Root list of Thurn and Taxis

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Root list of Thurn und Taxis with the people represented in Wikipedia and important links.


  1. Pagano von Taxis † before 1496
    1. Franz von Taxis (* around 1459 in Camerata Cornello , Italy; † between November 30 and December 20, 1517 in Brussels, Belgium)
    2. Janetto von Taxis (* around 1450 in Cornello near Bergamo; † 1517 or 1518 in Pisino / Istria)
    3. Ruggero von Taxis † 1514/1515
      1. Johann Baptista von Taxis (* around 1470 in Camerata Cornello near Bergamo; † October 16, 1541 July in Regensburg) ⚭ Christina von Wachtendonk zu Hemissem († 1561)
        1. Roger (* 1513 in Mechelen, † March 16, 1593 in Antwerp) Dr. jur., cleric, chancellor of the University of Leuven
        2. Francis II of Taxis (* around 1514, † between December 22 and 31, 1543 in Brussels )
        3. Raimond (* 1515 in Mechelen, † July 23, 1579 in Madrid) Spanish postmaster correyo major, cf. Schiller's Don Karlos
        4. Leonhard I von Taxis (* 1521 in Brussels, † May 5, 1612 ibid) 2nd successor as postmaster general
          1. Christina († after 1620), ⚭ on February 15, 1571 with Jan von der Noot († 1611)
          2. Lamoral von Taxis (* 1557; † July 7, 1624 in Brussels) ⚭ 1579 Genoveva von Taxis († 1628) daughter of the Augsburg postmaster Seraphin II. Von Taxis (* 1538; † in January 1582 in Augsburg)
            1. Leonhard II von Taxis (born July 5, 1594 in Brussels, † May 23, 1628 in Prague) ⚭ June 29, 1616 Countess Alexandrine de Rye , Comtesse de Varax
              1. Genoveva Anna (baptized April 16, 1618; † December 14, 1663), ⚭ July 8, 1637 with Sigismond Sfondrati , Spanish captain general of the artillery († 1652)
              2. Lamoral Claudius Franz von Thurn und Taxis (* February 14, 1621, † September 13, 1676), general inheritance postmaster since 1646, change of name to Thurn and Taxis in 1650
            2. Johann Franz, who died young
            3. a daughter Leonora (* 1587)
          3. Valeria (1573–1643), ⚭ on January 12, 1588 with Augustin de Herrera, Spanish governor of Gent († 1612), later a nun
          4. Margareta, ⚭ on February 5, 1596 with Diego Rodriguez de Olivarez, Governor of Nieuwpoort
        5. Ludwig († after January 10, 1568) ⚭ after 1541 with Anna Loosmans
        6. Johann Baptista (* 1530 in Brussels, † 1610 in Madrid) Spanish diplomat
        7. Ursula, nun
        8. Margareta († July 19, 1596) ⚭ with Karl Boissot, Imperial Councilor
        9. Maria († April 6, 1601) ⚭ with Daniel van den Berghe, Flemish council
        10. Adelheid († after 1599) ⚭ with Dr. jur. Jacob Masius, brother of Andreas Masius
        11. Regina, also Rosina († after January 10, 1568) ⚭ on March 3, 1551 with Christoph von Taxis , court postmaster
        12. Allegra, ⚭ with Johann Baptista Zapata, corriero maggiore (mail and courier master) in Naples
      2. Elisabeth († 1518) ⚭ Bonus von Bordogna (1482–1560), imperial postmaster of Trento, called Bordogna von Taxis since her son Lorenz I (1510–1559), first parents of the colonel hereditary postmaster Taxis-Bordogna-Valnigra with the Tasso branch from Saxe-Coburg and Braganza

