Seitenbach (Aich)

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Water code DE : 238182
location Schönbuch


River system Rhine
Drain over Aich  → Neckar  → Rhine  → North Sea
source Outflow of the Schaichhofsee on the western edge of Weil im Schönbuch
48 ° 37 '1 "  N , 9 ° 1' 39"  E
Source height approx.  495  m above sea level NHN
muzzle At the fire department store in Waldenbuch from the right and approximately west-southwest in the middle Aich Coordinates: 48 ° 38 ′ 11 ″  N , 9 ° 8 ′ 5 ″  E 48 ° 38 ′ 11 ″  N , 9 ° 8 ′ 5 ″  E
Mouth height approx.  343  m above sea level NHN
Height difference approx. 152 m
Bottom slope approx. 16 ‰
length 9.4 km 
with OL Seitenbach
10 km
with OL Lachentalgraben
Catchment area 12.644 km²

The Seitenbach is a 9-10 km long, approximately east-north-east flowing brook in the district of Böblingen in central Baden-Württemberg , which flows from the left into the middle Aich in the town of Waldenbuch .


The Seitenbach has different names on its sections. The uppermost waterway name that can be found on the maps is Totenbach , which is used at least for the section between Weil im Schönbuch and the associated Totenmühle, probably even to a little below the Segelbach (!) Flood retention basin that soon follows it up to the inlet of the Reishaldenbach; It remains to be seen whether the stream previously in and also in front of Weil on its right source branch bears a different name.

The Totenbach section is followed by the Segelbach section in the forest, presumably to the tributary of the Greutbach. Only then, on the last less than one and a half kilometers through the remaining forest and the settlement area of ​​the city of Waldenbuch, is the brook Seitenbach called.

In the following, the official line name Seitenbach is used uniformly .



The Seitenbach flows about 300 meters northeast of the Holzgerlinger Domain Schaichhof at about 495  m above sea level. NHN on the other side of the B 464 already on the ground of the neighboring community of Weil im Schönbuch the approximately one quarter hectare large Schaichhofsee in a north-northeast direction and immediately runs along a newer settlement of Weil. Soon he enters the building area of ​​the municipality in the area of ​​a commercial zone. In it, the Seitenbach crosses under the Schönbuchbahn, close to its Weil im Schönbuch-Troppel stop, and on the other side from the left and west-northwest, the Lachentalbach , its other spring brook, which slightly exceeds it in terms of length, catchment area and source height.

In the same direction, however, it runs through the elongated village of Weil between the town center on the right and the newer settlement areas on the left, and passes another quarter-hectare-sized lake on Seestrasse. Already a little before the last houses in Weil it flows open and accompanied by wood with ever stronger short changes of direction about eastward in a meadow-shaped hollow, past the town's sewage treatment plant and later the Totenbachmühle almost 100 meters to the left of the course, whose formerly open mill canal is today no longer exists and where the forest begins on this side of the stream. Immediately after this it flows through the 1.1 ha large flood retention basin Segelbach , with the dam also crosses the L 1050 leading from Weil to Waldenbuch and then runs longer through a forest area that extends from the upper Aich in the north over the ridge of the Weiler Berg (up to 438.2  m above sea level ) to the left of the Seitenbach up over it and up to the rice heap on the slope of the Horn on the right ( 479.1  m above sea level ).

Immediately after entering the forest, the Reishaldenbach, which mostly still runs in the open corridor, flows in from the southwest, a little after which the stream, which then flows in a narrow meadow, turns back to east-northeast. Right lead from the hillside forest four more, short and usually only unstable water-carrying blades  brooks. The next larger tributary, Greutbach, from the south-south-west, on the other hand, has a valley on the middle and lower reaches, it flows into a lonely property.

About half a kilometer further down the valley, the forest breaks out on the right slope, the stream reaches the outskirts of the small town of Waldenbuch and the forest also ends on the left slope. At the end of the sack of the street Im Seitenbach, a mill canal goes off to the left, which leads through the town to a canal that also runs to the right of the Aich. A little after the stream has crossed Tübinger Strasse (L 1208), it also disappears underground and then takes on the previously mentioned covered Aich side canal from the left under Bahnhofstrasse, here already on the east side. In its last few meters, Immenbach, which will soon be ruined in the urban area, flows into it from the south . Then the Seitenbach flows across from the fire department store in Bahnhofstraße from the right and at about 343  m above sea level. NHN into the Aich, which ends its north loop around the Waldenbuch city center and then continues eastwards .

The Seitenbach flows after its 9.4 km long course with an average bed gradient of around 16 ‰ about 152 meters below its origin in the Schaichhofsee.

