490-1780), Breitenstein , Falkenstein , Lichtenow , Wildenow each in the Friedeberg district , on Hitzdorf in the Arnswalde district , Rehfeld in the Soldin district , and from 1802 to Berebusz, Dzworowo and Pawlowo in the Grand Duchy of Poznan , also wealthy at Kittendorf near Stavenhagen in Mecklenburg.

Whether Alt Kugelwitz and Karzin in the Pomeranian district of Schlawe belonged to the property of the family or were in the possession of the Pomeranian Sanitz remains unclear from the sources. The latter were at least owned from 1569 to 1665 ibid. Zu Stemnitz .

coat of arms

The family coat of arms shows three vines in silver, each with a blue grape, on solid ground. On the crowned helmet with blue-silver covers one of the vines between two red (also varies white or red and white) ostrich feathers .