Thurn and Taxis until the Reich was dissolved

  1. Lamoral Claudius Franz von Thurn and Taxis (1621–1676), postmaster general since 1646, 1660 change of name to Thurn and Taxis
    1. Eugen Alexander von Thurn and Taxis (1652–1714) ⚭ (I) Anna Adelheid von Fürstenberg-Heiligenberg (1659–1701), daughter of Hermann Egon Fürst von Fürstenberg-Heiligenberg ; ⚭ (II) Anna Augusta zu Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst (1675–1711), daughter of Ludwig Gustav zu Hohenlohe-Waldenburg in Schillingsfürst
      1. (I) Dorothea (1679–1681)
      2. (I) (son) (1680, died young)
      3. (I) Anselm Franz von Thurn und Taxis (1681–1739) ⚭ Maria Ludovika Anna von Lobkowicz (1683–1750), daughter of Ferdinand August Leopold von Lobkovicz
        1. Alexander Ferdinand von Thurn and Taxis (1704–1773) ⚭ (I) Sofie Christiane Louise von Brandenburg-Bayreuth (1710–1739), daughter of Margrave Georg Friedrich Karl (Brandenburg-Bayreuth) (1688–1735); ⚭ (II) Charlotte Louise de Lorraine, Comtesse de Lambesc († 1747); ⚭ (III) Maria Henriette Josepha von Fürstenberg-Stühlingen.
          1. Karl Anselm von Thurn und Taxis (1733–1805) ⚭ Auguste Elisabeth von Württemberg (1734–1787), daughter of Duke Karl Alexander (Württemberg) (1684–1737)
            1. Maria Theresia (1757–1776) ⚭ Reichsfürst Kraft Ernst zu Oettingen-Oettingen (1748–1802), son of Count Philipp Carl zu Oettingen-Wallerstein (1722–1766)
            2. Sophie Friederike von Thurn and Taxis (1758–1800) ⚭ (I) Prince Hieronim Wincenty Radziwiłł (1759–1786); ⚭ (II) NN Kazanowski; ⚭ (III) Count Ostrorog
            3. Franz Johann Nepomuk (1759-1760)
            4. Henrica Karolina (1762–1784) ⚭ Prince Johann Alois II of Oettingen-Oettingen (1758–1797), son of Prince Anton Ernst of Oettingen-Oettingen (1712–1768)
            5. Alexander Karl (1763–1763)
            6. Friederika Dorothea (1764)
            7. Karl Alexander von Thurn and Taxis (1770–1827) Therese Mathilde von Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1773–1839), daughter of Grand Duke Karl II. (Mecklenburg) (1741–1816) → Regensburg Line
            8. Maximilian Joseph von Thurn und Taxis (1769–1831) ⚭ Princess Maria Eleonore von Lobkowitz (1770–1834) → Bohemian Line
            9. Friedrich Johann (1772–1805), unmarried
        2. Maria Philippine Eleonore (1705-1706)
        3. Marie-Auguste von Thurn and Taxis (1706–1756) ⚭ Duke Karl Alexander (Württemberg) (1684–1737)
        4. Christian Adam Egon (1710-1745)
      4. Heinrich Franz (1682–1700)
      5. Anna Franziska (1683–1763) ⚭ on January 6, 1706 Count Franz Ernst zu Salm-Reifferscheidt-Dyck (1659–1727)
      6. Jakob Lamoral (mentioned 1696)
      7. Eleonora Ferdinanda (1685-1721)