Catchment area

The Seitenbach has a catchment area of ​​12.6 km², which naturally lies around the upper and middle reaches in the lower area of ​​the Holzgerlinger Platte and around the lower reaches in the lower area of ​​the Nördlicher Schönbuch of the Schönbuch . His at 518.3  m above sea level. NHN reaches the highest point at its western tip just in the area of ​​the municipality of Altdorf on the summit of the field hill Hohloh , which overlooks the origin of the longer left upper course Lachentalgraben in the area of ​​the town of Holzgerlingen .

A large part of the catchment area on both sides of the upper and middle runners belongs to the municipality of Weil im Schönbuch , with the exception of the already mentioned peripheral gussets of Altdorf and Holzgerlingen in the west and also a peripheral gusset of Dettenhausen in the south. There is almost no forest in this entire area and, in addition to fields, there is a large proportion of settlements. To the east of this, beyond the natural boundary to Schönbach, begins the closed forest and the area of ​​the city of Waldenbuch , about as large as that of Weil and in its lower half again dominated by open fields and settlement areas.

The catchment areas of the following neighboring water bodies border on that of the Seitenbach, which, with the exception of one, are also tributaries of the Seitenbach receiving stream Aich :

  • In the northwest the Eschelbach flows as the first significant tributary to this;
  • in the north the Aischbach drains to her;
  • in the northeast of the Fäulbach ;
  • in the east the Brunnenbach ;
  • beyond the entire southern border, the runoff reaches the largest Aich tributary, the Sheikh, partly via its left tributaries . This flows - in the southwest often very close, in the southeast rather far away - in about the same direction as the Seitenbach.
  • Only in the west borders the catchment area of ​​the Erlesgraben for a short section , a tributary of the right upper reaches Altdorfer Würm of the Würm , which flows over the Nagold and the Enz far down the Aich into their receiving water Neckar ; this section of the total watershed across the Hohloh is hydrologically the most important.

Tributaries and lakes

Hierarchical list of tributaries and RiverIcon-SmallLake.svglakes from source to mouth. Length of water, lake area, catchment area and altitude according to the corresponding layers on the LUBW online map. Other sources for the information are noted.

Origin of the side stream at about 495  m above sea level. NHN at the Schaichsee .

  • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgFlows at about 495  m above sea level. NHN the Schaichhofsee between the B 464 and the western edge of Weil im Schönbuch, under 0.3 ha.
  • Lachentalbach , from the left and west to about 479  m above sea level. NHN near the Weil im Schönbuch-Troppel stop of the Schönbuchbahn, 2.2 km and 1.0 km². Arises at about 511  m above sea level. NHN between Holzgerlingen and the associated domain Schaichhof .
    The course of the river Seltenbach is only 1.6 km up to this tributary and drains a partial catchment area of ​​only 0.6 km².
  • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgDrains a lake at about 457  m above sea level. NHN on the Seestrasse of Weil im Schönbuch, less than 0.3 hectares.
    At least from the following lower town limit of Weil im Schönbuch, the stream bears the name Totenbach .
  • (Hangbach from the Geigersklinge ), from the right and south to about 414  m above sea level. NHN between the sewage treatment plant and the Totenbachmühle residential area in Weil, at most 0.3 km and approx. 0.3 km².
  • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgFlows through at about 398  m above sea level. NHN the Segelbach flood retention basin after the Totenbachmühle from Weil im Schönbuch, 1.1 ha in permanent storage.
  • Reishaldenbach , from the right and southwest to 385.6  m above sea level. NHN about 200 meters after the dam of the retention basin, 1.2 km and 1.2 km². Rises from a source below 455  m above sea level. NHN below a hamlet of Aussiedlerhof on the Reishalde.
    The brook is named Segelbach after this tributary .
  • (Four unstable water-bearing razor brooks), from right and south to east, 0.2–0.6 km. The last and by far the longest opens at 369.9  m above sea level. NHN .
  • Greutbach , from the right and west southwest to 357.4  m above sea level. NHN about 0.4 km before the first house in Waldenbuch, 1.1 km and 1.0 km². Rises at about 462  m above sea level. NHN on the wooded northeast spur of the rice heap .
    From this tributary onwards the brook is called Seitenbach .
  • → (exit of a mill canal), to the left to a little below 350  m above sea level. NHN at the house Im Seitenbach 8 in Waldenbuch. Opens at the house Auf dem Graben 16 below 345  m above sea level. NHN from the right into the Mühlkanal to the Stadtmühle, 0.3 km. Most or all of it.
  • (Inflow of the Mühlkanal to the Stadtmühle), from the left and west on Vorderen Seestrasse 19, 0.6 km. Most or all of the canal is pitted.
  • Immenbach , from the right and west-southwest to about 343  m above sea level. NHN a few meters before the mouth of the Seitenbach, 3.0 km and 2.1 km². Rises at about 460  m above sea level. NHN in the forest below the large Braunäcker clearing .
    • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgAt about 478  m above sea level. NHN is close to the origin of the Braunackersee forest pool , 0.1 ha.
    • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgFlows through below 390  m above sea level. NHN the usual empty flood retention basin Bonholz , built in 1986, just before Waldenbuch, for which the Bonholzstrasse dam serves as a 9 m high dam, behind which up to 15,100 m³ of flood water can be held back, which flow away uncontrolled.

