Stephan Steinlein

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Stephan Steinlein (born May 3, 1961 in Finsterwalde , Cottbus district , GDR ) is a German diplomat and has headed the Office of the Federal President since March 2017 . Before that he was a permanent state secretary in the Federal Foreign Office .


Stephan Steinlein grew up in the GDR and studied from 1980 to 1987 at the theological college " Sprachenkonvikt " in East Berlin , completed his vicariate from 1987 to 1989 and then worked for a year as a doctoral student with Wolfgang Ullmann . In 1990 he was the last ambassador of the GDR in Paris for a short time .

In 1991 he switched to the Federal Republic of Germany's Foreign Service and was initially trained at the Foreign Office's training facility in Bonn and then until 1994 as a consultant for Central and Eastern Europe . After that he was press officer at the German embassy in Warsaw until 1997 . This was followed by a position as a speaker in the press department of the Foreign Office until 1999.

In 1999 he was initially press officer for Frank-Walter Steinmeier and in 2002 his office manager in the Federal Chancellery . In 2005 he became office manager and head of the management staff in the Foreign Ministry after Steinmeier had been appointed Foreign Minister of the grand coalition . After the federal election in 2009 , he succeeded Steinmeier again as office manager, who had become chairman of the SPD parliamentary group after this election .

After Steinmeier was appointed Foreign Minister for the second time in 2013, Steinlein became State Secretary in the Federal Foreign Office in January 2014.

With the election of Frank-Walter Steinmeier as Federal President , Steinlein was appointed Head of the Office of the Federal President. He has therefore been the highest-ranking civil servant state secretary in Germany since March 2017 .


Steinlein is married and has four children.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Südwest Presse Online-Dienst GmbH: About the person: Stephan Steinlein, the right hand of the president . In: . March 17, 2017 ( [accessed March 27, 2017]).
  2. The Federal President / work areas. Retrieved March 27, 2017 .
  3. a b c d e Stephan Steinlein - State Secretary of the Foreign Office. Federal Foreign Office, archived from the original on October 18, 2016 ; accessed on May 25, 2020 .
  4. The Federal President / work areas. Retrieved March 27, 2017 .