Thurn and Taxis after the dissolution of the HRR

  1. Karl Alexander von Thurn und Taxis (1770–1827) ⚭ Therese Mathilde von Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1773–1839), daughter of Grand Duke Karl II. (Mecklenburg) (1741–1816)
    1. Charlotte Luise (1790)
    2. Georg Karl (1792–1795)
    3. Maria Theresia (1794–1874) ⚭ Prince Paul III. Anton Esterházy de Galantha (1786–1866)
    4. Luise Friederike (1798)
    5. Maria Sophia Dorothea (1800–1870) ⚭ Friedrich Paul Wilhelm Duke of Württemberg (1797–1860), son of Duke Eugen Friedrich Franz Heinrich von Württemberg (1758–1822)
    6. Maximilian Karl von Thurn and Taxis (1802–1871) ⚭ (I) Wilhelmine Caroline Christiane Henriette von Dörnberg; ⚭ (II) Mathilde Sophie, Princess of Oettingen-Oettingen
      1. Maximilian Anton von Thurn und Taxis (1831–1867) ⚭ Helene in Bayern (1834–1890), daughter of Duke Max Joseph in Bavaria (1808–1888)
        1. Louise von Thurn and Taxis (1859–1948) ⚭ Friedrich von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (1843–1904)
        2. Elisabeth von Thurn and Taxis (1860–1881) ⚭ Duke Michael von Braganza (1853–1927)
        3. Maximilian Maria von Thurn and Taxis (1862–1885)
        4. Albert von Thurn und Taxis (1867–1952) ⚭ Margarethe Klementine of Austria (1870–1955), daughter of Archduke Joseph Karl Ludwig of Austria (1833–1905)
          1. Franz Joseph von Thurn und Taxis (1893–1971) ⚭ Elisabeth von Braganza (1894–1970), daughter of Duke Michael von Braganza (1853–1927)
            1. Gabriel (1922–1942), killed near Stalingrad
          2. Karl August von Thurn und Taxis (1898–1982) ⚭ Maria Anna von Braganza (1899–1971), daughter of Duke Michael von Braganza (1853–1927)
            1. Clothilde Alberta Maria Franziska Xaveria Andrea (1922–2009) ⚭ Johann Moritz Prinz von und zu Liechtenstein (1914–2004), son of Alfred Roman von und zu Liechtenstein (1875–1930)
            2. Mafalda (1924–1989) ⚭ Franz von Thurn und Taxis (1915–1997), son of Erich Lamoral Hugo Egon Maria von Thurn and Taxis (1876–1952)
            3. Johannes von Thurn and Taxis (1926–1990) ⚭ Gloria von Thurn and Taxis (* 1960), daughter of Joachim Graf von Schönburg-Glauchau (1929–1998)
              1. Maria Theresia Ludowika Klothilde Helene Alexandra (* 1980) ⚭ 13 September 2014 Hugo Wilson (* 11 January 1982)
              2. Elisabeth Margarete Maria Anna Beatriz (* 1982)
              3. Albert Maria Lamoral Miguel Johannes Gabriel (* 1983)
            4. Albert (1930-1935)
          3. Ludwig Philipp Prinz von Thurn und Taxis (1901–1933) ⚭ Elisabeth von Luxemburg (1901–1950), daughter of Grand Duke Wilhelm IV. (Luxemburg) (1852–1912)
          4. Max Emanuel Prince of Thurn and Taxis (1902-1994), later Pater Emmeram OSB called
          5. Elisabeth Helene Princess von Thurn and Taxis (1903–1976) ⚭ Friedrich Christian von Sachsen (1893–1968)
          6. Raphael Rainer von Thurn and Taxis (1906–1993) ⚭ Margarete von Thurn and Taxis (1913–1997), daughter of Maximilian Theodor Egon Lamoral von Thurn and Taxis (1876–1939)
            1. Max Emanuel (* 1935) ⚭ Christa Princess von Thurn und Taxis (* 1941), b. Heinle
              1. Hubertus Raphael Franz Joseph Ulrich Maria Lamoral Prince of Thurn and Taxis (* 1973) married to Princess Marion von Thurn and Taxis (* 1971)
              2. David Raphael Max Emanuel Philipp Albert Lamoral, Prince of Thurn and Taxis (born June 16, 2011 in Fussen)
              3. Philipp Gabriel Franz Joseph Magnus Maria Lamoral Prince of Thurn and Taxis (* 1975), married since May 18, 2019 to Alessandra Charlotte Princess of Thurn and Taxis, b. Caspari (* 1984)
          7. Philipp Ernst Prince of Thurn and Taxis (1908–1964)
      2. Theodor Georg Maximilian Lamoral (1834–1876) ⚭ Melanie von Seckendorff (1841–1919)
        1. Maximilian Theodor Egon Lamoral (1876–1939) ⚭ Pauline von Metternich-Winneburg (1880–1960), daughter of Prince Paul Clemens Lothar von Metternich-Winneburg (1834–1906)
          1. Margarete (1913–1997) ⚭ Raphael Rainer von Thurn and Taxis (1906–1993), son of Albert von Thurn and Taxis (1867–1952)
    7. Friedrich Wilhelm (1805–1825), unmarried
  2. Maximilian Joseph von Thurn und Taxis (1769–1831) ⚭ Princess Maria Eleonore von Lobkowitz (1770–1834) → Bohemian Line

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Allmang, Georg: History of the former regular tertiary monastery St. Nikolaus. Fredebeul & Koenen, Essen, 1911; P. 124f.