Siegmar zu Dohna-Schlobitten

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Friedrich Siegmar Graf zu Dohna-Schlobitten (born December 29, 1818 in Bonn , † February 21, 1909 in Charlottenburg ) was a Prussian lieutenant general .



Siegmar was a son of the Prussian Field Marshal Friedrich zu Dohna-Schlobitten (1784-1859) and his wife Julie, née von Scharnhorst (1788-1827). The Prussian reformer Gerhard von Scharnhorst was his grandfather.

Military career

Trained by his father, Dohna volunteered in the Guard Dragoons Regiment of the Prussian Army on March 26, 1837 and was promoted to second lieutenant until mid-January 1838 . For further training he was assigned to the General War School from October 1, 1842 to September 30, 1845 . After his return he was used from March 1, 1848 to January 5, 1849 as a regimental adjutant and in the meantime rose to prime lieutenant . From 1849 to 1851 Dohna was assigned to the topographic office and from April 1 to June 15, 1853 to command the tribe of the 1st and 2nd Guard Landwehr Cavalry Regiments. This was followed by his command to the Great General Staff , to which he was transferred on November 1, 1853 after his promotion to Rittmeister . From there he came on May 22, 1854 to the General Staff of III. Army Corps , from where he was in turn commanded from April 13 to June 13, 1857 to serve in the 3rd Hussar Regiment . On May 30, 1857, Dohna became a major in the General Staff without a patent . On August 11, 1857, he was appointed commander of the 1st Squadron and Chief of the 2nd Company in the Regiment of the Gardes du Corps, when he was granted the patent for his rank . At the end of May 1858 he was promoted to the regimental staff as a regular staff officer.

For the duration of the mobilization on the occasion of the Sardinian War , Dohna was in 1859 commander of the 1st Guards Landwehr Cavalry Regiment and after demobilization he led this association until he returned to his position as a regular staff officer in mid-November 1859. This was followed by his appointment as commander of the East Prussian Cuirassier Regiment No. 3 in Königsberg on May 12, 1860 . In this capacity Dohna was promoted to lieutenant colonel on October 18, 1861, and on December 8, 1861, he received the Commendation of Honor of the Oldenburg House and Merit Order of Duke Peter Friedrich Ludwig . On July 25, 1864 he was promoted to colonel , took part in the battles near Trautenau and Königgrätz during the war against Austria in 1866 and received the swords for the Order of the Red Eagle III for his work . Class. Under position à la suite , Dohna was appointed commander of the 16th Cavalry Brigade on October 30, 1877 and promoted to major general on March 22, 1868 . In the same capacity he was active from July 28, 1868 in the 13th Cavalry Brigade .

During the mobilization on the occasion of the war against France Dohna was on July 18, 1870 commander of the mobile 7th Cavalry Brigade , which he led in the battle of Colombey , Noisseville , Amiens , Hallue , Bapaume and St. Quentin . He was also at the enclosure of Metz , the battles at Sapigny (January 2, 1871) and Pouilly (January 23, 1871) and the pursuit of Cambray. Awarded both classes of the Iron Cross , Dohna returned to his position as commander of the 13th Cavalry Brigade after the peace agreement on May 23, 1871. On November 16, 1872 he was put up for disposal with the character of lieutenant general and pension . On January 19, 1896, he received the crown medal, 2nd class with a star.

Dohna was an honorary knight of the Order of St. John . He died unmarried on February 21, 1909 in Charlottenburg and was buried in the Invalidenfriedhof on February 24, 1909 .


  • The Donins. Records of the Dohna family's extinct lineages . 4 volumes, Berlin 1877–1886. ( Volume 1 )
  • Excerpts from the family history writings. The Donins and the Dohnas. Sittenfeld, Berlin 1887 ( digitized version )
