Simon Friedrich Schill

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Simon Friedrich Schill

Simon Friedrich Schill (born March 30, 1834 in Osthofen ; † August 25, 1921 there ) was a farmer, winemaker, entrepreneur, mayor and member of the state parliament.

Professional background

Schill was born as the son of the farmer and winemaker Valentin Schill (born June 22, 1811 in Osthofen, † April 8, 1879 there) and his wife Susanne Margarete, née Grün (born October 25, 1811 in Eppelsheim, † March 24, 1874 in Osthofen ), born in his parents' house on Tempelgasse in Osthofen . After training as a cooper and winemaker , he went on a journey to Switzerland and France. After his return, he acquired the house in Osthofen at Mainzer Strasse 7 (today Ludwig-Schwamb-Strasse 9), directly adjacent to the family's new headquarters at Mainzer Strasse 9, which he had acquired in 1838, and started malt production there in 1859 . He supplied the breweries with the malt producedin the neighborhood. From humble beginnings, a flourishing company developed over the years, which today is one of the leading malthouses in Germany and continues to operate under the name Schill Malz .

Simon Friedrich Schill (right) with cousin Jakob Gruen et al. at the Niagra Suspension Bridge USA / Canada in July 1883

Simon Friedrich Schill gave up the cooperage to expand the malt house. He also ran agriculture and viticulture and started the wine trade . The first export of Osthofen wine to the USA took place as early as 1862. The wine trade in the USA was promoted by the Gruen cousins ​​in St. Louis . The third cousin Dietrich Gruen founded one of the largest American watch manufacturers in Cincinnati (Ohio) in the following years under the name Gruen Watch Co. Viticulture was continued by descendants of the family until the beginning of the 21st century. Today the Osthofen vineyard, Leckzapfen, with the Leckzapfen Castle , a landmark of the Osthofen wine town, is still owned by the family. The former winery continues today as a renowned gourmet restaurant and country hotel.

"Leckzapfen" vineyard house in Osthofen

Political career

In 1883 Simon Friedrich Schill was elected mayor of his home town Osthofen and held this office for nine years until 1892. The district of Worms sent the highly respected Osthofen resident in 1899 as a national-liberal member of the state parliament. At the constituent session of the second chamber of the 32nd state parliament of the Grand Duchy of Hesse on November 24, 1902, Simon Friedrich Schill is listed as a member.


From the marriage of Simon Friedrich Schill to his wife Barbara, called Babette, geb. Grittmann (born March 30, 1838 in Osthofen, † August 5, 1900 in Andernach) had five children. The third, Carl Schill (born November 5, 1862 in Osthofen, † October 22, 1944 there) later took over the business of his father, achieved a certain fame as a gymnastics father and was appointed to Kommerzienrat in 1915 by the Grand Duke of Hesse and Rhein Ernst Ludwig .


  • Brigitte Kazenwadel-Drews: Osthofen: a tour through history , Heidelberg 2006, ISBN 3000193782
  • Jochen Lengemann : MdL Hessen. 1808-1996. Biographical index (= political and parliamentary history of the state of Hesse. Vol. 14 = publications of the Historical Commission for Hesse. Vol. 48, 7). Elwert, Marburg 1996, ISBN 3-7708-1071-6 , p. 330.
  • Klaus-Dieter Rack, Bernd Vielsmeier: Hessian MPs 1820–1933. Biographical evidence for the first and second chambers of the state estates of the Grand Duchy of Hesse 1820–1918 and the state parliament of the People's State of Hesse 1919–1933 (= Political and parliamentary history of the State of Hesse. Vol. 19 = Work of the Hessian Historical Commission. NF Vol. 29) . Hessian Historical Commission, Darmstadt 2008, ISBN 978-3-88443-052-1 , No. 762.
  • Willi Ruppert: The story of the seven generations of Schill in Osthofen , on the establishment of the malt house 125 years ago, self-published in 1984

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Willi Ruppert: The story of the seven generations of Schill in Osthofen , 1984
  2. Schill Malz website of the company
  3. Gruen.Watch German-language site for collectors of Gruen watches
  4. Hof- und Staats-Handbuch des Großherzogtums Hessen , Staatsverlag, Darmstadt 1904, p. 105