Stelvio Massi

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Stelvio Massi (born March 26, 1929 in Civitanova Marche , † March 26, 2004 in Velletri ) was an Italian cameraman and film director .


From 1952 Massi was camera assistant to his uncle, Carmelo Petralia, and 10 years later became chief cameraman for numerous genre films, first with Ettore M. Fizzarotti , later for Tonino Valerii and Sergio Martino , among others . At the beginning of the 1970s he switched to the director's chair and made a name for himself as a director of action-oriented police films . He often worked with the actors Maurizio Merli and Tomás Milián .

Massi died on his 75th birthday. As a director he sometimes called himself Max Steel , as a cameraman Stefano Catalano . His son Danilo is also in the film business.


camera operator


  • 1974: Macrò
  • 1974: The Merciless Hunt (Squadra volante)
  • 1974: Day-Killer (5 donne per l'assassino)
  • 1975: Mark il poliziotto
  • 1975: The ultimatum expires (Mark il poliziotto spara per primo)
  • 1976: Killer of the Apocalypse (La legge violenta della squadra anticrimine)
  • 1976: The 44 Specialist (Mark colpisce ancora)
  • 1976: In the clutches of the Mafia (Il conto è chiuso)
  • 1977: The Gangster Academy (La banda del trucido)
  • 1977: The Pimp (Poliziotto senza paura)
  • 1977: Highway Racer (Poliziotto sprint)
  • 1978: Commissioner Mariani - Sentenced to death! (Il commissario di ferro)
  • 1978: Convoy Busters (Un poliziotto scomodo)
  • 1979: Speed ​​Cross - two give full throttle (Speed ​​Cross)
  • 1979: Hunted City (Sbirro, la tua legge è lenta… la mia… no!)
  • 1980: The Speed ​​Driver
  • 1980: Two tough professionals (Poliziotto solitudine e rabbia)
  • 1984: TIR (TV series)
  • 1984: Torna
  • 1984: Guapparia
  • 1986: Mondo cane 3 (Mondo cane oggi)
  • 1987: Due assi per un turbo (TV movie)
  • 1987: Eroi dell'inferno
  • 1987: Black Cobra (Cobra nero)
  • 1988: Black Cobra II - used in Manila (Cobra nero 2)
  • 1988: Taxi Killer
  • 1988: Mondo Cane 4 (Mondo cane 2000 l'incredibile)
  • 1989: Droga sterco di Dio
  • 1989: Black Angel (Arabella l'angelo nero)
  • 1992: L'urlo della verità
  • 1993: High Risk ( Alto rischio )
  • 1994: Balkan Runner (La pista bulgara)
  • 1994: War Dogs - On a murderous mission (Il quinto giorno)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roberto Poppi: Dizionario del cinema italiano, I Registi, Gremese 2002, p. 277