Mouth of the side stream from the right and finally west to about 343  m above sea level. NHN at Bahnhofstrasse 12 in Waldenbuch in the middle Aich . The stream is 9.3 km long and has a 12.6 km² catchment area.


Geologically, the catchment area shows a clear dichotomy. The Black Jura of the Holtgerlinger Platte lies in the west as well as in the central part on the heights surrounding the valley, while the Keuper of the Northern Schönbuch lies in the east, near the mouth . The two source brooks that merge in Weil run in strips of Holocene runoff masses, around which loess sediment (loess loam) from Quaternary deposits is superimposed on the Black Jurassic. From the center of Weil im Schönenbuch is then available in the basin the Angulatensandstein formation of the black Jura, the same in the area of the lake Psilonotenton formation follows. A little after the end of the village, the third hollow wedge of the tuber marl ( Trossingen formation ) begins , which further and further deviates from the valley floor, on which Holocene floodpillings now lie on the left as far as the Segelbach flood retention basin. Earlier on the left side of the basin the Stubensandstein ( Löwenstein formation ) sets in , above which the marl ends at the top, while on the right slope of the valley there is still long loess sediment under the marl layers on this side of the ridge down to the run. From the Greutbach inflow, the Stubensandstein dominates on the right, the floodplain clay band surrounding the stream merges into the wider band on the right of the Aich in Waldenbuch.

Nature and protected areas

From its origin at the Schaichsee until shortly after Weil, the Seitenbach is classified as rich in coarse material , then as a carbonate low mountain stream rich in fine material up to its mouth . A gallery forest accompanies it from the lower settlement boundary from Weil to the Segelbach retention basin on its winding course, which is very close to nature. From there, the stream bed has gravelly to sandy sediment and shows some pools in the course. After the reservoir, the bed is two to six meters wide and mainly accompanied by black alder and ash. One of the spring streams from the right slope forest running into this area has formed tufa limestone steps.

The majority of the lower catchment area is in landscape protection areas . The Glemswald conservation area begins below Weil in the valley basin, which then expands to the ridge heights on both sides. At the municipal boundary from Weil to the town of Waldenbuch on the lower Reishaldenbach, it meets the nature reserve Waldenbuch / Steinenbronn , which from there encompasses the area on the right side of the Seitenbach up to the settlement boundary of Waldenbuch.


The Seitenbacher company named itself after the Seitenbach.

Individual evidence


Official online waterway map with a suitable section and the layers used here: Course and catchment area of ​​the Seitenbach
General introduction without default settings and layers: State Institute for the Environment Baden-Württemberg (LUBW) ( notes )

  1. a b c Height according to the contour line image on the background layer topographic map .
  2. a b c d Height according to black lettering on the background layer topographic map .
  3. a b c d Height according to the blue lettering on the background layer topographic map .
  4. a b c Length according to the waterway network layer ( AWGN ) .
  5. a b Catchment area summed up from the sub-catchment areas according to the basic catchment area layer (AWGN) .
  6. Section names of the Seitenbach after the labeling on the background layer topographic map or after the layer water body , supported by corresponding topographical names or a street name.
  7. Lake area after the layer standing waters .
  8. ↑ Catchment area according to the basic catchment area layer (AWGN) .
  9. a b Length measured on the background layer topographic map .
  10. ↑ Catchment area measured on the background layer topographic map .
  11. Data of the Bonholz flood retention basin after the dam layer .
  12. River type according to the relevant layer
  13. Protected areas according to the relevant layers, nature partly according to the biotope layer .

Other evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Huttenlocher , Hansjörg Dongus : Geographical land survey: The natural spatial units on sheet 170 Stuttgart. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1949, revised 1967. →  Online map (PDF; 4.0 MB)
  2. Geology according to the layers for Geological Map 1: 50,000 on: Map server of the State Office for Geology, Raw Materials and Mining (LGRB) ( notes )
  3. The voice for muesli


  • Topographic map 1: 25,000 Baden-Württemberg, as single sheet No. 7320 Böblingen

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