Slavic Serbian

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Slavonic-Serbian (Serb славеносрпски / slavenosrpski ) is a Slavic script language that of the mid-18th century to the beginning of the 19th century by the formed Serb mainly urban population in the Vojvodina was used.

Origin and structure

The language situation in the Slavia Orthodoxa area , i.e. those Slavic-speaking areas whose population practiced the Eastern Church rite , was a classic diglossia situation until the 18th century : the traditional high-level language Church Slavonic (in the respective local editorial offices) was opposed to the local dialects, which were not were literate. This situation was also true for the Serbs in Vojvodina: Here, however, was a high-level language is not the original Serbian Church Slavonic used but the normalized strongest and most prestigious at that time Russian Church Slavonic . One important reason was the refusal of many printing works in the Habsburg-dominated South Slavic regions to print texts in Cyrillic. For this reason, the Russian Empire was approached in 1721 , and the request for support was granted. The Russian-Church Slavonic was, however, only partially suitable for use in certain non-religious domains of social life such as the press or fiction. Because of this, a mixed language of Russian-Church Slavonic, Serbian dialect features and Russian elements was created, which is referred to as Slavic Serbian. Secular printed matter such as the Slaveno-Serbian magazine (Славено-Сербскій Магазинъ) was written in this language .

The artificial and difficult-to-understand character of Slavic Serbian was rejected by the romantic ideal, Vuk Karadžić , so that in the 19th century the modern Serbian written language, true to its motto "Write as you speak", developed purely on the basis of dialects and Church Slavonic (and so that Slavoserbian) heritage was neglected.

Web links and literature

  • Anna Kretschmer: On the methodology of examining older Slavic written texts (using the example of Slavic Serbian literature) . Sagner, Munich 1989, ISBN 3-87690-425-0 , ( Slavic contributions 241), (At the same time: Bochum, Univ., Diss., 1988).
  • Anna Kretschmer: Slavic Serbian . In: Miloš Okuka (Ed.): Lexicon of the Languages ​​of the European East . Wieser, Klagenfurt et al. 2002, ISBN 3-85129-510-2 , ( Wieser Enzyklopädie des Europäische Ost 10), pp. 473–476, online (PDF file; 163 kB) .
  • Nikita I. Tolstoj : Literaturnyj jazyk serbov v konce XVIII - načale XIX v. In: Nikita I. Tolstoj: (Ed.): Izbrannye trudy . T. 2. Jazyki Russkoj Kul'tury, Moskva 1998, ISBN 5-7859-0017-3 , pp. 239-344.