Valleys of Schwarza, Mettma, Schlücht, Steina

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FFH area
"Valleys of Schwarza, Mettma, Schlücht, Steina"
Mettma waterfall in Ühlingen-Birkendorf

Mettma waterfall in Ühlingen-Birkendorf

location Schluchsee in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district and Bonndorf in the Black Forest , Grafenhausen , Häuser , Höchenschwand , Stühlingen , Weilheim , Waldshut-Tiengen and Ühlingen-Birkendorf in the Waldshut district in Baden-Württemberg , Germany
Identifier DE-8315-341
WDPA ID 555522208
Natura 2000 ID DE8315341
FFH area 38.268 km²
Geographical location 47 ° 43 ′  N , 8 ° 16 ′  E Coordinates: 47 ° 42 ′ 41 ″  N , 8 ° 16 ′ 9 ″  E
Valleys of Schwarza, Mettma, Schlücht, Steina (Baden-Württemberg)
Valleys of Schwarza, Mettma, Schlücht, Steina
Setup date January 1, 2005
administration Regional council Freiburg

The FFH area Täler von Schwarza, Mettma, Schlücht, Steina is a protected area (protected area identifier DE-8315-341) registered in 2005 by the Freiburg Regional Council according to Directive 92/43 / EEC (Fauna-Flora-Habitat Directive) German state Baden-Wuerttemberg . With the ordinance of the regional council of Freiburg on the definition of areas of Community importance of October 25, 2018, the area was determined.


The 3826.8 hectare protected area belongs to the natural areas 120- Alb-Wutach-area and 155- Hochschwarzwald within the natural spatial main units 12 Gäuplatten in Neckar- and Tauberland and 15- Black Forest .

It consists of several sub-areas and lies on the markings of nine cities and municipalities:

Description and purpose of protection

There are four deeply cut gorges, some of which are very close to nature, as a habitat network for river and brook biocoenoses, which are characterized by canyon forests, rocks, block heaps, fir-beech forests, raised and transitional moors, acid fens and meadows.

Habitat classes

(general characteristics of the area) (percentage of total area)

Information according to the standard data sheet from the Official Journal of the European Union

N07 - inland waters (standing and flowing)
N09 - dry grassland, steppes
1 %
N10 - Moist and mesophilic grassland
8th %
N16 - deciduous forest
N17 - coniferous forest
N19 - mixed forest
N23 - Miscellaneousn

Habitat types

According to Appendix 1 of the ordinance of the Freiburg Regional Council on the definition of areas of community importance (Habitats Ordinance) of October 25, 2018, the following habitat types according to Annex I of the Habitats Directive occur in the area:

Habitat type (official name) Short name Hectares
3150 Natural eutrophic lakes with magnopotamion or hydrocharition vegetation Natural nutrient-rich lakes 3.00
3260 Rivers of the planar to montane level with vegetation of the Ranunculion fluitantis and the Callitricho-Batrachion Running waters with flooding aquatic vegetation 50.00
5130 Formations of Juniperus communis on limestone heaths and lawns Juniper Heath 3.60
6210 Near-natural dry lime lawns and their stages of shrubbery (Festuco Brometalia) Lime grassland 22.30
6230 Species-rich montane nebulas (and submontane on mainland Europe) on silicate soils Species-rich bristle grass lawn 4.00
6410 Pipe grass meadows on lime-rich soil, peaty and clayey-silty soils (Molinion caeruleae) Pipe grass meadows 2.30
6430 Moist tall herbaceous vegetation of the planar and montane to alpine levels Moist tall herbaceous vegetation 60.76
6510 Lean lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis) Lean, lowland hay meadows 98.00
6520 Mountain hay meadows Mountain hay meadows 70.00
7110 Living raised bogs Near-natural raised bogs 1.00
7220 Tufa springs (cratoneurion) Tufa springs 1.00
7230 Lime-rich fens Lime-rich fens 0.50
8150 Siliceous debris heaps in the mountainous areas of Central Europe Silicate debris heaps 25.00
8210 Limestone cliffs with crevice vegetation Limestone cliffs with crevice vegetation 0.80
8220 Silicate rocks with crevice vegetation Silicate rocks with crevice vegetation 10.00
8230 Silicate rocks with pioneer vegetation of the Sedo-Scleranthion or the Sedo albi-Veronicion dillenii Pioneer lawn on silicate rock tops 1.00
9110 Grove beech forest (Luzulo-Fagetum) Grove beech forest 78.60
9130 Woodruff beech forest (Asperulo-Fagetum) Woodruff beech forest 379.30
9150 Central European orchid-lime-beech forest (Cephalanthero-Fagion) Orchid beech forests 6.40
9170 Bedstraw-oak-hornbeam forest Galio-Carpinetum Bedstraw-oak-hornbeam forest 2.10
9180 Tilio-Acerion canyon and slope mixed forests Mixed ravine and hillside forests 179.20
9410 Montane to alpine acidic spruce forests (Vaccinio-Piceetea) Acidic coniferous forests 41.90
91D0 Bog forests Bog forests 7.30
91E0 Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) Alluvial forests with alder, ash, willow 48.80

Contiguous protected areas

The FFH area consists of several sub-areas, it partially overlaps with three landscape protection areas and is located entirely in the Southern Black Forest Nature Park .

The nature reserves

lie within the FFH area.

See also

Web links