Scholven power plant

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Scholven power plant
Scholven power plant
Scholven power plant
Scholven power plant (North Rhine-Westphalia)
Scholven power plant
Coordinates 51 ° 36 '10 "  N , 7 ° 0' 34"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 36 '10 "  N , 7 ° 0' 34"  E
country Germany
Type Steam power plant
Primary energy Fossil energy
fuel Hard coal
power 760 megawatts
owner Uniper Kraftwerke GmbH
operator Uniper Kraftwerke GmbH
Chimney height 302 m
Scholven power plant from the southwest
Cooling towers from the north
Scholven power station from the northwest
View from the Halde Haniel in Bottrop

The Scholven power plant is a power plant of Uniper Kraftwerke GmbH in the Scholven district of the city of Gelsenkirchen .

It still has an installed electrical output of 760  MW . Two power plant blocks at the site were fired with heating oil. In full operation, the power plant with a total output of 3,406 MW was next to the Boxberg power plant the most powerful German power plant and was considered one of the most powerful hard coal power plants in Europe. The plants produced 4.1 million tons of CO 2 in 2016 .

The remaining blocks B and C, the district heating power plant Buer (FWK) and the steam plant Scholven (DWS) supply steam to neighboring chemical companies and district heating to some surrounding towns. The electrical energy provided is fed into neighboring companies and into the Amprion network.

In the future, the power plant is to be converted from coal to natural gas , whereby the first step is to build a combined cycle power plant unit operated in cogeneration .

Power plant silhouette

The 302-meter-high chimneys , which are among the highest in Germany, together with the five cooling towers that still exist, form an impressive industrial backdrop. Therefore, the power plant site and the neighboring Oberscholven dump became the scene of the 1979 crime scene “Die Kugel im Leib”.

The power station used to have a total of five chimneys, one of which was identical to the southern chimney; another, of a lesser height than the remaining three, was assigned to block F alone. These were dismantled in 1992/93 due to the restructuring of the flue gas desulphurisation systems and the tower stumps, which can still be seen on current aerial photographs, were converted.

The two cooling towers to the north were blown up on August 10, 2008 because they could no longer be used after the oil-fired units G and H had been decommissioned.

The 67 m high and 43 m wide boiler house in Block G was blown up on January 17, 2010. The dismantling of units G and H is now largely complete.

A special feature is that the northernmost of the two chimneys also serves as a high-voltage pylon.


The power plant emerged from an operation to cover the Scholven colliery's own requirements for electricity and steam . A powerful large-scale power plant developed from this. In the years 1968 to 1971 the almost identical hard coal-fired power plant units B-E went into operation, in 1974 and 1975 the structurally identical oil-fired power plant units G and H (50% share of RWE Power) followed, in 1979 unit F and at the end of 1985 the district heating power plant Buer ( FWK). Block G was finally shut down in summer 2001 and Block H in summer 2003. The dismantling of the two blocks began at the end of 2007. The two cooling towers were blown up on August 10, 2008 at 12:17 p.m.

Units D to F were shut down at the end of December 2014; the remaining three blocks will run until the end of 2022.

Technical specifications

fuel Hard coal
  Oil blocks: heavy fuel oil
  Steam plant Scholven: heating oil EL
  Zweckel steam plant: HSR, HS
Gross output Block B - E each 380 MW
  Block F 740 MW
  Block G - H 672 MW each
Net power Block B - E each 345 MW
  Block F 676 MW
  Block G - H each 640 MW
  FWK 138 MW equivalent, of which 70 MW el.
Installation Block B 1968
  Block C 1969
  Block D 1970
  Block E 1971
  Block F 1979
  Block FWK 1985
  Block G 1974
  Block H 1975
  DWS 1973
  DWZ 1971
Shut down
fuel Hard coal
Net power Block D and E each 345 MW
  Block F 676 MW
Operating time Block D • 1970-2014
  Block E • 1971-2014
  Block F • 1979-2014
shut down and dismantled
fuel oil
Net power Block G and H each 640 MW
Operating time Block G • 1974-2001
  Block H • 1975-2003

Mains connection

The connection to the transmission system of Amprion is carried out at the blocks B-E on the 220 kV high voltage level, wherein the chimney Scholven B serves as a carrier of the outgoing from block D line and at the block F on the 380-kV level.

Emission of pollutants and greenhouse gases

Critics point to high emissions of the power plant Scholven nitrogen oxides , sulfur oxides , mercury and particulate matter on which cancer producing substances ( lead , cadmium , nickel , PAHs , dioxins and furans ) can adhere. A study commissioned by Greenpeace at the University of Stuttgart in 2013 came to the conclusion that the fine dusts emitted by the Scholven power plant in 2010 and the secondary fine dusts formed from sulfur dioxide , nitrogen oxide and NMVOC emissions statistically lead to 1,378 years of life lost. The Scholven power plant therefore ranks 8th on the list of “Germany's most health-damaging coal-fired power plants”.

In addition, in view of climate change, the CO 2 emissions of the power plant are criticized by environmental groups.

The Scholven power plant reported the following emissions in the European PRTR pollutant register :

Emissions from the Scholven power plant
Air pollutant PRTR emissions volume 2007 PRTR emissions volume in 2008 Emission quantity PRTR 2009 PRTR emissions volume 2010 PRTR emissions volume 2011 PRTR emissions volume 2012
Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) 12,600,000,000 kg 10,500,000,000 kg 9,730,000,000 kg 9,390,000,000 kg 9,140,000,000 kg 9,340,000,000 kg *
Nitrogen oxides ( NO x / NO 2 ) 9,260,000 kg 8,250,000 kg 4,460,000 kg 7,090,000 kg 6,820,000 kg 6,650,000 kg
Sulfur dioxide (as SO x / SO 2 ) 6,780,000 kg 4,570,000 kg 2,580,000 kg 4,330,000 kg 4,230,000 kg 4,070,000 kg
Carbon monoxide ( CO ) 501,000 kg 632,000 kg not specified not specified not specified not specified
Particulate matter ( PM10 ) 326,000 kg 276,000 kg 140,000 kg 244,000 kg 227,000 kg 213,000 kg
Mercury and compounds (as Hg ) 471 kg 461 kg 111 kg 135 kg 134 kg 144 kg
Nickel and compounds (as Ni ) 304 kg 298 kg 75 kg 86 kg 88 kg 110 kg
Arsenic and Compounds (as As ) 151 kg 133 kg 35 kg 51 kg 56 kg 47 kg
Copper and compounds (as Cu ) 124 kg 123 kg not specified not specified not specified 183 kg
Chromium and compounds (as Cr ) 128 kg 111 kg not specified not specified not specified not specified
Cadmium and Compounds (as Cd ) 24 kg 31 kg 19 kg 31 kg 30 kg 37 kg
* In the PRTR, the original information "934,000,000 kg CO 2 " is obviously missing a zero for 2012 (accessed on April 21, 2014)

No other typical pollutant emissions were reported, as they are only required to be reported in the PRTR from an annual minimum amount, e.g. B. Dioxins and furans from 0.0001 kg, copper and chromium from 100 kg, lead and zinc from 200 kg, ammonia and nitrous oxide (N 2 O) from 10,000 kg, volatile organic compounds except methane (NMVOC) from 100,000 kg and carbon monoxide from 500,000 kg.

The European Environment Agency has estimated the cost of damage to the environment and health of the 28,000 largest industrial plants in Europe on the basis of the emission data reported in the PRTR using the scientific methods of the European Commission. According to this, the Scholven power plant ranks 56th among the damage costs of all European industrial plants.

Environmental and health damage
cause Damage costs unit proportion of
Scholven power plant 272-411 Million Euros 0.3-0.4%
A total of 28,000 systems 102-169 billion euro 100%

See also

Web links

Commons : Kraftwerk Scholven  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Uniper is planning a new CHP plant at the Gelsenkirchen-Scholven location and abandons the project in Marl . In: Euwid Neue Energie , May 20, 2019. Retrieved May 20, 2019.
  2. IPTV video of the detonation ( Memento of the original from August 14, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Sabrina Steiling: Kettle blown up. WAZ media group , accessed January 25, 2010 .
  4. WAZ: Uniper will shut down the Scholven coal-fired power plant in two years
  5. Bundesnetzagentur power plant list (nationwide; all network and transformer levels) as of October 16, 2013 ( memento of December 11, 2013 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on November 18, 2013.
  6. Fine dust sources and damage caused , Federal Environment Agency (Dessau)
  7. Assessment of Health Impacts of Coal Fired Power Stations in Germany - by Applying EcoSenseWeb (English, PDF 1.2 MB) Philipp Preis / Joachim Roos / Prof. Rainer Friedrich, Institute for Energy Economics and Rational Use of Energy, University of Stuttgart , March 28, 2013
  8. Greenpeace: The ten most unhealthy coal-fired power plants in Germany (PDF 129 kB) ( Memento of the original from December 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. Coal electricity has no future - climate protection now! Internet information on electricity generation from coal-fired power plants, Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation Germany , accessed on April 21, 2014
  10. Energy Policy - Time is of the essence Internet information on the energy transition in Germany, WWF , accessed on April 21, 2014
  11. PRTR - European Emissions Register
  12. PRTR regulation 166/2006 / EC on the creation of a European pollutant release and transfer register and on the amendment of the Council Directives 91/689 / EEC and 96/61 / EC
  13. Cost-benefit analysis of air quality policy , Clean Air for Europe (CAFE) program, European Commission
  14. a b Revealing the costs of air pollution from industrial facilities in Europe , European Environment Agency , Copenhagen, 2011